
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Diary isn't opening.

    Yeah. Wont open for me either.

    Im sort of having this problem too, so I feel ya! Ive been at this for 8 days now eating between 1,400 - 1,500 calories and doing 30DS and haven't seen a difference at all. You might want to calculate your TDEE and try that, depending on your current calorie intake.
  • jerseyman42
    jerseyman42 Posts: 4 Member
    I would suggest a few things. If you are doing cardio exercise to burn fat regardless of how long you exercise, youneed to be at the proper heart rate to burn the fat or all your working out will be wasted. I would first purchase a heart rate monitor. You can get them pretty cheap on overstock. com and HSN also under 30 dollars. To find your targeted heart rate that is different for everyone because it takes into effect your age ect. Here is a link http://www.active.com/fitness/calculators/heartrate you do not have to work out like a crazy person to burn just get your heart rate into the fat burning zone. I would work up to 45-60 minutes at your targeted heart rate at least 3x per week, more if you can. If you cannot do the full 60 minutes work your way up to 60 minutes but however long it is keep your heart rate at the targeted rate. Pay more attention to the nutrients of the foods your eating and stay within your plan that fitness pal sets for you for calories. After you use it a week or so you will start seeing the foods you eat listed in recent. Also try and be sure to drink 8 glasses of water per day. I KNOW you will see results stick with it. Losing weight and getting fit is a way of life and you will not regret it. Good luck
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Friday of last week is FIVE DAYS ago. A realistic expectation is 1 lb loss per week. And while I don't know how you set your goals (how many lbs per week, etc) you haven't even been at it for a week.

    It's going to be slow, but if you keep at it, it's going to happen. The weight didn't go on in five days; it's not going to fall off that fast. Just be patient and don't give up!
  • loic901
    loic901 Posts: 32 Member
    dont wanna argue or something but you defenatly need to be exact when it come to lose weight since if you eat just a lil too much cals around 200(surplus) you wont lose anything.. the more accurate you are, more change and faster you will get to your goal!
  • now my diary is open for everyone..sorry i opened my profile not my diary!!
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    It takes 3-6 weeks before you can see any type of drastic change in your body. This takes time, be patient!

    Just make sure you're
    - tracking all your food.
    - drinking tons of water.
    - exercising.
    - measuring your hips/waist. Numbers on the scale are not everything!

    This! Don't forget to drink lots,lots of water.....
  • jerseyman42
    jerseyman42 Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah I just checked your diary and you have been almost 800 calories under your calorie goal every day. You have to eat the calories to burn the calories or your body will go into starvation mode and you will hold onto all the weight. Also you need to drink ALOT more water. 8 glasses a day is a good target. Basically the rule of thumb is 3500 calorie deficit each week will burn 1 pound. So easiest way to explain is if you setup your account and answered the questions properly whatever the goal in calories is fitness pal automatically will subtract the calories needed to reach your goal of a one or two pound loss. Do not make the mistake of trying to eat even less calories because it will stall your weight loss.
  • When you are hungry, drink (2) full classes of water and wait 20 minutes, then eat. Also, never ever eat until you are full. Control your diet by calculating what you are going to eat for the day (each meal) and stick with that plan. Stay away from fried food, it is terrible for you. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Exercising for at least 30 minutes on a daily bass is the best plan. Remember to stretch for at least 5 minutes of that time! Nothing fancy, sit-ups/pushups/running/pull-ups/leg lifts etc.

    Great sign that your belt is one notch in! Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so you are most likely losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Keep it up!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When you are hungry, drink (2) full classes of water and wait 20 minutes, then eat. Also, never ever eat until you are full. Control your diet by calculating what you are going to eat for the day (each meal) and stick with that plan. Stay away from fried food, it is terrible for you. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

    Exercising for at least 30 minutes on a daily bass is the best plan. Remember to stretch for at least 5 minutes of that time! Nothing fancy, sit-ups/pushups/running/pull-ups/leg lifts etc.

    Great sign that your belt is one notch in! Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so you are most likely losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Keep it up!

    I don't think she gained muscle after 6 days and only exercising on an elliptical.

    OP: as has been said, you are probably retaining water. Make sure you weigh everything.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    That is weird to me that a couple of people said 2000 calories is high without knowing her stats. The OP said herself her calorie target is 2060 so I'm giving the OP the benefit of the doubt that she entered her height/weight/age/goal correctly when she set up her profile.

    Rachel, you said yourself you don't know much about dieting & that's totally ok. So then how do you know the calorie target MFP calculated is too high? What is your logic for eating so much less? The fried chicken day you are beating yourself up for was the best day you had calorie-wise. There's no rule saying you can't ever eat fried chicken & still lose weight.

    Try to get closer to your calorie target & for cripes sake ENJOY FOOD. It's ok to do that. You'll actually be more successful at losing weight if you enjoy what you eat. The exercise is good, keep it up! You've probably noticed that increases your calorie target so that gives you room to eat even more. If you don't want to eat back all the extra exercise calories, that's ok, but you certainly can.

    Keep it up, & keep learning & asking questions. You'll be just fine.
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Chick, it's beennot even a week. Chill out and give it time.
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    takes 3500 burned cals to loose 1lb
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    IT'S NOT MUSCLE!!! Why no people think you can gain muscle from doing 30 minutes of cardio daily. It takes months and months of work to lose significant fat, never mind the completely different process of gaining muscle.
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
    It has only been 6 days give your body time. You didn't gain your weight in one week. If I were you I would check your settings 1,800 to 2,000 calories is what is recommended to maintain an averaged woman's weight. You may have forgotten to set your goal. Also if you don't know how much food you are consuming you are not accurate with your calorie count. This is a simple way to judge serving sizes a little more accurately. http://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/simple-tricks-estimate-serving-size
  • Yetibite
    Yetibite Posts: 38 Member
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    If you want results be patient. It hasn't even been a week. If you meant the Friday before, it's just been over a week, not enough time for some. Take measurements, don't use the scale or if you do, a good measure is once a week first thing in the morning. I didn't creep too far into your diary but considering your exercise, it looks like you may not be eating enough. Measure and weigh your food, track your sodium and drink water. Too much and too little of these make a huge difference. Good Luck!
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member

    Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so you are most likely losing fat and gaining muscle.

    OMG! Don't listen to this. A pound is a pound is a pound! Whether it is bricks, feathers, fat or muscle = a pound. Muscle is leaner than fat so it looks smaller.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It's been 6 days. Relax and BE PATIENT.

    Weigh and measure everything. Don't use other people's recipes in the database, enter your own.

    Eat as close to all of your calories as possible. But again, make sure you're logging accurately.

    You're not gaining muscle after 6 days with only cardio, and definitely not if you're in a deficit.

    Be patient.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes I'd say it's just up because of sodium. Do try to get those calroies to be kind of similar majority of the time so then if in the future you have problems losing you'll know if you need to go up or down with them. At the moment they are a bit all over the place. You'll be fine just relax and be patient. Weigh loss is a long term thing not something you should be doing fast otherwise you're going to have to keep dieting on and off for the rest of your life like myself and many others did before and I promise you don't want that! Shame MFP wasn't around when I was younger to teach me what to do.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yes,I track everything i eat! My goal is set at 2060, but i never actually eat that many calories. I dont really weigh my food..how do i know how much baked chicken i need to eat...(Im new at dieting, I might have some stupid questions)

    I would get a digital scale. It's the #1 most useful tool you can buy, and they're only like $15 for a good one. It is mind-blowing how off eyeballed portions can really be. It can be the difference between a deficit and a surplus of calories.

    This is so so true! You have to get a food scale.

    Also, you said your calories are set around 2000 but how many are you really getting? You need to eat enough for your body to be able to stand up to all the exercise and daily activity.

    Also, the most important thing to remember is that it can take up to 6 weeks to start seeing a difference. Stepping on the scale is definitely not always the best indicator of weight loss so make sure you've taken measurements of your neck, bust, waist, and hip. You have to be patient. You have to eat healthy. You have to exercise. But you HAVE to be patient.