Needing some help

hi everyone i created this account a few days ago and i am having the hardest time getting started
i feel like i need motivation but im getting it or its just not in me...
can any1 give me tips or suggestions on how to just "do it"?
thanks <3



  • Tecia1970
    Tecia1970 Posts: 94 Member
    You just have to make up your mind to do it. Picture yourself at your goal weight every time you feel like giving up. It's going to take discipline. Remember that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
  • jivanjo
    Its in You!! I think you just need to start logging your food and exercise and get an honest look at things. Im all freaked out about doing this but folks are so nice here!!
  • athena004
    athena004 Posts: 2 Member
    It starts with setting a firm date that you're going to start. Give yourself a few days to prepare. Make your environment fail-safe- get rid of that junk food, if it's not there you won't eat it! Just as important make sure you stock up on healthy snacks/ food. Then- make it your job! I schedule my workouts in my phone calendar so it reminds me I need to go to the gym. Some people go as far as scheduling meal prep/ shopping too. Lastly- find some supportive people! Word of caution if you are making changes in your life not everyone who is your friend will be 100% supportive- it's important to figure out who those people are and tune them out real quick. If you can find someone to work out with and keep you accountable that's helpful.

    Oh, and remember- you will "mess up" from time to time, and that's OK! You want to take each meal as an opportunity to do you best. If you eat unhealthy one meal try to learn from it- did you not plan ahead? let yourself get so hungry you went crazy?

    Good luck!
  • RaeLanier
    Athena thank you so much that was actually something i NEEDED to hear...
    the hard part about that is i live with my husband and son and we live in a completely
    different state from all our family so we literally have NO ONE. which is a reason i
    joined this site.
    i dont have people to work out with i would go to the gym with my husband but we have
    a two month old and we dont know very many people in our town to help with
    babysitting. and my husband is a huge junk food lover and is in great shape
    so he is in no shape or form trying to lose weight he is supportive but
    i dont think he would be willing to give up his junk food.
    but i know its just going to be that much harder to look at the junk food everyday
    and STILL not eat it lol

    Thanks girls :)
  • edenvale
    edenvale Posts: 8 Member
    Hi RaeLanier,

    YOU CAN DO IT, beleive me... I have an underactive thyroid so piled on the weight but finally with perserverance i have accomplished my goal weight just about! when you are tempted say to your self... i dont eat that! it makes it easier then saying i cant eat that. If you need a diet sheet that helped me send me an email address i will send it to you, i lose 1/2kgs a week on this nutritional diet and keep it off... it is easy and you dont feel hungry. Hang in there girl
  • athena004
    athena004 Posts: 2 Member
    That's tough when you live with a junk food addict (and so unfair, if you're anything like me I swear I can gain weight just looking at the food!) Do you think your husband would be willing to have his own "snack drawer" that way it's not in with your healthy food so you don't have to look at it and he can still have it.

    You don't have to go to the gym to workout. Getting a walk or two in during the day will be beneficial. If you don't have a place to walk there are tons of videos you can get- I started with Julian's 30 day shred and although I couldn't do all the exercises at first I still kept moving during the video and managed to get there- plus it's less than 30 minute long! There's also tons of videos on youtube as well.
  • Tilley197772
    Tilley197772 Posts: 1 Member
    hey i started last week with the fitness app on my phone and its really making me aware of what I am doing. I lost 35 lbs before finding this site just walking everywhere. now that I have a pretty accurate way to track calories and excercise its awesome.

    keep watching sucsess stories on youtube and meal ideas for body building the motivation will come.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    instead of looking at how much weight youve got to lose as a whole, break it down into smaller mini goals i will show you what mine were for an example
    1 14lbs
    2 10% of starting eight
    3 210lbs
    4 under 200lbs
    5 going from obese to overweight

    you get the picture, it makes it far more manageable (unless youve got very little to lose) i set my ticker up to lbs to go for each goal and when it got to 0lbs to go changed it to my next
    also as already been suggested walking is great exercise i walk my 2 year old miles its my main exercise, ive got a sports tracker app on my phone called endomondo which tracks how far ive gone, its also got a "proper" site where you can draw in your route yourself if you dont have the phone app, i join the monthly challenges on there to walk 100 miles in the month, sometimes i fil but more often i do it plus extra
    get yourself (if you dont already have one) an ipod to listen to whilst your walking it makes the time fly by
    i dont go to a gym at all with 4 kids its impossible so i do most of my workouts at home if you have a wii try wiifit or biggest loser challenge if not there are some good workout dvds about, 30 day shred is good but pretty much hard work when your first starting out so if you do chose that dont get discouraged if you want to curl up and die after first time you do it lol
    good luck x
  • cchavez325
    Hi Rae

    The first thing I did was post a pic of me and my hubby "I DON'T LOOK LIKE THIS NOW" so it reminds me to SEE ME the way I want to be...I just started today (see my tickler below LOL) ...."I'm doing Keto" well I'm suppose to do Keto...I have a frnd that's pretty healthy and "to me" she is fine, but she wants to lose weight and well here we are, upon doing Keto...BUT what excited THIS iwebsite WHICH helped mentally "A WHOLE lot" I easily found my Caloric intake, protein intake and Carb intake SO that's makes a MAP for my body and what to keep in mind daily "right away". MY other FAVORITE item on this site is the Tickler.

    Keep watching video's, reading success stories and START EVERYDAY, if you fail START anyway. AGAIN this site helped me make a blue print and that's important!

    Here are some links "FAT HEAD" very funny and helps you understand what's really going on with our weight issues. - THIS is a carb counter to help you - A FB webpage to help

    Hope that kicks starts you, I just joined today so I will log my meals tomorrow. Good luck I know who you feel and you are young so much easier for you.

    Oh and there is a video 10 min trainer, I've used it before and I'm going to start again, this is fab WHY cause it's only 10 min!!! LOVE IT.
  • cchavez325
    Love that Ideal!!!