Half Marathon Friends please!

kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
edited January 12 in Introduce Yourself
I'll be running my first ever half marathon on 7 April. I'm really nervous but my aim is to simply finish the race, so hopefully I can do that. I'd like some friends who are also half marathon runners (first timers or experts!) - to support each other and get advice / tips on training. Please add me!


  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    I Still remember buying my first pair of running shoes last year March - was all excited about how far and fast i would run (romanticising my running) ..... had an experienced campaigner and total stranger tell me " Take your time with running and ease into it, the biggest problem with runners starting of is that they want to push too much then when they get injured they suddenly dont enjoy running." Anyways, i thought, what could he possibly know what im capable off, im losing weight and riding my high ... anything is possible.

    So after just starting to run (not even two months into it - more like jogging and walking) i attempted my first half .... took me 2hrs53mins ... literally had to walk the last 4-5kms as i just couldnt even get myself to jog (Around April side last year). So i knew, ok, need much more practice and so i began ... losing more weight, training more, much more hill training and cross training with spinning (although i sometimes think i cross train my spinning with running) .... ok, i was feeling more comfortable and so i attempted my second 21km race (during this time my 10km time had improved from 1hr20mins to 61mins) - my time for my second 21km was 2hr19mins which was the end of July 2012 ....

    Ok, so heres the point of the first paragraph ... i improved my 10km time by 20 odd mins and my 21km time by 34 odd mins whilst still being overweight .... and then it hit me ... ITB!!! That dudes voice rang all too true - i attained one of the common running injuries and gee whiz was it painful. I couldnt do spinning nor running and i was improving so well - was gutted! But, we pick ourselves up and soldier on.

    Decided, this is not the end of me - so, went to a Bioki. and worked on my knee as well as the muscles that affedct it as well as getting a whole lot of core conditioning in ... started running again (greater focus on interval training) as well as spinning and ran my first 10km race last Sunday after 6 months and my time came in at 54mins although due to the amount of people, my official time would be something like 51mins ....

    Feel great and am aiming to break the 50min mark for the next 10km and eventually a sub 2hr for when i do run a 21km - aiming for mid year.

    So - if you managed all the way to the end of this story, my advice from my own personal experience:

    1. Take as much advice from runners - they've been there and know what they talking about
    2. Running must be gradual (10% increase week on week) else injuries are guaranteed
    3. Hill work is a must (I myself have been a little lax here but its one of my training aims)
    4. Fartleks, Interval training is another must
    5. Cross training another must
    6. Diet - recommended foods: fruits, veg, seeds and almonds, protein in form of chicken or slamon
    7. Stretching after a warm up of about ten minutes and also try to warm up before your race with stretching done before you start
    8. Core conditioning
    9. Alot of runners say yoga really helps as well but since i dont do this im assuming it will tie up with the core conditioning
    10. Excercising as well

    Just enjoy yourself - I'm hooked on cardio as much as i know strength training is neccessary for the ideal body ... I'm a running and spinning addict
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I'm doing my first on 21st April, simple aim is to get round without taking any walk breaks. I am the world's slowest runner, but still faster than the person sitting on their sofa, as they say!
  • fat2fitdancody
    fat2fitdancody Posts: 259 Member
    I'm running the Loughborough Half on March 24th, I'm a bit nervous as the furthest I've been outdoors is 7 miles and furthest on the treadmill is 9 miles.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    The above poster has me even more nervous now... but I have my first 1/2 in May! Training as we speak and I too am just hoping to complete it :) Add me if you would like!
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Started running last November to keep my fitness up over the winter months. I 'm usually a road cyclist but i don't like to ride in the winter as it can get dangerous, especially on my commute run which is very rural. I do mountain bike but this is usually only a weekend activity.

    Got my first half marathon lined up on March 3rd, used it as a goal so i would sustain motivation, going to go back to road biking once it's done although depending on how i do in the half i might be looking to get a full marathon in either this autumn or next spring?
  • Jackie80taylor
    Jackie80taylor Posts: 76 Member
    i started running (more like jogging) in june last year and entered my 1st half marathon in october! i started by not even being able to run to the end of the road without stopping for breath, but slowly i began getting better and being able to go further. come the big day i was confident i could do 6 miles no probs (and i was told i could walk a bit if needed so i was happy), anyway i got to 6 miles then it all went wrong. i got the biggest blood blisters and my legs seized up and i had to walk for the final 4 miles, but i didnt give up, i finished the race, ok it took me like, 3hrs 48 mins but i crossed that finish line lol

    so what did i learn? firstly, blisters HURT!!! secondly, i needed more training and better running shoes. i went in with the bare minimum training needed and hoped i could keep going but i couldnt. so lesson learnt there! train train and train more. respect the run.

    on a final note, i really enjoyed the experience as a whole and will defiantly be entering again this year, and i will be better prepared! lol

    good luck with your 1/2 :-)
  • Im doing my first half marathon in october!! Had a few ankle problems but hoping that ive done enough rehab that it will hold up :D
  • I'm hoping to complete a half marathon this year. Haven't picked a race out yet but am running 4-5 times a week. I did a 12km fun run last september ( my first) in 1:20 which i was very happy with. Though I was getting slightly annoyed at the half marathoners who made the 12km run into a half marathon and ran all the way back to the start past all of the participants (me!) lol

    Feel free to add me. I could use some help with coming up with a training plan too!

  • I'm running my first two half's this year in May and July. Feel free to add me too.

    Need encouragement to increase my run lengths without annoying my partner, she misses me when I'm running ;-)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Started running last year and ran my first 1/2 in October. Doing another in May and 2 more after that in August and October. I LEARNED a lot from my training and always willing to help others! Right now I'm doing an advanced training program.
  • I just signed up for my 4th half. I started running local 5ks and then my sister-in-laws signed up for a half, which I thought was CRAZY and declined the offer. After thinking about it, I signed up a few weeks later. My goal for my 1st half was to finish in under 2 hours. Good luck guys! Simply one of the best experiences.
  • I'll be running my second half in a little less than two weeks! Your first one feels daunting, but you'll be awesome. :smile: And then get addicted!
  • mrk1185
    mrk1185 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm running my first half May 11 (also will be my second race in minimalist shoes, first one being a 10k). I'm a little nervous about it, but I have a friend running with me so I think it'll be fun!
  • allday2
    allday2 Posts: 413 Member
    I say train, listen to your body, and run your OWN race!!!! Have fun
  • I'm having my first half marathon on the 24th of March. I just hope finishing it........
    If this goes we I will try for a marathon... Wish you All the best.
    Feel free to add me....
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm rebounding from a hip injury and have started running 5k's again and will build back up to 10ks and halfs. Good luck with your race. You are gong to do awesome!!!

    I'm aiming to do the Pensacola Half Marathon later in the year!
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I'm doing my first half in just over two weeks on Feb 24th at Disney World!!! I'm hoping to finish around 2:30, but since it's a Disney race, I'm planning to relax and enjoy the experience too. I've been training since last summer.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I did a couple of 10ks last year, and have signed up for my first half in June!

    I run slowly - I'm currently trying to get my pace to below 7 mins per km. So I reckon if I manage the half in 2 1/2 hours I'll be doing well!
  • kehowe83
    kehowe83 Posts: 79 Member
    I had gotten up to 4 miles longest outdoor distance last December ('11) before getting pregnant. I just started back up with jogging a month ago and just completed 4.36 straight jogging this week!
    I am going really slow because I had broken a bone in the ball of my foot a few years ago and don't want injury.
    I am signing up for my first ever 10k in May and then a half in December!
    feel free to add me, more motivation please!
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    I am registered to run in my first 1/2 marathon on April 6th (Go! St. Louis).

    Started running last June with C25k. Did a mile run on Labor Day,have done a few 5 k, 1 8k and 1 10k since then. I am super excited about completing the 1/2.

    I run outside 2 or 3 days a week, with long training runs on Saturdays, if I don't do a 5k.

    I'm always looking to find runners in St. Louis to talk to about the local scene and motivation/accountability.
  • tap_0072
    tap_0072 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am running one in May, and I'm nervous!
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I'm doing my first Half on Feb. 23. I love running friends, any of you feel free to add me!! And good luck to all of you!
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I have done a couple of half marathons. I was training for a marathon last year, but was laid up with cellulitis. Now, I too, am training for a half marathon on April 7. Feel free to add me. Running buddies are always nice. :smile:
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Good luck to you! I've completed a number of half-marathons over the past year. Feel free to add me for some moral support.

    As for any advice I might have...

    1. Keep at it.
    2. Speed work (intervals, fartleks, tempo runs, etc.) will help with endurance. Seems weird, but it works.
    3. Find a good training program (I use SmartCoach from Runner's World, my wife uses Run Keeper) and stick to it.
    4. Speaking of training, make sure you cross-train and work on your core. You'd be surprised how much a strong core will help your running.

    Hmm...probably nothing else that hasn't already been said, so, as I already said, good luck!
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    Just PR'ed my Half time last week! The half is a great distance!! The first 3 fly by, the last 3 are exciting. Its the miles in the middle that will get you. Run your race and dont concern yourself with other runners. Have a great time!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    I have been training for 14 weeks and have already run a practice 13.11 miles. But I am currently resting do to hip pain from over use? I didn't think I ramped my miles too quickly b/c I was following Hal Higdon's novice1, but well..maybe it's my age :noway:

    Anyway, I still plan on running the half on March 24th.....so, hopefully I will be back running/training next Tuesday.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    My first half is on March 16th (5 weeks!!). So far I've gotten up to 12 miles (last weekend!).

    I'm always looking for more runner friends! Feel free to add me!
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'd say if I could run the 1/2, anyone could do it. I loathed running back in the day, but I got into a good routine and used a simple spreadsheet to help me train and keep schedule. It's a 16 week program and it worked for me. Before training I could hardly run 2 miles without getting gassed.

    PM me if you'd like a copy of the spreadsheet.
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    I am also looking for Half Marathon friends. I will be doing my 3rd Half Marathon on 2/24. I call myself a "wogger. I am signed up to do another Half in May 2013. Support of friends is much appreciated!!
  • EricaRuns27
    EricaRuns27 Posts: 61 Member
    I did my first half about a month ago and I loved it! I have a hurt Achilles' tendon, but I'm gonna do anther Half later this year!
    I'm always looking for more running friends on here. Anyone feel free to add me.

    I agree, I think after one half you become addicted. I can't wait to do another. ????
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