Harder than I thought + Getting depressed



  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Your not hungry because you eat low carb. Since I went keto I lost all hunger signs but you have to over ride that to a certain extent. Everybody above is right! I'm a professional in this industry, if you continue what your doing you will eventually crash. I've been there! I ate way under deficit and I worked out loads, I ended up exhausted and unwell.

    Raise your calories up, reduce your calorie deficit and increase your fats. Moderate exercise. Trust me you'll feel so much better and be happier. X
  • mienfoo
    You are NOT growing muscle while eating so low. I promise you. I guarantee you. You may feel stronger and tighter but you are NOT growing muscle. There is a BIG difference between growing muscle and having them feel tight and strong from being used more. It takes a SURPLUS of calories to build new muscle, or even eating at maintenance if you are overweight and a new lifter. But it is physically impossible to grow new muscle while eating 1000 calories (or even 1200) a day. Sorry to break it to ya!

    adding this to support your assertions,


    "The simple physiological fact is that, to gain muscle, you have to provide not only the proper training stimulus, but also the building blocks for the new tissue. This means not only sufficient protein (see below) but also sufficient calories and energy. While it’s wonderful to hope that the energy to build new muscle will be pulled out of fat cells, the reality is that this rarely happens (there are some odd exceptions such as folks beginning a program, and those returning from a layoff)."

    Okay I understand that I didn't quite get what building muscle meant...I'm sorry, thank you for informing me
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    You are doing it wrong and if you want to continue to argue with others about it, no one is going to want to help you. Obviously your way isn't working...so you can keep on doing what you're doing and getting the same results, or try something new. Good luck!

    Wow I'm sorry but what is the need to sound so patronising? I'm just really upset, I'm sure just about everyone has been on the same struggle of being unhappy with their body and wanting to make a change for the better :(

    I really don't like the way you have just told me "Yep, you're doing it wrong" and not given me any advice. Ill change my routine if j know what to do! It's all I want, it's why I came here in the first place, to feel encouraged and optimistic and happy, but seriously starting to feel the opposite :(

    I offered you suggestions in my very first response. But you didn't want to take them.
  • mienfoo
    Your not hungry because you eat low carb. Since I went keto I lost all hunger signs but you have to over ride that to a certain extent. Everybody above is right! I'm a professional in this industry, if you continue what your doing you will eventually crash. I've been there! I ate way under deficit and I worked out loads, I ended up exhausted and unwell.

    Raise your calories up, reduce your calorie deficit and increase your fats. Moderate exercise. Trust me you'll feel so much better and be happier. X

    Thank you for the encouraging response!! Totally seems like a good way to go. I'm so happy to learn from the generous advice here to strengthen my routine, beat tiredness and eat right. Really means so much to me thank you xxx
  • mienfoo
    You are doing it wrong and if you want to continue to argue with others about it, no one is going to want to help you. Obviously your way isn't working...so you can keep on doing what you're doing and getting the same results, or try something new. Good luck!

    Wow I'm sorry but what is the need to sound so patronising? I'm just really upset, I'm sure just about everyone has been on the same struggle of being unhappy with their body and wanting to make a change for the better :(

    I really don't like the way you have just told me "Yep, you're doing it wrong" and not given me any advice. Ill change my routine if j know what to do! It's all I want, it's why I came here in the first place, to feel encouraged and optimistic and happy, but seriously starting to feel the opposite :(

    I offered you suggestions in my very first response. But you didn't want to take them.

    I'm sorry. Ill go back and read it properly.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Just remember, there are people out there who do not have the privilege to improve their body due to ill health or lack of freedom. But you have the great freedom and privilege to make yourself the best you can be. Don't give up and fight harder for the body you desire. I'm having the same trouble with meeting my daily calories due to my insomnia and sometimes I get depressed because of it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Now you know what you have to do to improve so take that knowledge by the hand and lead yourself to where you want to go. :)

    This! I have an auto immune disease that renders me house bound, 7 months ago I was a personal trainer, I never truly values how lucky I was to be able to train! Do not take your health for granted because if it's taken from you one day then you'll realise it's true value. I was a very fit, healthy individual so take care of your body, feed it enough and don't push it too hard! Most of all, enjoy it! Find what makes you happy.
  • mienfoo
    Just remember, there are people out there who do not have the privilege to improve their body due to ill health or lack of freedom. But you have the great freedom and privilege to make yourself the best you can be. Don't give up and fight harder for the body you desire. I'm having the same trouble with meeting my daily calories due to my insomnia and sometimes I get depressed because of it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Now you know what you have to do to improve so take that knowledge by the hand and lead yourself to where you want to go. :)

    This! I have an auto immune disease that renders me house bound, 7 months ago I was a personal trainer, I never truly values how lucky I was to be able to train! Do not take your health for granted because if it's taken from you one day then you'll realise it's true value. I was a very fit, healthy individual so take care of your body, feed it enough and don't push it too hard! Most of all, enjoy it! Find what makes you happy.

    I do feel lucky and I want to treat my body the best I can :) xxx
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    That's great! So start today. Get some more friends on here, keep an open diary so people can help advise you :)
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    just keep at it. I dont know what your cal. intake should be to maintain weight (mine is about 2100, im eating at 1440) but try to eat at least as much as MFP tells you. Hell, even if at 10pm you just mow down a protein bar to help you hit your target. ( I completely reccomend oh-yeah brand, they are pretty much just candy bars with high protein)

    I keep a range of snacks to do this since after dinner I usually have between 50 and 500 cal left to go. ( 100 cal. protein bars, 70 cal. special k bars, a tub of icecream that is 80 cal per 50g. I can tell you now its damn easy to mow down 200g of icecream even if you just had a filling dinner), just remember to weigh it while serving.

    Personally I don't eat back my exercise calories and it seems to work for me pretty well, im loosing some muscle mass, but nothing drastic, in the process but I understand that how hard it is to loose fat and gain muscle at the same time so my plan is to hit the mid-range of my BMI and then start trying to build a further 10 kilo's of muscle which will be significantly harder than loosing 40 kilo's of weight.

    if you can get your hands on scales that do your fat% then you can tell if you are gaining muscle
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Figure out your BMR and TDEE as a guide and eat between there... Not that hard to do.

  • mjrn1221
    I was in the same boat for a while. When i took my food diary to my fitness coach he was upset at how little I was eating. I too was trying to stick to 1200 calories a day but I was also exercising at least an hour, 5 days a week. So on those days I would eat 1200 calories, if you take 400 away from that for exercise my body was only getting 800 calories net. He told me not to go crazy adding calories but to try adding 300 calories/day for a week. I did exactly that and at the end of that week I was down 2.2 lbs. I have successfully lost my weight by making sure that the minimum amount of calories I give my body to live on is 1200 calories but you are much younger, your basal metabolic rate is going to be higher, you may need more than 1200 net calories/day.
    Try adding calorie dense foods like peanut butter or almonds. Make sure you fuel up before you workout too. I also found that I had to add a protein shake to get some extra calories because I have found the more I exercise the less hungry I am.
    The other change I made is drop my carb intake. I don;t skip carbs but only eat high fiber carbs and only early in the day. By the afternoon I have had all my carbs for the day. My dinner usually consists of a lean protein and vegetable/salad. No carbs for dinner. That has seemed to help too.
    Good luck, don't let yourself get frustrated, it is not easy but it is so worth it!
  • humorousone
    humorousone Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my name is Ron and I wanted to reply. It's hard for me too and here are a few things I've done that may help you. I buy two big bags of carrots and celery and cut them up. I portion out 14 sandwich bags and eat two a day. I also buy frozen Brussel sprouts and broccoli and make sure to eat a very large amount with dinner. Do you go to a gym, or do you workout at home? If you work out at the gym, set up an appointment to work with a trainer who can make sure your doing enough and getting the most out of all the equipment. When doing cardiovascular, are you completely sopping wet with sweat when you finish? If not, then you may need to adjust what and how you're doing. A half hour of intense cardio, 5 days a week with plenty of resistance is way better than strolling for an hour. I also try to eat at least one large salad a day with plenty of veggies and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Snack on nuts and seeds everyday, I like peanuts and sunflower seeds. Hang in there, take a good look at what you're doing and if it isn't working for you then switch it up. You can do it....
  • Lialena
    Lialena Posts: 45 Member
    It's hard to convey tone in text. To me it doesn't look like you are arguing, just confused. :)

    If you want to build up muscle perhaps join the groups for strength training or NROWLFW (it's a book, new rules of weight lifting for women). For cardio there are groups for running and some of the DVDs that are popular (and probably more, I haven't joined those yet). The groups will have sticky posts with information for newcomers.

    I'm right there with you on the information overload and confusion, so I don't have specific advice about what you should be doing, just to breathe, shake off the stress, and be kind to yourself. When you feel frustrated, upset, disappointed - any negative emotion you want to overcome - take a deep breath, release the tension in your body (hunched over? clenched hands? worried look on your face? Knot in your stomach?) by changing out of that position to something more relaxed, smile, and think to yourself something like "It's ok, it's fine I feel this way, but I am going to stop worrying about it and read up on the subject/ask someone/talk to my doctor and figure it out." then redirect your thoughts to something positive (ideally something funny that gives you a giggle).
    This does wonders for all those little moments you might want to beat yourself up over, general anxiety, and thoughts that may lead you to quitting on something important to you. It sounds a bit silly but it works.

    As for gaining calories, Well, that is something a person of my size knows how to do! Others have mentioned picking more calorie dense foods and healthy fats. To that I'd add trying sauces, dips, and dressings. These will add a little caloric padding without making you feel like you are eating more then you can manage. An extra 20-60 calories here and there.

    hope this is helpful :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    You are NOT growing muscle while eating so low. I promise you. I guarantee you. You may feel stronger and tighter but you are NOT growing muscle. There is a BIG difference between growing muscle and having them feel tight and strong from being used more. It takes a SURPLUS of calories to build new muscle, or even eating at maintenance if you are overweight and a new lifter. But it is physically impossible to grow new muscle while eating 1000 calories (or even 1200) a day. Sorry to break it to ya!

    Okay...that makes sense. At least I thought I was doing *something* right but apparently not :(

    No, you're totally doing that right. It's just that, when most people say they want to build muscles, they don't actually want to build muscles in the sense of creating new muscle cells. What they really want to say is they want stronger, more toned muscles. That's what you are doing! That's a success! Yay!

    But, yes, you do need to eat more. Don't be afraid of eating carbohydrates or fats; just don't eat too much of them. Nuts, peanut butter, avocado, a sprinkle of olive oil on your food, are all great ways to increase your calories while getting good nutrition.

    The minimum amount it is healthy to eat is your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Those are basically the calories your body uses to keep your various organs, like your brain and your heart, alive. You can calculate that by going to the BMR calculator in the app section of the website. And remember that as long as you are eating fewer calories than you burn each day, you will lose weight.
  • qwertymh
    I know how frustrating it is when you want to loose the weight, you are doing everything right and exercising loads and not seeing the results you want. Last year I lost around 15lb (alot for me I am only small with not much to loose) the first couple months nothing was happening maybe 0.5lb every 2 weeks! I found that I was exercising too much and by increasing my rest days, it actually started to drop off more quickly at a 1lb a week! My advice, add an extra rest day for your body to repair itself, and allow it to use the built muscel to burn more calories whilst you are not exercising.

    Remember everyone's body is different, everyone's body reacts to different foods and exercise in different ways! Take what everyone says with a pinch of salt, including what I say, as it is my opinion only based on my own experience.

    Personally, I don't believe in the whole "body goes into starvation mode" but that is just my opinion and people will tell me I'm wrong. I have done multiple juice detox fasts where I have lost a lot of weight very quickly, first it was water weight and then it was body fat/ some muscel but I was able to build the muscel afterwards. It is not a healthy option, but it is something that works for me, and it is my body.

    If you can't add calories and you don't want to, then don't! Don't force more into you than you want to. What is the point in it if it will make you unhappy. Calories are not everything, and shouldn't just be looked at, you need a combination of monitoring your carb, protein and sodium intakes too.

    My advice, listen to your own body, maybe try and add a rest day see how it makes you feel, increase/decrease calories see how you feel, it is just trial and error. See what works best for YOU!
  • mienfoo
    You are NOT growing muscle while eating so low. I promise you. I guarantee you. You may feel stronger and tighter but you are NOT growing muscle. There is a BIG difference between growing muscle and having them feel tight and strong from being used more. It takes a SURPLUS of calories to build new muscle, or even eating at maintenance if you are overweight and a new lifter. But it is physically impossible to grow new muscle while eating 1000 calories (or even 1200) a day. Sorry to break it to ya!

    Okay...that makes sense. At least I thought I was doing *something* right but apparently not :(

    No, you're totally doing that right. It's just that, when most people say they want to build muscles, they don't actually want to build muscles in the sense of creating new muscle cells. What they really want to say is they want stronger, more toned muscles. That's what you are doing! That's a success! Yay!

    But, yes, you do need to eat more. Don't be afraid of eating carbohydrates or fats; just don't eat too much of them. Nuts, peanut butter, avocado, a sprinkle of olive oil on your food, are all great ways to increase your calories while getting good nutrition.

    The minimum amount it is healthy to eat is your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Those are basically the calories your body uses to keep your various organs, like your brain and your heart, alive. You can calculate that by going to the BMR calculator in the app section of the website. And remember that as long as you are eating fewer calories than you burn each day, you will lose weight.

    Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement :) I'm disappointed in myself for not feeding my body right. I'm hoping now as the months carry on I'll see a lot more success with this new information. All the best

    Also again I'm really sorry for confusing toned muscles with built muscles. It was an honest mistake.
  • cheshire1865

    I've been doing this for just under 4 weeks and I've not really lost much in weight. My major drop in weight was after cutting out diet coke completely. I now only drink water, a small glass of milk or green tea. It will take time for you to see a difference in your shape, especially if you suffer with low self-esteem or have a slight hang up over your body. I definitely do and it takes me forever to see any changes, even when my mates comment on it. It will happen though.

    Everyone above is right about the calories thing. You need to raise it to your BMR at least otherwise your body will go into starvation mode. Admittedly, there is no need to go silly with it but just getting it up should help your body stop storing.

    Just keep your chin up, keep going and if you are really worried, take your food and exercise diary to the docs or a nutritionist to see if there is anything they can advise you on.

    My fave quote is by Audrey Hepburn: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm Possible".
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member

    I just wanted to echo what others have said in that you do need to eat more. Someone already sent you the link to the road map and it's very good. Once you have figured out what you are going to do now, stick with that program for 6 weeks no matter what your weight does. Give your body time to adapt to it. Take measurements so you know if that is changing even if the scale isn't doing what you want. And only weigh in every two weeks or so. Losing a pound or half a pound a week is good. The most important thing I have learned in the past year is patience! I have realized that the pounds that are slowly coming off are the ones that are going to stay off! By doing this slowly, steadily and without depriving myself, I haven't gotten discouraged. I still have almost 30 pounds to go, but I am so happy with the results so far that I don't care if it takes a year for the last 30 to come off (and to be honest, I have already replaced my entire wardrobe once, I want to enjoy these new clothes for a little while...LOL).

    So definitely read HelloitsDan's advice and good luck!

  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Don't apologize for an honest mistake. We're all here to learn. :)
  • bushokie
    bushokie Posts: 180 Member
    one day at a time...soon you'll see the results