Would love more followers and support:)

Hello everyone I have been on this site for a while and I just started to get into it. I am finally back into working out and dieting, and I would love to meet more people for inspiration. Please share your recipes and give me feedback. Checkout my page and follow :)


  • Add me if you wish!
  • i'm also just getting back into this site and needing motivation. Add me if you wish.
  • Cool, new to this site, could also use some motivation.
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Add away!! What kind of foods do you like? I'm happy to share some delish recipes!
  • shelbystatic
    shelbystatic Posts: 61 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. :)
  • adgirl1995
    adgirl1995 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello...My name is Rita and I would love support and will give support. I live in Dallas, TX. :smile:
  • livelovlaugh
    livelovlaugh Posts: 16 Member
    Hello- Would love more support and be able to help encourage you. Please feel free to add :)
  • ndouce
    ndouce Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am also trying to get back on track. I could use some encouragement if you want to add me. :)
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    I am also getting back into using this sight after being away for about 8 months. I will be here to support you, too. And, I could use some support!!
  • AmyStellaB
    AmyStellaB Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All,

    I have been on this site for 5 weeks and have lost half a stone and an inch of my waist but have hit a brick wall and need some friends to push me on as I don't know anyone on this site.

    I don't seem to be able to lose more than a lbs a week and I am trying so hard and working out 4 times a week :(

    Add me and I'll add you and we can motivate one another :)