A few pointers would be handy please!

Okay, so to try to cut this long story short, my family is all fat and I want to try and help them out, since I'm in the best shape and getting to be slimmer and healthier than all of them how do I start motivating them to become healthier, like I am?

How can I convince a bunch of couch potatoes to get off their behinds and get moving? bearing in mind we have a dog and he gets regular walks, just not long ones in winter because my dad is lazy and doesn't like the cold (despite him taking 10 minutes to wrap up)


  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Good luck.
    My wife and I decided to get fit at the same time. But our daughters aren't learning from our example. Nothing we seem to do gets them motivated.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Continuing to lead by example is the best way.
  • jriehl08
    jriehl08 Posts: 157 Member
    Making someone want to get fit is like trying to make someone quit smoking or drinking. If they don't want it for themselves there is pretty much nothing you can say or do to get them to do it.
  • myrahonbarrier
    myrahonbarrier Posts: 191 Member
    Yes just let them see you and how happy you are. But unfortunately until they make the decision for themselves, nothing you do is going to help.

    It all comes down to someone wanting it for themselves
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I have found that unless people are mentally ready to commit and make the change for themselves, it's not going to happen. But, you can certainly set a good example and share what you learn as you go.
  • Proyecto_AN
    I agree. Lead by example.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Obviously nagging won't work, just like it wouldn't work for us when we were 'fat' and not as healthy. What finally worked at my house was that when they noticed my progress, they started to pay attention to what I was doing and what I was eating. My husband finally joined me and lost 25lbs himself, but had surgery on his foot/leg and has gained most of it back. He is starting to exercise again but he's not eating like he should, yet. I have hope for him and I reallyyy want him to lose that weight again. I didn't realize how sexy he looked when he was thinner, until he gained it back! All I can do is try to encourage healthier meals and to keep moving.
    We also have a really big family, (number-wise and literally BIG, obese, family) have HUGE potluck dinners all the time, so I started planning 'active' games to do with the kids. It's a lot easier in the summer but there are things you can do inside. Do you have a Wii that you could get them to use with you? What about going bowling? Doing anything is better than sitting on that couch.
    Good luck. I'll be reading replies to get more ideas myself.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
  • stephaniiee1423
    stephaniiee1423 Posts: 2 Member
    Obviously nagging won't work, just like it wouldn't work for us when we were 'fat' and not as healthy. What finally worked at my house was that when they noticed my progress, they started to pay attention to what I was doing and what I was eating. My husband finally joined me and lost 25lbs himself, but had surgery on his foot/leg and has gained most of it back. He is starting to exercise again but he's not eating like he should, yet. I have hope for him and I reallyyy want him to lose that weight again. I didn't realize how sexy he looked when he was thinner, until he gained it back! All I can do is try to encourage healthier meals and to keep moving.
    We also have a really big family, (number-wise and literally BIG, obese, family) have HUGE potluck dinners all the time, so I started planning 'active' games to do with the kids. It's a lot easier in the summer but there are things you can do inside. Do you have a Wii that you could get them to use with you? What about going bowling? Doing anything is better than sitting on that couch.
    Good luck. I'll be reading replies to get more ideas myself.

    Thank you, I do have a wii, it isn't doing a great deal though, but I work weekends and evenings so unfortunatley I'm not there to try to suggest the more active things but luckily my mum's now on board so is willing to buy the "low fat" options and no chocolate and the "zero" option on the fizzy drinks we normally have because it is my dad we're worried about, calculating his bmi last night, he is 43.3 on the scale, far from good... I just don't want him to be another statistic of obese adults dying early because their weight made them more suceptible to lifestyle-controlled illness such as type 2 diabetes
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Seeing you succeed will do wonders - even if not immediately. Be patient and just don't let them excuse themselves by thinking that only you have the 'special talent' that leads to slimness.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Bump for later...I'm in the same boat...
  • mrsmoe23
    If this was suggested, I missed it. Take walks and ask them to join you. I've noticed if you are walking and talking, you really don't know how far you've walked. One step at a time (no pun intended).