PMS :( Any tips or suggestions

When I'm not PMSing I do well on my plan. I'm usually very satisfied with my 1540 calories/day.... However when PMS hits I get uncontrollable craving for carbs and salt.:explode: I never really get full or have that sated feeling after eating. :drinker: This is so frustrating because I am totally committed to my weight loss goals but find myself going over on my calories (Yesterday by 1000!!!!!) Granted I tried to not go for the cake but literally ate 3 bowls of shredded wheat (I'm so ashamed) :embarassed:

Please tell me how do you overcome these intense cravings and desire for food. I humbly ask for any tips, suggestions, advice, etc. :smile:



  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    As far as salt craving, I usually just eat a boiled egg with salt, its enough to control the saltyness and yet its just a small amount to every bite. And if you have sweets just eat 1 small DARK Chocolate only hershey's bar (mini-fun size) I hope I kind of helped :(
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    The most effective solution would be to stop menstruating. There are birth control pills where you take an active pill every day and don't have periods. There is no medical need to have them and there's no benefit to them, why not stop them?
  • I don't fight it - I can't! LOL I do eat somewhat healthy snacks e.g., salt cravings = air popped popcorn with 1/2 TSP of dry Italian mix dressing sugar cravings = dark chocolate almonds, warm sliced bananas with cinnamon and walnuts, plain Greek yogurt with dark chocolate morsels and walnuts
  • cupcake_jen
    cupcake_jen Posts: 26 Member
    I don't fight it - I can't! LOL I do eat somewhat healthy snacks e.g., salt cravings = air popped popcorn with 1/2 TSP of dry Italian mix dressing sugar cravings = dark chocolate almonds, warm sliced bananas with cinnamon and walnuts, plain Greek yogurt with dark chocolate morsels and walnuts
    Oh that sounds great! Im going to try this next week lol
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    I've encountered this today myself. I am not craving anything salty or sweet....but no matter what I eat I am still hungry and don't feel satisfied after a meal. I am just going to cut myself some slack today, try not to overindulge on junk but I'm not going to worry too much if I blow my calorie goal for the day. I figure this will pass and then I will get back on track. I hope??. :)
  • I joined the board today specificly to ask this question. I've been doing great for over a month, but whenTTOM looms near, I want chocolate and I want muffins and I want more than 2 bites of them.

    And to add frustration, I find that sugar intake causes me to crave more sugar. So avoiding it is a big deal to help me maintain healthy eating lifestyle.

    I don't mind splurging 1 day a week, but doing it for a week is going to be rough once that time is past, yk?
  • Ghiradelli Chocolate Squares - 2 squares of either the 72% or 86% cacao with a cup of coffee stops the sweet and chocolate cravings for me.

    As for the salty....I eat some raw almonds or some air popped corn with a few sprays of I can't believe it's not butter and some garlic and pepper instead of the salt.
  • Just caved and had a 1/2 glass of Chardonnay and 6 squares of green and blacks 70% dark.

    So still less than 1500 calls for the day, but over my daily goal by almost 300 calories.
  • I would suggest making sure you keep up with your exercise. I find that if I keep up my cardio or do extra during that time, I don't feel as bad splurging on my cravings. That way I can keep closer to my calorie goal or going over by just a small amount. Not to mention, the exercise actually decreases my cravings at times.
  • Your period is a natural thing and cleanses/detoxifies you. And our bodies tell us what we need.... I recommend you plan on having 1-2 days a month you go over, knowing it will be PMS time. Maybe try to eat smaller salty portions of something then go for a walk, drink more water, or find another activity to do. This is not a "will power" thing. I know a few other folks will disagree 100% and vehemently but oh well... And don't feel ashamed - we beat ourselves up too much!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    The most effective solution would be to stop menstruating. There are birth control pills where you take an active pill every day and don't have periods. There is no medical need to have them and there's no benefit to them, why not stop them?

    I am on the pill and I can tell you if I skip more than 3 months at a time I become a moody hormonal DRAGON! I also gain weight and have uncontrollable eating habits and emotions. My period is 3 times heavier than usual and I get pimples the size of CHINA. I do not suggest skipping your period more than 2 -3 months at a time.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    notice your post said carbs and salt are the triggers lol - me too!

    you said never feeling full - me too!....until....

    i discovered baby spinach! 4.5 cups only 20 cals - so make you a big pot of whole wheat angle hair pasta - dump 4.5 cups of baby spinach into it - butter and salt it up and enjoy a bit of it all day. :)

    or you get over the pasta - then ..... make you a double fiber wheat bread sandwich - and add mounds of the baby spinach to it woohoo! lol

    and - keep your fingers crossed - i bid you good journey my friend lol
  • anna32aries
    anna32aries Posts: 52 Member
    I get massive cravings too! I ate half a jar of nutella I try and get creative, although it takes a lot of effort when I'm PMSing and try to make healthy snacks and *try* to watch my intake. I made chocolate chip cookies from peanut butter, chick peas and dark chocolate. I make chocolate protein shakes with peanut butter and berries, and flavored coffee helps (no sugar, just milk).
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I work really hard to not give into the cravings because I turn into a raging shrew afterwards. It's horrible. I play that tape before giving in of how horrible I'm gonna feel, mentally and physically, afterwards. Sometimes PMS wins, and sometimes I do lol
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    For salt cravings like chips, I eat a bag of Sensible Portions veggie straws from Costco/Walmart. They're salty enough for the craving satisfaction and they even crunch just like chips. They're only 130 calories in a portioned bag too so that's awesome, and I usually find that a whole bag is too many for me to eat in 1 setting.

    As for chocolate or sweets, I'm a huuuuge fan of dark chocolate so I keep some dark chocolate chips in the cupboard so I can have a tbsp or two and not over-do it. Frozen grapes are also really really amazing. It's so weird that freezing them makes them taste even better, but it really does!
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    I have noticed that since I have lost a LOT of weight I have horrible menstrual-related symptoms - hunger, moodiness, back ache, etc. and I asked my doctor about it. She said as fat cells shrink they release their contents (including hormones) which can make your time of the month worse than it used to be. She suggested B-6, B-12, and evening primrose two days before my period starts, during, and two days after it is over. It has helped tremendously with ALL symptoms (including hunger). Talk to your doctor and see if it's OK to take the same supplements. :-)
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Ghiradelli Chocolate Squares - 2 squares of either the 72% or 86% cacao with a cup of coffee stops the sweet and chocolate cravings for me.

    THIS! Midnight Reverie! 86% cacao!
  • When I have PMS I crave sweets. I want sickening sweet treats like cupcakes and donuts---I seriously dream about them. It's so terrible. This week I did allow myself a TBSP of white choc. chips to satisfy the need for something overtly sweet. It makes me angry to have my progress thrown off by hormones.
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    For cravings, I keep a bag of Dove promises around. They need to be dark, though, so more satisfying and also bitter enough that I can only eat one or two at a time (and then my mouth decides it doesn't want anymore and I need a drink of water, lol).

    For staying under calories, I'd look and see what your maintenance level and deficit are (if you look under 'goals', it should tell you how many calories you theoretically burn a day, and what your calorie deficit is). Then, try to make sure you don't go over your maintenance (so, don't go over by more calories than what your deficit is). It gives you a few more calories to play with, while minimizing the damage to your progress- you'll lose more slowly that week, yes, but you also won't gain and undo the progress you've made!
  • raecork
    raecork Posts: 34 Member
    So glad to see this post, yep I am right there with the poster who said they are always hungry, I think the key is not to fight it, eat or not eat it doesn't seem to work. But I like the exercise. Give in to the cravings, but up the exercise. It's a win win, as exercise improves mood, and allows for some indulgent treats if the calorie deficit is there.