College girl trying to survive the buffet-style dining halls

Usually, I'm pretty good about staying away from desserts. However, out of the blue two weeks ago I got a HUGE craving for sweets and decided to satisfy it. I've been satisfying the craving for two weeks now, and I'm trying to wean off of the sweets but my commitment seems to wane when I go to the dining halls (which are buffet style). As soon as I pass the dessert bar (and it's pretty huge), I seem to have an out-of-body experience and before you know it I've had WAY too much and feel incredibly guilty about it. Even though I feel guilty about and resolve not to do it the next day, I still do anyway and the cycle just keeps repeating itself. What do you suggest I do to break out of this vicious cycle?


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    How about go get your appropriate foods and take them to your room? No more in-your-face desserts or even extra other foods.
  • crbf
    crbf Posts: 58 Member
    How about go get your appropriate foods and take them to your room? No more in-your-face desserts or even extra other foods.

  • J_sparkle
    J_sparkle Posts: 19 Member
    Well, we weren't allowed to take food out of the dining hall at the school I went to. So, that would'nt have been an option for me. My best advice would be to drink a big glass of water....wait a few minutes..uh, or 10 (this works for me) and hopefully by then you've fought your inner self and no longer MUST have that dessert. I understand....those dining halls sure do make it hard.

    Also, maybe you've got a good group of dorm-mates that are good influences and can help you stay on track (and I would guess you're not the only one struggling....maybe you opening up about this would help them, too).
  • kelp99
    kelp99 Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe take some sugar-free gum [the wrigley's dessert flavors are pretty good] with you for when you're done with your main meal. That way you satisfy the sweet craving without the calories/sugar.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    stay away from desserts. drink alot of milk and salads all day :)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    load up on the salad, yo!
  • freedomischaos
    freedomischaos Posts: 25 Member
    You have to want this [the weight loss, the sexy outfits, everything] it more than you want the next dessert.
  • RachChizo
    RachChizo Posts: 7 Member
    Hmmm, I sometimes stay at mining camps ... the temptation is the same....
    I make a rule that....if ANY dessert hits my lips = I have to work it off (equal calories) as an extra workout to what I had planned and it has to be done the same day.

    Have a really good think about it before you pick up a dessert bowl. It's addictive, it doesn't fill you up, once you start eating it - you want more. It adds no nutritional value to your body. Generally, the more tired you are, the more sugar you crave and that in turn makes you more tired....don't do it - it's actually exhausting!

    Give yourself a non-food reward if you stay off the desserts for a week!

    Do you remember the Kate Moss quote..."nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" ;P

  • Talanjs
    Talanjs Posts: 13 Member
    Try a smaller plate, instead of using the regular dining plate grab a salad or side plate. You can almost fill the smaller plate and have less calories but mentally you might think you are eating a full size portion. Just a thought.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    ^^^This is a good one. And try to get extra exercise when you do overindulge...
  • jenniferarnold619
    This is something I learned when I was in college. It will help you save calories and MONEY on that meal plan so you won't deplete or waste the pre-purchased plan.... When I was in college, my first semester I ate all of my meal plan funds with two weeks to go!! Those days were tough!

    The next semester I realized just start with one or two things. You can go back if you are hungry, but you can't return the uneaten food. As for sweets... this still goes for me today. When eating right, it is completely okay to eat what you want. Just watch your portions and own up to the calories consumed on you MFP calorie counter. Also, in a dining hall, aren't most of the desserts there each day? If so, only pick up one. Maybe you can split it with some one? I say all of this because I know my tendency to binge if I deny my wants too much.

    So I say... start small, eat until you are full, and just get one dessert. Split it with a friend or cut it in half and throw the other half away immediately.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    How about go get your appropriate foods and take them to your room? No more in-your-face desserts or even extra other foods.


    yup. avoid the dessert table like the plague until you can control yourself.

    I have the same problem sometimes. I am very disciplined when i totally avoid certain foods & i make a point not to bring them home. i normally won't even try a little bit because once i get a small taste it may send me into a feeding frenzy.

    Fortunately I commute to school so It's easy for me to never step foot in the cafeteria. Instead i bring a snack or two with me in case i get hungry & then head right home when i'm done my classes for the day. If you live on campus & this is not an option for you, then i would say the advice the others gave to get your meal & bring it right back to your room is a good idea.
  • relentless_hope
    relentless_hope Posts: 15 Member
    Good Advice for anyone eating in a cafeteria type setting. I work in a hospital and when I go there to eat it's always a challenge to not eat the sweets.