Hello I am new to this

Hi like I said I am new to this and so far I am trying my best could use some tips and learn how to use these message broads . And find some support and friends :) It says I join 2011 that was with my phone app that I didn't use so now I'm online doing it and started yesterday.


  • redgirl527
    redgirl527 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, i'm Reagan. Feel free to add me!
  • Carolefisher
    Hi Im sorta new, I used this two years ago to lose thirty pounds. Life happened in between, lost my job, got put outta work from a back injury and at Thanksgiving found out I have Uterine Cancer Its been rough, but now my weight has become an issue. I did it before, ready to try it again. My daughter used it after my grandson was born. She dropped all her baby weight.
  • Hi I'm Stacey. You can add me if you want. Believe me we need all the encouragement we can get.
  • sistrmoon
    Thank you so much for your kindness and support and may I ask how to add you all ? Wait I think I got it lol
  • sistrmoon
    Carole you have been through a lot and I will be here to listen and help as much as I can may I add you to my friends ?
  • GodSentMe23
    GodSentMe23 Posts: 105 Member
    Add me.