Anyone else need to find their balance?

Balance is a funny thing…and much harder to achieve than I thought. For years, I’ve been gaining and losing weight, going from one extreme to another. I think I may not be the only one here who struggles with this?
Last year, in just a few short months, I went from being in the shape of my life to being the heaviest I’ve ever been. And I couldn’t stand it anymore. I was getting frustrated looking at myself in the mirror, tired of trying to squeeze my behind into a pair of jeans that didn’t fit any longer and definitely fed up with dreading a visit to the gym instead of looking forward to the stress relief that came with working out like I used to.

I have committed to working my way back down to my ideal body. For me that means 163lbs with approx. 23% body fat. I am currently at 186lbs and 37% body fat. To me, the actual weight isn’t that important – it’s the lean muscle mass vs. body fat that matter most to me and I found that with my tall frame (5’9”) and broad build I feel the best in the 160 to 165lbs range. This is different for everyone, so no judging my friends :)

So here it is. 2013. My year of balance. I will work my way back to that body I used to have and will maintain it. No more crazy ups and downs. Get there, and stay there! That’s my goal this year.

Is anyone else interested in similar goals? I would love to connect with people that look for motivation but can also be motivators. People that set their goals, commit fully, and then go after them. Guys and girls that choose a healthy, real food diet, instead of relying heavily on shakes and processed pre-packaged diet meals. People that are interested in making long-term changes instead of trying to find quick fixes.

I am fully aware and respectful of the fact that everybody has their own journey and chooses their own “means of transportation” (read diet) to get to where they want to be. What works for me might not ever work for someone else and vice versa. I am not saying I am right, you are wrong or you are right and I am wrong. I just know what works best for me and my body. So what I am looking for here is a motivated bunch of peeps that believes in a similar nutrition style as I do. I simply find support networks more meaning- and impactful when everyone shares common goals and strategies.

…and this just turned out to be a way longer post than I anticipated it to be. Ah well, go with the flow, right? Thanks for making it this far :)

So who else it out there looking to find that balance, that sweet spot where you look and feel amazing and are able to actually maintain it for (hopefully) the rest of your life? I am looking forward to meeting you!


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I totally get what you're saying. I've ran 1/2 marathons in the past and worked out diligently for a while and ate healthy. For some reason all at once I stopped working out and started eating garbage. Don't get me wrong, I still love fried food and stuff that it totally unhealthy for you (I just binged on some sliders today for lunch :P). But for some reason this new year has not only inspired me to start working out again, but cooking good, and healthy foods.

    I find myself these days trying to figure out how to maximize my workouts and decrease my down time. I still enjoy eating, but rather than snacking on junk food, I turned to to carrots for some reason. I don't know why things are coming together at this point in my life regarding health, but it has ... and I'm planning to ride the wave.
  • ronja2
    ronja2 Posts: 36
    That's great! Keep riding that wave.

    I think our bodys are well capable of telling us exactly what they need. We just need to (re-) learn how to listen and respond to it. So if your body wants carrots instead of doritos, awesome! And if that leads you to go shopping in the fresh produce section instead of the classic snack section, even better.