I need help curbing my appetite.



  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Protein in combination with fiber. You said youre tired of oatmeal but you can change it up:

    1) Eggs florentine over oatmeal: 1 fried egg with 1 slice of swiss cheese mixed into the oatmeal and 1/4 - 1 cup baby spinach. DELICIOUS
    2) Oatmeal with greek yogurt and berries
    3) Oatmeal with protein powder and/or nuts
    4) Oatmeal with vanilla almond or soy milk

    Hot liquids do wonders for filling you up, so definitely tea and coffee. Green tea, especially, is known for it's metabolism boosting effects. in one study between women who drank 4 cups of green tea per day and those who didn't, although both groups followed the same diet and exercise plan, the group that drank green tea burned 100 more calories per day.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    It could be mindless eating because I am a stay at home Mom and find myself bored and wanting to snack too. There are certain times of the day that I want to eat even though there is no possible way that I am hungry, but most find it worse when I have not had enough water. At 10:30pm is one of the times that I get really bad cravings and am NOT hungry so I distract myself or drink something instead.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Considering I may not actually be hungry, I guess some suggestions on snacks that will actually benefit me would be awesome as well.

    KALE CHIPS. SO easy to make and delicious.

    Take fresh, rinsed kale. Dry off with a paper towel. Put in baking panb. Drizzle with no more than 2 tbsps of light olive oil and a bit of salt (alternatively you can try lemon juice and pepper). Bake for 12 minutes. Voila. Crispy, fibrous, leafy vegetables with a crunchy chip-like texture.

    Also snacks that are high in water content will also fill you up. Try an apple and a tbsp of peanut butter. Or cream cheese and celery. The key is water + fiber + protein!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Are you keeping an accurate diary? Because if so, you are hungry because you need to eat! You are not eating enough, simple as that.

    Calories are our friends. Calories=energy. It is when we eat more calories than we use for energy that we gain weight. WE NEED calories for fuel. So you need to eat to fuel your body.

    If you are wanting to cut and build muscle, you need to eat way more protein as well.

    Calculate how many calories per day that you burn(your TDEE) and then go from there.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I have a 2 year old as well and my desire to snack comes from a combo of boredom and stress.

    Not sure if you have access to a car - but one of the best things for me when I'm home all day with my kids is to get out in the morning.

    We call them adventures but they are really just an excuse not to be in the house. Right now because it is cold, we walk every aisle at the Target/Meijer/Walmart, walk the mall or go to the library. In nice weather, we go to the park or the pool.

    It keeps me busy, less stressed and makes my kids more tired for naptime - thereby giving me a longer break!

    Just another thought - you are pretty close to your goal. Have you tracked how many calories you eat when you snack? Is it possible you are eating maintenance for your current weight? Maybe try just reducing your eating a little and upping your workouts? I'm no expert but the closer I get to my goal - the harder it seems for me to cut cals.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    Are you keeping an accurate diary? Because if so, you are hungry because you need to eat! You are not eating enough, simple as that.

    Calories are our friends. Calories=energy. It is when we eat more calories than we use for energy that we gain weight. WE NEED calories for fuel. So you need to eat to fuel your body.

    If you are wanting to cut and build muscle, you need to eat way more protein as well.

    Calculate how many calories per day that you burn(your TDEE) and then go from there.

    My diary is not completely accurate. I forget to log stuff, or skip days sometimes. I'm working on that too. Like yesterday, I completed my diary for the day but ended up snacking a couple more times after wards.

    And I haven't really started working out yet to build the muscle, just walking, jogging and some beginners workouts at home. (I tire easily.)

    I'm pretty tired all the time, and I'm trying to also battle that. Working on figuring out some vitamins or whatever is needed to help.
  • emilymransom
    emilymransom Posts: 1 Member
    How much water are you drinking? Aim for AT LEAST a gallon a day to help remove toxins and keep you feeling satisfied.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    I have a 2 year old as well and my desire to snack comes from a combo of boredom and stress.

    Not sure if you have access to a car - but one of the best things for me when I'm home all day with my kids is to get out in the morning.

    We call them adventures but they are really just an excuse not to be in the house. Right now because it is cold, we walk every aisle at the Target/Meijer/Walmart, walk the mall or go to the library. In nice weather, we go to the park or the pool.

    It keeps me busy, less stressed and makes my kids more tired for naptime - thereby giving me a longer break!

    Just another thought - you are pretty close to your goal. Have you tracked how many calories you eat when you snack? Is it possible you are eating maintenance for your current weight? Maybe try just reducing your eating a little and upping your workouts? I'm no expert but the closer I get to my goal - the harder it seems for me to cut cals.

    I've throught about the maintenence thing. I'm not 100% sure. I'm pretty new to this. I joined 2 years ago almost, but stopped exercising about halfway through that and gained back 10lbs that I had lost. (My ticker had actually said that I had lost 20lbs, until I fixed it recently.)
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    How much water are you drinking? Aim for AT LEAST a gallon a day to help remove toxins and keep you feeling satisfied.

    I usually drink at least 4- 16oz bottles over the course of the day. I have half empty bottles in my bedroom, the kitchen and living room. (I hate cold water) so I don't know exactly. It may be more. I do also drink probably 3-4 cups of milk and a cup of orange juice every day as well.
  • Try moving breakfast until later in the morning, say 2 hours after you get up, or skip it all together and have an earlier lunch if that suits your day better.

    And please don't dismiss it until you have tried it for a couple of days, it doesn't hurt to give it a go. It might work for you.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Are you keeping an accurate diary? Because if so, you are hungry because you need to eat! You are not eating enough, simple as that.

    Calories are our friends. Calories=energy. It is when we eat more calories than we use for energy that we gain weight. WE NEED calories for fuel. So you need to eat to fuel your body.

    If you are wanting to cut and build muscle, you need to eat way more protein as well.

    Calculate how many calories per day that you burn(your TDEE) and then go from there.

    My diary is not completely accurate. I forget to log stuff, or skip days sometimes. I'm working on that too. Like yesterday, I completed my diary for the day but ended up snacking a couple more times after wards.

    And I haven't really started working out yet to build the muscle, just walking, jogging and some beginners workouts at home. (I tire easily.)

    I'm pretty tired all the time, and I'm trying to also battle that. Working on figuring out some vitamins or whatever is needed to help.

    I am willing to bet that you are tired all the time because you are not fueling your body properly.

    Calculate your BMR and TDEE here: http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx Then let us know what the two numbers are.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are not going to build muscle on 1300 cals en 49 grams of protein a day...
    eat more, eat LOTS of protein - you burn 500-800 cals each day with exercise and then only eat 1300.....Of course you will be hungry.....
  • bserwack
    bserwack Posts: 51 Member
    When I'm feeling the urge to snack, and I know I'm not hungry, I'll drink a cup of tea. I don't know why, but it usually works for me. By the time I finish drinking it the cravings have pretty much gone away.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    You are not going to build muscle on 1300 cals en 49 grams of protein a day...
    eat more, eat LOTS of protein - you burn 500-800 cals each day with exercise and then only eat 1300.....Of course you will be hungry.....

    I literally JUST edited yesterday and added in the two things I didn't put in yesterday. I actually ate back all of my calories.

    I do normally eat almost double the 48 protein MFP has me set at.

    I'm not currently doing any kind of exercises to build muscle. Just jogging and playing baseball with my boyfriend. Just trying to get used to being active again before doing any kind of workout routine.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Okay, maybe it's not my appetite. All I know, is that I can eat a full breakfast (eggs, grits, toast) or even a footlong Subway, and not too long after, I will have the desire to snack, or possibly even eat more. I'm not overweight (125lbs at 5'4) but I am looking to cut off 10lbs, while building muscle (which obviously means I may lose no weight). I'm mostly concerned with inches around the middle, since having 2 kids didn't help me out there.

    If nothing else, I probably just eat for taste, because there are even sometimes I feel full, but finish those last few bites just because it tastes good.


    What are some healthy, appetite curbing meals and snacks that are EASY. I already cook a completely different dinner for the rest of my family than what I eat, so I don't want to go too complicated.

    I'm a little picky, and if I find something I like, I tend to eat a lot of it for a while...


    You could try intermittent fasting.
  • caitconk
    caitconk Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the most full when I get more protein with every meal. What are your macros set to?

    Not sure what you mean by Macros, but if you mean MFP goals.... MFP has my Protein goal at 49 for the day. I already got 30 with breakfast. I feel full and satisfied, but I do have the urge to snack, already. It's been about an hour and a half. I had 3 eggs and grits, with a glass of milk.

    If you're trying to build muscle you need to eat A LOT of protein. I believe I've read around 70% of your body weight. So don't listen to MFP if you really are trying to lose inches and gain muscle. I usually try to take in at least 100 g/ day if not a little more - every meal has lots of protien. I eat a lot of healthy fats as well - coconut oil, avocados, etc. I'm usually satisfied all day and don't get the sudden urge of "I AM STARVING" like I used to. I always stay under my calorie goal even with eating those so called high calorie fats. I do get hungry quickly after breakfast so I usually have a mid-morning snack of veggies -zucchini, peppers, etc. Fruit has too much sugar. I don't think you should be concerned though. If you're hungry, eat. As long as you're taking in things your body can burn and process easily you should be fine.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    Are you keeping an accurate diary? Because if so, you are hungry because you need to eat! You are not eating enough, simple as that.

    Calories are our friends. Calories=energy. It is when we eat more calories than we use for energy that we gain weight. WE NEED calories for fuel. So you need to eat to fuel your body.

    If you are wanting to cut and build muscle, you need to eat way more protein as well.

    Calculate how many calories per day that you burn(your TDEE) and then go from there.

    My diary is not completely accurate. I forget to log stuff, or skip days sometimes. I'm working on that too. Like yesterday, I completed my diary for the day but ended up snacking a couple more times after wards.

    And I haven't really started working out yet to build the muscle, just walking, jogging and some beginners workouts at home. (I tire easily.)

    I'm pretty tired all the time, and I'm trying to also battle that. Working on figuring out some vitamins or whatever is needed to help.

    I am willing to bet that you are tired all the time because you are not fueling your body properly.

    Calculate your BMR and TDEE here: http://thefitgirls.com/tdee-calculator.aspx Then let us know what the two numbers are.

    Give me a couple minutes, going to do it right now.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    chug water before every meal.

    Often, dehydration is confused with hunger.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Eat SLOW.
    It takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that your stomach is full, so the slower you eat, the more time your brain has to realize it, and the less you'll eat for breakfast. It's okay to still want to eat more later, it's actually healthier to eat 5 small meals a day, instead of three big ones.
    But I bet that if you eat slower, you'll eat less breakfast and snackage.
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 67 Member
    The two numbers from the thing are:

    BMR: 1385
    TDEE: 1904

    That's with 1-3 days of exercise, since that is what I'm usually getting right now. I hope to eventually hit 3-5 days.