Anyone else juicing?

Starting my diet tomorrow , my daughter-in-law bought me a Nutri bullet which I have used and made some really nasty and some really good juices with. However am going t try to do nothing but juice for as long as I can stand it then go vegetarian, so am just wondering if anyone else is juicing or have tried it. Please let me know & thanks!


  • I did a juice fast for a week and it shaved off like 12 lbs! I mostly went with sweeter tasting juices with carrots and apples but I did make some nasty concoctions as well haha!
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Good luck!
  • I personally do not drink the juice, but I make the juice for my husband. He likes kale, carrots, beets, celery and anything else green, really. I usually add a lemon to cut the bite. He works out daily and has lost 15 pounds.
  • adventurpete
    adventurpete Posts: 2 Member
    I like to make a medley drink. Carrots, brocoli (use the stems), kale, celery, green peppers, anaheim peppers, along with jalepano or two (seed the peppers unless you like nucular juice), zuccani and whatever else looks good. It is tasty and if you go light on the carrots won't turn your skin orange. :wink:
  • Thanx! Am still "playing" with flavors but this is only day !! Thanx for taking the time to respond.
  • Thanx! Seriously! lol
  • Thank u for responding. My husband makes fun of me when I drink mine (he wouldn't touch it with someone else's lips!) I'll say "wow this looks gross! " He'll say "Imagine what its gonna look like later!" When I reach my goal THATS what it will look like later Fat Man! lol Thanks for responding will try some of those suggestions! :)
  • pink_ribbon_1
    pink_ribbon_1 Posts: 46 Member
    I didn't have luck with Juicing. My body missed the protein and fiber that make me feel full. The sugar in the juice triggered uneven blood sugars throughout the day and I felt hungry all the time.

    Works for some, but it wasn't for me.

    Good luck.
  • Ew don't want orange skin! Do you juice everyday or what? Am already experiencing a caffine headache GAWD I miss my diet coke but theres none for miles so as long as I stay home am safe! :)
  • I worried about that too (missing protein) when I tried this once b4 I was hungry all the time my daughter in law (who has done it for 30 days) said after the 3rd or 4th day it wasn't too bad and to add bananas or avacado nuts and even dry oatmeal would help. IDK am gonna see how I do. Thanks for responding. Have a great day!
  • shannonblum
    shannonblum Posts: 2 Member
    I juiced for 30 days last year and lost 30 lbs. Unfortunately, it crept back on over the year. I don't blame the fast weight loss, I just didn't keep up with the eating habits like I should have. I am starting a shorter fast today. I am going to go until I lose 15lbs. That should be about 10 days.

    Here are my fave recipes

    1 c green grapes
    1 cucumber
    1 lime
    1 green pear

    3 kale leaves
    1/4 lemon
    2 green apples
    2 celery stalks

    There are a lot more recipes out there. Check The leafy greens do have some protein in them so I try to incorporate those into 1-2 juices each day.
  • I have a dash juicer and love it. What I have learned is to start with 3-4 fruits and vegetables. Too much will overpower the juice

    My go to right know is cucumber, celery, beet leaves or kale, and 1/2 a beet. So good!
  • If your worried about protein drink it in the morning with scrambled egg whites or after a workout with 2 boiled egg whites or lean turkey slices
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    i started juicing on monday.
    today, the scale said im down 8.5lbs.

    im new... so im trying different fruit/veg combinations.

    ive used:
    kale, celery, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, spinach, garlic, oranges, granny smith apples, clementines, sweet onion, lemons, beets and ginger root.

    all juice cominations have been good.

    only one that was bitter and nasty was : two whole clementines. blech ACK ACK! wicked bitter.

    ( i juice everything else with skin or rind on, and it hasnt been bitter. but next time i juice a clementines i'll likely peel 'em. )
  • Joj75
    Joj75 Posts: 1
    I did the juice fast for 4 days this past weekend. I also did it before a little over a year ago. How long have you been doing it?
  • Today is Day 1 lol! The juice is good tasting I like it but not feeling full is how I feel today oh and missing my diet coke! Thanks for responding!
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    This week I'm juicing carrots and spinach once a day.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    nah, just creatine and protein shakes
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    Juicing is actually different than what a blender like the nutra bullet does. Juicing removes the fiber so the gut doesn't have to work as hard and the nutrients are more easily absorbed. Blending dumps a ton of fiber directly into the gut without the benefit of the digestive process starting with lots of saliva getting mixed into the food. It's not a great idea. It's hard on the gut, can give you gas, and the fiber blocks absorption of some of the nutrients you're taking in. But I guess if that's the only way you're gonna get some raw veggies in you then go for it.
  • shannonblum
    shannonblum Posts: 2 Member
    Allison did you peel the clementines first? Try that next time. I never leave the rind on citrus because it really adds a bitter taste.