KoKo fitness

Got an ad flyer for location convenient to me on way home.

Anyone have any experience to share?


  • All_Mimsy
    All_Mimsy Posts: 49 Member
    I just joined yesterday, so I've only got two sessions under my belt, but I love it so far. My problem with designing my own workout regimen is that I get obsessive and burn myself out. At Koko, the computer determines everything for you based on your initial fitness assessment and your goals, so you don't have to overthink it. I can wake up at 5 AM, stumble into the gym, and just follow the instructions--pre-caffeine. ;) Also, you don't have to go from machine to machine; everything is on one machine. For every exercise, the computer tells you how to configure the machine, the proper form/technique, and how much weight to use. It really does feel almost like having a personal trainer. You can modify/skip exercises if you need to, and the computer will remember if you decide to go up or down from the recommended weight. Also, you can download all your workout info to their server so that you can track your results online.

    At $79/month, it is pricier than my old gym, but I think it will be worth it. I already feel much more motivated than I ever did when I was doing self-directed workouts. That said, if you are one of those people who likes to design their own fitness regimen, you might be frustrated by being told what to do all the time. Also, if you're looking for a full-service gym with a pool, track, racquetball court, sauna, etc., Koko is not it. It's designed for busy people who want an in-and-out 30-minute workout each day.

    You can go in for a free demonstration. I would recommend that or the Groupon deal before committing. Based on my experience so far, I highly recommend it, but for the reasons mentioned above, I can see why it might not suit everyone.

    I hope this helps, and that it made sense. I'm extremely sleep deprived right now!
  • TMR001
    TMR001 Posts: 37
    thanks for the input.

    no thinking and fast is what I need. 9-10 hour work days and toddler not helping in getting the workouts in. No time to be hanging around a gym for the fun of it. If I can get my husband on board. I'm already up at 5am and if he'll do toddler duty I can get out of the house and be done before getting to the office and still have my evenings with my baby girl.

    I think I'll check it out.