My Diet... and My job

The thing is I'm trying to lose about 30kg (around 66 pound I think) however I started my work and my schedule is a bit affecting my health... I wake up from 6:30am to go to work and return around 5pm.. during work I got completely busy that I really don't have time to eat.. I meant it. I would consider myself lucky to be able to drink water or a cup of tea.. I know this is affecting me badly but I really don't know what to do. I want to exercise but I don't have enough energy to do so.. one thing I'm sure of that I have my dinner before 8pm so I would sleep at 10 and I make sure to not fill myself up with food...

Any advices?? because of this, recently I'm tired all the time and feeling dizzy.. I do want to lose weight without affecting my health thats why my current goal is 1kg/week.

Thanks a lot and sorry for my weak english..


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,294 Member
    Find a job where they give you at least a lunch break, seriously though eat at your lunch break. Time management needs time to be implemented and before you go to work is a good time to eat something as well if your not.:wink:
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    What kind of work do you do? I'd suggest taking your lunch with you and eating it whenever you got the chance, along with a couple healthy snacks. Also, as painful as this suggestion might be, since you already get up early you might consider getting up a bit sooner and exercising before work.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    First of all your English is a LOT better than many of the native speakers on here so certainly no need to apologise.

    On mornings I want to exercise I get up at 4:30am and I'm usually home around 5pm - 6pm so I sympathise with the schedule. I do generally end up with between 20 - 40 min for lunch though.

    Some tips I have. Lots of prepared food that is in small pieces. So for example I eat an apple every day (I love apples). I bring it to work already cut into small pieces (like you'd give to a 3 year old). That way when I have 5 seconds I can grab a few out and eat them. Easier than having a whole apple. I also eat 10 almonds every day. I count out 50 each weekend and bring them to work in a small container. I pop one or two i my mouth when I need a snack.

    I do all my food prep on weekends. I prepare healthy lunches, put them in tupperware, cut up my apples, put them in containers, count out my almonds. It's all stacked up in the fridge by Sunday night. Along with other containers for dinner. Then each morning I just need to grab and go. Each evening I just need to steam some vegies or cook a piece of toast or whatever to go with my main meal for the week.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Oh and I just noticed your goal is 1kg/week. That's kind of high.
  • Be sure to eat a decent breakfast focused on protein, or whole grains, not white bread or white flour. Take a good multivitamin. I'm taking Bio 35, it works great. Put a cup or water bottle buy your bathroom sink and have a big drink before you go to bed and when you get up in the morning. You might wake up a few times more for a few days to go to the bathroom until you body gets used to the extra source of water then you will sleep all night and it will make you feel better all day.
    Then go buy a big box of healthy granola bars or something in bulk at Costco or Sams and throw 1 or 2 into your work bag so you can eat something while you work. You don't have to eat perfect foods all of the time. Just keep track. You'll have bad days when you over eat, and amazingly good days where you eat nothing and don't even care.
    Then go exercise for a little every day you can. It will do amazing things for your attitude,and help you feel better, sleep better, and you can get away with eating more if you exercise... Good luck. Check with your doc if you don't feel good.
  • Az173
    Az173 Posts: 3 Member
    Dear neanderthin
    we do have launch break, but since I'm working in front desk with barely no backup, it is very hard to sneak out. I already got few complains because I wasn't in my office.

    Dear wadedawg
    I'm working in front desk. I thought about have snacks but I didn't know what to bring. I do wake up early because it takes about 45 minutes to reach my work. however, thanks for the suggestion, I will try it...

    Dear Xiaolongbao
    Ooh really! thanks a lot
    I might start waking up early to exercise then..
    Regarding the food, it is a very good idea and I love it. I guess having this kind of food will sure help me eat something during work. Thanks a lot. About my goal, I thought it is reasonable!! shall I make it 1/2kg/week??

    Dear sjkdad
    Is it okay to have both protein and whole grains in breakfast? or shall I choose one type??
    Can you please tell me what is Bio 35 exactly?? what kind of vitamin is it??

    Thanks a lot all for your replies. I really appreciate it..
  • Why can't you pack snacks to munch on throughout the day? I can inhale a Quaker granola bar in like 5 seconds, chewed, swallowed and then move on to the next bit of food. Cheese sticks, beef sticks, easy stuff to eat. Not the best in terms of healthy foods (simply because they are processed) but they are quick and will pack in some calories to keep you moving throughout the day if you don't get a chance to eat.