Weight Loss as a Couple.

Has anybody else changed their lifestyle with their significant other? I started on here a few weeks before my boyfriend did and today he passed me on his total weight lost. It drives me insane! Lol. I'm eating better than he is and working out at the gym! He's been eating too few calories and worse stuff with those calories and doing absolutely no exercise. It's just frustrating, ya know?


  • kaitlyn606
    So very frustrating! I kind of know how you feel. I joined a couple days ago and my partner joined a bit after me. I feel that loosing weight is so ideal but it's not that easy. Especially if you eat all of your main meals together, which is what we do. My new philosophy is to make good choices for myself, like saying no - we can't order pizza again! Hopefully my changes will make an impact on my partner, a good impact at least. Try to just focus on yourself for now and the pieces should fall in place.
  • ToFatToBeSick
    My boyfriend and I are in this together. I'm the one who got him into it. Our relationship started off with daily visits to the gym. Now, he's doing fantastic while I'm here pregnant waiting around for my turn to kick his *kitten* once more at the gym. I loved the competition BEFORE I got pregnant when I wasn't limited with what I could do, what I could eat and so on. Now, I root for him but am a little envious at the same time because of all my limitations.

    Make it into a game. That's what we did. I would issue a challenge and say "I bet I can lose 10 pounds before you can" and so on. They do tend to lose weigh faster than us females as well. Pretty annoying actually.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Im in it with my girlfriend, although shes where she wants to be in weightloss terms she wants to build some muscle so has started lifting. Its great having the support there and someone to have discussions around food/workouts with that actually cares :)
  • Ashleymeganlove
    It definitely helps to motivate each other but it just bums me out when he loses so much faster. Stupid men and their not needing to bear children.
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    My Mr just joined up today am looking forward to us working together to help each other to meet our goals and become healthy. We have been together 2 and half years and in that we have put to much weight on! we just got in that comfy spot of when we had free time all we would do was cuddle up with junk food with a good movie! but we are both sick of being lazy! and wanting to get to an ideal healthy weight and feel good about ourself and becoming more active! The only negative thing is my Mr is a bit heavier than me and his male so he will lose weight more quickly than me ...i just don't want to get jealous :laugh:
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I eat less, do strength training an cardio (where he only does cardio) and I ha lost like 15 I lost 8. He ws already thing to begin with. Then he eats last night and grabs his belly saying he is bloated. I am like "WTF! dont do that in front of me! I am way fatter than you". It is annoying. I will never be thinner than him but I will try to be thin for me.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I really really wish my partner cared about his weight and overall health but he does not. So I do this alone. It is frustrating and it concerns me actually, since he falls under the "obese" category. I try to be encouraging but there is not much I can do...
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Working on this with my lovely husband, he has achieved his target but is incredibly supportive. We eat the same for meals when we're together, he takes his surplus calories when he is away from me. Removes food envy, jealousy and temptation.

    Big benefit is that I am now inheriting his former chubby clothes, I have a whole new wardrobe waiting for me!
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    I'm down 25.5 and he is down 22. So it's close. I eat more then him but still lose weight. Maybe his metabolism is faster then yours.
  • rankinab
    My significant and I are doing this together as well. However we are doing it as a challenge! We have set up goal weight loss for each of us (mine is 15 lbs his is 30lbs) and we have a schedule of weigh-ins each week. We have set rules and regulations for the challenge resulting in consequences. These range from doing push ups, loading the dishwasher, taking the dog for a walk, or giving me a back massage! Anything goes really! This has helped us because we stay focused on our own individual goals while also being competative. In the end, its whoever reaches their goal who wins. and then whoever loses more than their goal. Trying to compare your weight loss to his will be discouraging. men are so different than women when it comes to overall weight loss, food intake, and calories burned.

    Basically, you have to have individual goals while also being a team and working together towards weight loss. Maybe you should think about % of body weight lost vs. actual pounds?

    Cheer up, you're losing weight in the end. That is the ultimate goal!
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Estrogen makes fat cells.
    Testosterone build muscles.
    We're all just different. We eat different. Our metabolisms are different. My DH is losing faster than me also, and he isn't even on MFP. He is just eating different then he used to, and not eating as much. Me, I am all for the counting calories and doing the exercise, but I lag behind him in weight loss.


  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    For me, personally, relationships are hard enough. I don't need to go making challenges that would just stress me out and make me mad. Because I work out almost every day and eat healthier than he does, yet he can drop 25 pounds in a couple weeks if he really wanted to by just cutting out soda and no junk food.

    Overall I think it's at least important to let your significant other know that you're trying a different lifestyle change, so you'll want to make some better decisions while together. That way if they want to partake too they can, and if not it's their choice.