Mac or PC?

SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
The time has almost arrived for me to replace my cranky old desktop with something shiny and new. I have always had Microsoft but I think I may have fallen in love with the look of the new all in one Mac.
Which do you prefer and why? The iMac sure is a thing of beauty but can the £1249.00 price-tag really be justified?


  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    If all you plan on doing is browsing the interwebs, save your money and get windows.
  • MommaKit79
    I have always had a PC...I used a MAC in school for my education classes but, other then that have ALWAYS had a PC. I have heard a LOT of great things about MACs though. I am kinda in the same boat as you...not sure what I am going to get. My Computer Savy S.I.L. LOVES her MAC!
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Unless you're doing something heavy like video editing etc then I'd stick with a standard Windows PC.

    Or be drastic like I did and replace PC with a Tablet - ideal if you only do web browsing and no games etc.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    There is no right, or wrong answer, it depends what your usage will be, and how much you want to spend.

    What other devices do you have? If you're already well into the Apple ecosystem with ipod, ipad etc... then the mac makes sense.

    If you use a lot of windows software, then makes sense to stick with a PC.

    You could even be really crazy and run an operating system like Ubuntu!
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    PC all day every day. I have owned 2 imacs and would never bother with them again. Expensive overrated crap.

    I know a fantastic guy who does pc builds, he can advise you or you tell him every component you want and he will do it, just charges a flat rate build fee.
  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    I think Macs are excellent for home use. The built-in versioning system, automatic backups ("Time Machine"), no worries about viruses or spyware, plus the really good bundled apps like iPhoto, iMovie, etc. are really nice features. If you have a lot of Windows-only apps or are a hardcore gamer, a PC is probably more suitable.

    I always buy my Macs from the Refurbished section of the online Apple Store. Their refurbs are as good as new, come with the same warranty as new, but cost a few hundred dollars less.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I think Macs are excellent for home use. The built-in versioning system, automatic backups ("Time Machine"), no worries about viruses or spyware, plus the really good bundled apps like iPhoto, iMovie, etc. are really nice features. If you have a lot of Windows-only apps or are a hardcore gamer, a PC is probably more suitable.

  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member

    Of course there is malware that targets OS X, but it's not nearly as prevalent and therefore not something Mac users generally need to worry about. You shouldn't agree to install browser plugins when prompted by shady websites on *any* OS.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    I support Microsoft computers for a living.

    My home computer is a Mac.

    That said, Mac's are pricey and you can get a nice workable pc for $500.00.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I liked my mac when I was doing programming and command line computing (I'm still bitter my husband broke it)... but lately all I ever do now is browse pinterest and play games online... so a PC would probably be what I get next.

    Mostly because I want a lot of memory and hard drive space (for storing photos) and I can get it a lot cheaper in a PC than I could with a Mac.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    If all you plan on doing is browsing the interwebs, save your money and get windows.

    ^ This. 99% of consumers will be more then satisfied is all they plan to do it web surf and email then yes, save the $ and get a PC. The price difference is not justifiable. Now if you plan on doing some video editing, gaming, ect then IMHO one can start to think of spending the extra money. Sure they are really nice looking but for more then 1/2 the price you can get a PC that will do what you need for it to do.