Beautiful Blues 5/12/10

debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member

Here's our new board, Let's bring it this week!

What are your goals? My goal this week is to log at least one meal everyday and drink at least 8 glasses of water.


  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Thanks for adding me on there!

    I think next week I'll have some good weight loss. I've really been stepping it up in the gym. I'm VERY proud of myself :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    HI all and welcome to all the newcomers! This is a great group of people and we all motivate each other and work hard.

    I'm done with P90X Back and biceps for 60 minutes and Ab Ripper X for 15 minutes. It rained this morning so no chance of running for me, either way I slept in. The double session of Insanity didn't happen- I decided I wanted to ease my way into my workout this week from last week being off. I have also removed dairy from my diet and I'm feeling a little weird- I want to see if removing dairy will help my weight loss. I was only having whey and greek yogurt anyway, but I suspect I'm sensitive to it. My goals for this week are to get back in the groove of exercising and love the feeling I get after working out.

    I liked the biggest loser episode from last night how they mentioned that even if they are not the winners, no one can take away the journey they have experienced.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Ok life sucks went for my nightly walk and got bit by a dog :mad: went to a friends house that lives down the street and called the cops. Had the paramedics come and look at me and I will have to go to the clinic tomorrow and probably get a shot
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    OH no! Bit by a dog? That's horrible! I hope it's nothing serious.

    Well I posted my exercise in the old post. But I'm very proud of myself lol! I did 497 calories at the gym today doing hill intervals on the tredmill. It's the most I've ever done! Tomorrow I want to get over 500. Each day I try to do just a little more and beat my calorie burn from the previous day. So far, its keeping me motivated!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just breeing through tonight, and marking this for later. Have a good night all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag I hope you are ok! Bad things seem to always come together. I know you can make it through though. You are strong! How did your test go??

    Off to do yoga--well a quick version, I kinda slept in a bit...
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Couldn't take it yesterday so I am going to take it today while Lexi is at the vet getting spayed
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Totally feeling discouraged today! I haven't weighted myself in about a week and I was hoping to see some loss, but instead I weighed MORE! UGGG It's like all my hard work isn't doing a thing, so frustrating!

    Then add in TOM, dropping my cell phone in the parking lot, having to go back to get my keys, cramps, and fatigue, I am not having a good day!

    I'm going to dream of going on a cruise today I think :)

    Hope everyone is having a better day than I am :happy:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Totally feeling discouraged today! I haven't weighted myself in about a week and I was hoping to see some loss, but instead I weighed MORE! UGGG It's like all my hard work isn't doing a thing, so frustrating!

    Then add in TOM, dropping my cell phone in the parking lot, having to go back to get my keys, cramps, and fatigue, I am not having a good day!

    I'm going to dream of going on a cruise today I think :)

    Hope everyone is having a better day than I am :happy:
    TOM could explain the gain!

    Good day for me yesterday-ran with hubby while our son rode his bike, grilled some pork tenderloin and corn on cob-overall great day!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Weight is fickle. You can't trust the scale when it changes by 5 lbs a day. :wink:

    Chrissy, Corn on the cob sounds like summer--wonderful! Hope you are doing well!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    This is the first time I tried it on the grill...I cut the ends off leaving shucks, soaked in water for 5 minutes then laid them on the grill - flipped every 10 minutes for about 25-30 minutes.....SO Good!!!! Just had the last piece for lunch!

    I am feeling like I am getting back into the swing of things....when work was crazy, I just couldn't get it together to get my workouts's slowed down a bit and I feel like me again! I did BL Sculpt Monday, Ran yesterday and 30 day shred today.....not making my classes but at least I'm burning some calories and sneaking a bit of strength in too.

    Hope you all are having a super day! Baseball evening for me!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Failed my CDL test today but i kinda thought I might. Will study this weekend and try again on MOnday Oh well I guess I am out of practice studying
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    smadag- Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you will do better next time- It's just a test.

    I completed P90X yoga and feel better. Yesterday I didn't plan my calories right and had no after-workout calories left. Well, I had my last meal at 2:00pm and when night time came- I binged. I guess that teaches me to plan calories for the evening especially carbs.

    Here's to making great choices everyone!!!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    smadag- Ouch, I'm so sorry to hear about the dog. Hope you are ok!

    Fawkes- Don't pay too much attention to the scale, go by how your clothes feel and if you measure yourself you can compare the changes you are making. The scale can really be discouraging because it doesnt' show the changes you are going through- like if you are losing fat and getting more muscle. I'm doing my weigh ins once a week, because I used to weigh in every day and seeing the ups and downs was making me want to quit. But you know, I look different, my clothes fit better, and I feel great, so I know I am overall more healthy.

    Chrissy- Here's to a great summery day!!!!! Life is good!!!!

    debnu- Yeah, I completed yoga today but I'm going to be looking for another yoga dvd like the Rodney Yee Power Yoga everyone talks about. Because 90 minutes is just alot of yoga. Hope you're having a great day!!!

    To Everybody else, hope you have a great day!!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag--sometimes it helps to know what will be on the test so I am sure you will do just fine this next time. Good luck!

    I ate really well today until this afternoon when I ate the banana bars I made. I ate way too many and then felt horrible! I even felt really good today. That will teach me...yah right...:ohwell:

    On Oprah yesterday she had the author of a book called Women, Food and God. It sounds really interesting about how we relate to food and such. I have it on hold at the library. I have also been reading a book called Change your Brain, Change your Body. It is all about eating styles and how a healthy body and brain have a lot to do with each other. It makes all sorts of sense so far. I know I have a lot of mental issues with food. Something has made me uncomfortable each time I have a bad eating moment this week. I have really started to pay attention. I have not figured out how to fix it yet...but I will!

    Have a great evening!:flowerforyou:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Didn't work out tonight or yesterday but plan on going friday and getting a good workout again. We are getting trained on weights so I will start going more often now to the gym im hoping for 5x a week. we are running tight on money and that is when its always hard for me to find the "right" things to eat. I just and got some food from the food shelf glad to see they are starting to give away fruit and yogurt. We will get through it like always. cant wait for my workout tomorrow and burn some calories we will see on the weight loss. I haven't been the best this week. Start again tomorrow. night everyone.
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Didn't work out tonight or yesterday but plan on going friday and getting a good workout again. We are getting trained on weights so I will start going more often now to the gym im hoping for 5x a week. we are running tight on money and that is when its always hard for me to find the "right" things to eat. I just and got some food from the food shelf glad to see they are starting to give away fruit and yogurt. We will get through it like always. cant wait for my workout tomorrow and burn some calories we will see on the weight loss. I haven't been the best this week. Start again tomorrow. night everyone.

    We're tight on money all the time LOL. What we do to help with making healthy choice for food is watch for BOGO deals. I know winn dixie has excellent bogo deals on meat. They aren't every week, but when you see them, you really should take advantage. We spent about 50 dollars on meat that wil last us three weeks, probably 4 if we don't eat crazy. Then for side dishes and things like that we get whole grain pasta, veggies, brown rice, and various sauces. We buy the Great Value pasta beause it's dirt cheap and the veggies we find frozen. Eating healthy is SO expensive! We also shop around for good produce deals. We like the taste of the Whole Foods fruit so I always buy the fruit that's the cheapest. Usually the apples aren't bad and my husband loves bananas. So we use those as snacks :) At Walmart you can get a big thing of eggs for not very much (I think it's the three dozen).

    I also do my shopping at Walmart and Publix. For Publix I check out their ads and look at the buy one get one sales. If it's not on that sale I don't buy it because it's always cheaper at Walmart :)

    Well I'm feeling better today and I brought some meds with me to work! So hopefully I can meet my 500 calorie burn today.

    I hope everybody has a beautiful, healthy Friday! The weekend is almost here :D
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Let's bring it today! I must of gone the extra mile with legs and back today because I am already feeling it! Ahhh the pain! Good pain I mean. I don't think My legs have been this shakey in well, forever!

    Jess I am glad you are doing your best, that is what matters! Finding the right things to eat is always hard for me...even with good things staring me right in the face! Enjoy your workout today!

    I don't know if I will look for other yoga or just fastforward like I did yesterday. I don't mind the exercises but all those vinyasa's were so painful after shoulders chest and triceps the day before!

    Here's to a healthy eating day!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Just testing how to post a picture!
