Am I hungry???



  • I'd be one hangry dude if I only ate once/day. Just sayin'.

    yea lol, I meant to ask if people have done this and eatin any way and still lost weight
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You will lose weight if you eat at a deficit. Most people are just happier if they don't have to be hungry to do that.
  • You will lose weight if you eat at a deficit. Most people are just happier if they don't have to be hungry to do that.

    typically but I heard if you under eat to much you wont loos weight cause your body thinks its starving and it takes measures to prevent that
  • You should space your food out more. When you cram in all your food in the morning you burn the cals during the day and at night you may feel empty.
  • You should space your food out more. When you cram in all your food in the morning you burn the cals during the day and at night you may feel empty.

    I know lol but since I did it I was wondering if the best thing to do is not eat and just be really hungry or eat (from those people who know)
  • to answer your actual question, i have lost weight by not eating when i felt hungry, BUT ONLY because I had a very bad problem with snacking late at night and eating right before going to bed. So if i was hungry, but I was also sleepy and KNEW i was getting ready to go to sleep within an hour or so I would not eat. Therefore i wouldnt have a stomach full of food with slowed metabolism while sleeping. Now I will opt for a small healthier snack to get me through instead of just being hungry. Dont let all the rude comments about your food choices get to you, like others have said, tomorrow is a new day :) Take what you have learned from your choices today and apply it to tomorrow.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    It needs to be a pretty severe caloric restriction over a long period of time before you risk metabolic issues.
    Sure, there are people who lose weight feeling hungry. Those are the people most likely to cheat on thier "diets" and fall off the wagon. Me, the way I eat now, the only time I feel hungry is right before supper. I even "get" to save calories and macros for snacks, and a bit of mindless munching. I way prefer this to steamed celery and carrots every day for lunch (that lasted like 3 days).
  • Life is not about what you could do, it’s about what you will do. Write this down: “My life has unlimited possibilities.” Choose to find these possibilities in everything that comes your way, and no problem will ever be able to conquer you.
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    I'm with everyone who says to do your best to get more bang for your buck, so to speak. For example, I take a sandwich, a yogurt and usually one or two fruits and one or two veggies for my lunches. It doesn't sound like much but it keeps me full until about dinner. Sometimes I will snack on something light before dinner because I get home about 1 1/2 - 2 hrs before my hubby and we don't eat until he gets home.

    Even if you start slowly by introducing healthier foods. Also, many times you can make things at home that taste much better than anything you'll ever get at a fast food restaurant. Another example. sometimes for a weekend breakfast hubby will make a version of an egg mcmuffin which is waaaaaaay better than an egg mcmuffin.

    Last but not least, you could eat all your calories in one or two meals and be hungry the rest of the day. However, I can't think of anyone who would recommend doing this. If you let yourself go hungry long enough you will eventually just end up binging. That will not be good.

    To sum it up, do your best to make healthier choices and eat when you are hungry (not going over board of course). Don't deprive your body of the fuel (and nutrients) that your it so desperately needs just for basic functions. Losing weight is a lifestyle change and in the process you can create better habits that are sustainable. :)