Am I hungry???

I feel really really hungry!!! but I am not sure if I am just really really craving

I used up all my cals this morning on McDonalds

but just had a cheese sandwich, but I still feel ravenice

any one eles loosing weight by not eating when they feel this way, or by eating when they feel this way


  • fancycupcake
    fancycupcake Posts: 78 Member
    If you eat one McDonald's meal a day full of empty calories, you are going to be hungry and not lose any weight. or at least fall off the wagon very, very quickly.

    Stay away from fast food when its possible and when you can't, get the healthier options. Find foods that are filling and nutritious and that you can cook yourself, preferably, so you can track calories better and stay fuller longer. Try protein in the morning to keep you satisfied longer, veggies throughout the day to help you stay full and get nutrients, and fiber, too!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    It is what you are eating. Tomorrow is another day and try to make your own breakfast instead. Eggs are not high calorie but the fat they add to them is and the sodium is very high. Get some cooking spray if you do not have a nonstick pan. Turkey sasage is very good too. Add some fruit and then you will have more calories for later in the day.
  • traceyc712
    traceyc712 Posts: 12 Member
    I read something on here that resonated with me and has really helped out with determining hunger v. craving. I'm sure I will mangle it slightly, but basically if you think you are hungry ask yourself this question: Would I eat an apple right now if it was in front of me? If that doesn't sound good/appealing, you're not really hungry.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I read something on here that resonated with me and has really helped out with determining hunger v. craving. I'm sure I will mangle it slightly, but basically if you think you are hungry ask yourself this question: Would I eat an apple right now if it was in front of me? If that doesn't sound good/appealing, you're not really hungry.

    I was told "would I eat wilted radishes?" No? Not hungry.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Oh my goodness; that's a lot of breakfast sandwiches!
  • I read something on here that resonated with me and has really helped out with determining hunger v. craving. I'm sure I will mangle it slightly, but basically if you think you are hungry ask yourself this question: Would I eat an apple right now if it was in front of me? If that doesn't sound good/appealing, you're not really hungry.

    hahaha thats a good one, I'm not sure if that would work for me though, lol when I injured my back and couldn't cook, I would go days eating almost nothing cause stuff around the house was not apatizing =( I'm like a child lol not sure if I am hungry and not wanting whats good for me lol
  • Oh my goodness; that's a lot of breakfast sandwiches!

    Thank you! that was productive. Maybe I will go back to private food journal
  • elewellen
    elewellen Posts: 35 Member
    peel the apple sweet in low and cimminon put in microwave
  • Also my food dairy says Mimi's but I havn't gone there yet I just logged it
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    While McDs isn't exactly nutrient devoid, it's not the best calorie bang for your calorie buck, get my drift? Yes, you're probably really hungry because your body needs REAL fuel. Eat today,start again tomorrow. If you start denying yourself fuel (food) you're not going to make it very long. So eat something good that's good for you, and refresh tomorrow.... Without dumping your days worth of calories on one meal.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    You would save yourself a huge amount of calories by knocking out the sugary drinks and replacing them with diet beverages or water. This is an easy step that doesn't take much effort that will save you hundreds of calories a day. Also, think about cutting down your portion sizes, especially with breakfast-sandwich type foods and other fast foods - eat one sandwich at a time and do something else - you may find that you're actually satisfied with less, but it takes awhile for your brain to register the "fullness".

    Also, try to think about how "filling" a certain meal would be - you had a cheese sandwich in the afternoon, but there are definitely far more filling meals you could eat for 300+ calories. Try to stock your fridge with low-calorie, high volume veggies and snacks that you can eat when you've had a higher-calorie morning.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Okay, so if you don't count Mimi's, you've still been to I Hop, El Pollo Loco, and McDonalds in the past 2 days. You can do much better with your calories and your nutrition if you don't do that. I'm going to guess that I ate twice the volume of food you did in those two days at half the calories.
  • While McDs isn't exactly nutrient devoid, it's not the best calorie bang for your calorie buck, get my drift? Yes, you're probably really hungry because your body needs REAL fuel. Eat today,start again tomorrow. If you start denying yourself fuel (food) you're not going to make it very long. So eat something good that's good for you, and refresh tomorrow.... Without dumping your days worth of calories on one meal.

    yea I like your idea, eat something good for me and start anew tommorrow. thank you
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I read something on here that resonated with me and has really helped out with determining hunger v. craving. I'm sure I will mangle it slightly, but basically if you think you are hungry ask yourself this question: Would I eat an apple right now if it was in front of me? If that doesn't sound good/appealing, you're not really hungry.

    hahaha thats a good one, I'm not sure if that would work for me though, lol when I injured my back and couldn't cook, I would go days eating almost nothing cause stuff around the house was not apatizing =( I'm like a child lol not sure if I am hungry and not wanting whats good for me lol

    I'm the same way. I could be starving and still not reach for an apple if I wasn't in the mood for an apple. I do something similar though...think of something you sorta enjoy but don't crave...then ask yourself if you would eat that right now.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry. Pick something with protein.

    For the future, remember that McDonald's doesn't keep you full for long. There's nothing wrong with having it occasionally, but figure out a way to still meet your goals.
  • I read something on here that resonated with me and has really helped out with determining hunger v. craving. I'm sure I will mangle it slightly, but basically if you think you are hungry ask yourself this question: Would I eat an apple right now if it was in front of me? If that doesn't sound good/appealing, you're not really hungry.

    hahaha thats a good one, I'm not sure if that would work for me though, lol when I injured my back and couldn't cook, I would go days eating almost nothing cause stuff around the house was not apatizing =( I'm like a child lol not sure if I am hungry and not wanting whats good for me lol

    I'm the same way. I could be starving and still not reach for an apple if I wasn't in the mood for an apple. I do something similar though...think of something you sorta enjoy but don't crave...then ask yourself if you would eat that right now.

    hhhmmm that may work lol, but I mean I do have a bad relationship with food, lol so I may it just cause I sorta like it lol Lord help me
  • Try not to eat all of your calories in one meal! That is why your hungry, you need to spread them out. One way to help with hunger in between meal in by eating raw almonds (25 of them=approx.1 oz) will keep you feeling full for a few hrs and by eating them slower it gives your hands and mouth something to do too! Celery is good too and is very very low in calories but will keep the hunger away. Tomorrow is a new day and another day to get it right...dont forget to drink lots of water. You can do it!
  • I eat when I'm hungry. Pick something with protein.

    For the future, remember that McDonald's doesn't keep you full for long. There's nothing wrong with having it occasionally, but figure out a way to still meet your goals.

    yea I know, I think I will go back to borritoes in the morning
  • Try not to eat all of your calories in one meal! That is why your hungry, you need to spread them out. One way to help with hunger in between meal in by eating raw almonds (25 of them=approx.1 oz) will keep you feeling full for a few hrs and by eating them slower it gives your hands and mouth something to do too! Celery is good too and is very very low in calories but will keep the hunger away. Tomorrow is a new day and another day to get it right...dont forget to drink lots of water. You can do it!

    thank you =)
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    I'd be one hangry dude if I only ate once/day. Just sayin'.