Better Results with Jillian Michael's or P90X??/ need help!

rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi again,

So I've posted a similar topic the other day. I just started my Phase 3 of P90X, but last week I also did 3 workouts to JM's videos and this week I am trying to do one everyday along with my P90X videos.; alternating between 30Day Shred, Trouble Zones and Boost Metabolism videos. They are all great and I feel like I am actually feeling more sore from doing the JM videos than I was with P90X. But I dont want to give up the P90X cause I"m almost done and just to be able to say that I actually finished this program would feel great. But I need results and fast!!!!!

I really need to lose weight around my middle. It's just stuck there. My diet has been pretty good, except for weekends. I have been watching what I eat since February. This week however, I am even giving up the weekend indulges cause I'm getting married in less than 8 weeks and I want a toned stomach.

Has anyone out there tried both of these workouts and if so what would you recommend. I am finding it hard to keep up doing both workouts. I get up at 5:30am so I can do one workout and then work all day and come home and do another one in the evening, its hard. And I'm feeling exhausted. And I'm just not losing anything from my lower stomach. I have lost a couple of inches and 9lbs since I"ve joined this site. But the minute I indulge my stomach blows up! And even without indulging there is still so much flab around my middle!

It's so depressing.,.. I'm sorry for complaining, but I really have no one to complain too! My fiance and family are telling me I dont have to lose weight, but to see myself in a swimsuit I look awful, my stomach is flabby and I really dont know how to get rid of this and really I only have about 6 weeks!

Can someone help! please! lol.


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I've done those three JM DVDs as well as Yoga Meltdown and I'm currently in Phase 2 of P90X. I love them all! I did the JM DVDs as a prep to P90X and they helped.

    My comment to you is that I think you're doing too much and your body needs a break. And not seeing your food diary, I can't tell how many calories you're eating back from your workouts. So my recommendation is to do only P90X (since you said you don't want to stop until you finish) and give the JM workouts a rest. Make sure you're still doing Ab Ripper X 3 days a week, that will help with your stomach. Also, eat all your calories and all your workout calories if not not to make sure your body has enough fuel. And unfortunately, the remaining flab may still not come off as fast as you want, but just remember, you didn't put it on in a day or couple of weeks; so it won't come off that way either. Good luck!
  • kltobin2010
    kltobin2010 Posts: 80 Member
    Are you following the P90X meal plan? I think that will help you tremendously! It breaks down what are body needs at each stage of the workout. Maybe if you follow the meal plan, it will help you not indulge in bad foods.
    Like I stated before, I have done Jillian's 30 Day Shred and now doing P90X. I lost more lbs with Jillian, but I am MUCH toner and stronger with P90X. My youngest daughter will be 1 next week and a lot of women ask me how I have such a flat stromach and I give that all to P90X. Jillian was my base, but P90X has really changed my body.
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks guys. I just made my food diary public, it was hard to do. Not sure why. But its done now, so maybe that will make me more accountable. I do eat a lot, most of my calories, I'm always hungry, I try to eat pretty healthy. Now the past weekend up to tuesday I did horrilbe,

    I'm trying to change. My eating is what is the hardest. Exercise I can do, its the eating!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I feel the same way. Exercise comes easy and eating is very difficult. I am in phase 2 of p90x and have only gained weight because my eating is very difficult. I know what to do but getting it in my body and not eating junk or too much of it is very hard.

    First of all I would suggest eating more vegetables and protein. I have heard/read/seen that when you eat more carbs your stomach gets bigger. It has to do with how insulin works and the carbohydrates, somehow when you eat a lot of carbs in one sitting the fat goes straight to your stomach.

    That being said check out the p90x recipes and add some into your meals--they are very tasty. Eat more vegies shoot for 4 servings or at least 2 cups of vegetables every day. Add protein to every meal and strive to not eat more than 60 carbs in one sitting.

    I would agree with laying of jillian for a while. Your body does need a break, make sure you are sleeping enough and drinking your 8 glasses of water.

    I love jillian and p90x--but if you want to do extra workouts switch to the doubles program, or go for a run--something pure cardio. You are getting plenty of strength but to burn fat you need the cardio. Good luck with everything. You can do this. Just set yourself up for success on the weekend--plan ahead! Be sure to eat at least half your exercise calories so your body doesn't think you are starving!

    I think that is all my ramblings for now...You can do it!
  • Both programs are great and for losing weight around your middle diet is really key I have notice for me a great week eating and getting in plenty of water my stomach is flat and I feel great but like you when I over indulge I am bloated again. So I will suggest sticking with doing P90X and continue eating healthy now that your including the weekends and are just starting you should give your body time to respond say 2 weeks and then reevaluate the situation you have 6 weeks to go. Your body will always feel different when you go from workout to another because your required to use different muscles so that's shaking the body up a little which is good especially when you hit an plateau.

    After the 2 weeks you may even want to do 1 week P90X and then 1 week JM and then 1wk P90X which that will be your last hard core week and the last week is your recovery and so you can do them both together during that week and it shouldn't be so much for you.

    Don't get frustrated I know you have a deadline to meet your wedding is coming and you want to look good continue to push through you will get there and don't look at a great week and think ok well since I was great this week i will allow myself this little indulgence just think anything you may try to have just think you have already had it before and so you already know what it taste like so you really don't need it and this is not to say you will be able to do it for the rest of your life. Just for now so that way you know you have given all you have to give for your wedding day and be proud of your hard work. You don't want to be on your wedding day saying to yourself if I wouldn't have had this or that just take this time and do everything you can so you will be the happiest bride to be when putting on your gown and knowing you did it!!!
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Ohh thanks so much guys! I really needed this. I do agree that eating less carbs does help with my stomach. Last week I ate one carb ( worth 200cal ) a day , not counting veggies and fruit and I did feel better until Saturday hit!

    You are right, I will feel so proud of myself on my wedding day if I keep this up. It's hard work, but that will make it all worth it in the end!

    Thanks so much! Your messages really made my day!
  • sdsnoga
    sdsnoga Posts: 2
    HI, i am on the 9th week of P90x and your right, you don't see results until after the second month. I have a question that i hope someone out there can help me with. We keep an RV at the coast all summer and now i know i will need to take my P90X Dvds with me so i can continue my workouts. My question is how can i do the chest, back and all the excercises without the pullup bar. i usually attach the tube to it since i am not strong enough to pull myself up, but how can i do those workouts without having those essential tools. There is no room in an RV (or a door) for that. Any suggestions will help. i do not want to compromise all the hard work before my 90 days are up. This program is so awesome. i never thought i would see the results i am seeing. Even my runs are 100% better. it is amazing when you put your mind to something what you can accomplish.

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