Insanity and Knee Pain?

The guys at my nutrition shop told me to be careful when starting insanity due to the possibility of knee issues. I told them thanks for the advice and I honestly just hoped it wouldn't happen to me... Well what do you know, almost 3 weeks in and just 3 days ago my right knee was killing me. So I took a rest day, my knee felt a little better, and then did Pure cardio and Cardio abs last night. Today my left knee is killing me :( Any advice on how to help with the knee pain? I know on the video's it says "keep knees soft" but what does that mean exactly, lol. Should I take a few days off or just try to watch my knees during the jumps and squats? Any advice would be appreciated from anyone this has happened to or heard about it. THanks so much!!


  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    I have issues with my right knee too, especially when I'm training for a race. I know it's not the same thing as Insanity, but this might work... I read up a bit on IT band syndrome, and I got myself a compression strap. Works like a charm.

    Insanity is an amazing workout where people see incredible results, but it is a little light on strength, specifically in terms of heavier weights. I'd do a little extra work on my surrounding muscles (glutes, quads, etc.), and see if that helps too. My doctor tells me that for the most part, pain (especially in those of us who are fairly new to vigorous exercise) is an indicator that you're underdeveloped in a nearby area. I get pain in my lower back, so he told me to work on my abs. Boo. I hate planks... lol

    Hope you figure out what's bugging you and how to fix it! It really sucks when an injury derails you... Especially in a person like you, who I know for a fact is really building some serious fitness momentum. Good luck lovely!!
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks lady!! That is good advice! This compression strap, what exactly is that? Do you have any websites in particular that you used to research? I will definitely look into this. It's so weird because I have never had knee issues before :( Anyone else that has done insanity have knee issues????
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    "Land soft" which means when you land make sure your knees are bent (soft) to absorb the force of the jump. Also when you do your squats and lunges you need to make sure (as they say in the video) that your knees stay behind your toe. If not you will torque your knee or strain it.

    I am on the third week of month two and I have not had any knee issues. I land soft and make sure I'm using the proper form when doing the squats and lunges.
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    I have been doing the 30 day shred, my right leg aches all the time. I have a desk job, I brought my yoga ball to work and began using it rather than my chair, it is helping a lot! I've been wrapping my knee & calve but the yoga ball seems to work the best for me.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I did insanity as well. The first month I was fine. Recovery week fine. First day of month two I thought my knee was ripping apart. Someone recommended doing it barefoot (I did it on carpet-- I don't know if that makes a difference). I did it barefoot and didn't have a single problem after that.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I did insanity as well. The first month I was fine. Recovery week fine. First day of month two I thought my knee was ripping apart. Someone recommended doing it barefoot (I did it on carpet-- I don't know if that makes a difference). I did it barefoot and didn't have a single problem after that.

    I have actually heard this too. Before insanity I did group classes and our instructor recommended being barefoot, she actually had these special socks that we could buy that had grips on the bottom. I am just nervous to do the Insanity kind of stuff without shoes. But I am willing to try anything so I don't get an injury! I may try that. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • ilarrotta
    ilarrotta Posts: 160 Member
    Hello BlairBrown,

    I had the exact same thing happen to me. I completed my first round of Insanity last December. I completed the first 3 weeks with no problem, however, when after that, my right knee started to hurt. Took some rest and then the left started to hurt. I thought I had to tough it up. I researched and many people have that problem. Since I had never had problems with my knees before I knew it was from the workout. I tried to workout anyway, then I felt like my knees where swollen and they hurt a lot.
    I decided to take a break of about 4 days.
    Also decided to change shoes. I was doing exercise with running shoes which were awful for jumping and flexing since their sole is very stiff. I started doing my workouts barefoot. Doing them barefooted helped me soo much since since now I was being careful in my landings and my jumping. It really changed my experience. I did my workouts barefoot for about another month, however I would also put a yoga mat underneath me to help my feet since I have hard wood floors in my house.
    Since then, I never had problems again. Later I went to the Nike store and asked for shoes for programs like Insanity and P90X. They have some specially for that. Dont give up. It is just your knees adjusting to it! Take some rest, put some ice on your knees and then resume. It was the best workout I have ever experienced!
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    "Land soft" which means when you land make sure your knees are bent (soft) to absorb the force of the jump. Also when you do your squats and lunges you need to make sure (as they say in the video) that your knees stay behind your toe. If not you will torque your knee or strain it.

    I am on the third week of month two and I have not had any knee issues. I land soft and make sure I'm using the proper form when doing the squats and lunges.

    I am definitely worried that my form is off now, especially with the squats. I tend to try to go too fast and not worry about form. Maybe I should just slow down a little during the workouts to get my form right.... Thanks!
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Hello BlairBrown,

    I had the exact same thing happen to me. I completed my first round of Insanity last December. I completed the first 3 weeks with no problem, however, when after that, my right knee started to hurt. Took some rest and then the left started to hurt. I thought I had to tough it up. I researched and many people have that problem. Since I had never had problems with my knees before I knew it was from the workout. I tried to workout anyway, then I felt like my knees where swollen and they hurt a lot.
    I decided to take a break of about 4 days.
    Also decided to change shoes. I was doing exercise with running shoes which were awful for jumping and flexing since their sole is very stiff. I started doing my workouts barefoot. Doing them barefooted helped me soo much since since now I was being careful in my landings and my jumping. It really changed my experience. I did my workouts barefoot for about another month, however I would also put a yoga mat underneath me to help my feet since I have hard wood floors in my house.
    Since then, I never had problems again. Later I went to the Nike store and asked for shoes for programs like Insanity and P90X. They have some specially for that. Dont give up. It is just your knees adjusting to it! Take some rest, put some ice on your knees and then resume. It was the best workout I have ever experienced!

    SO two votes for barefoot!! Thanks so much for the advice. I will definitely be trying this now!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I am definitely worried that my form is off now, especially with the squats. I tend to try to go too fast and not worry about form. Maybe I should just slow down a little during the workouts to get my form right.... Thanks!

    I recommend you stop and do some form of exercise that does not bother your knee.

    when its pain free, return to Insanity and do it just as you say above.

    How many times does he say 'form over speed' during the videos? thats because better form builds better muscles and helps prevent injury. hurt my back so bad at one point i had to stop, because of bad form.

    Its still going to be a grueling workout going slower. take power jumps for example. you can tuck your knees to your chest and slam them to the ground as many times as you can as fast as you can and this will raise your HR. Or you can get deeper before you jump, and actively 'recoil the spring' when you come down. going slower through a larger range of motion will make your muscles burn a lot more, it will make the HR go up too but i might take a little longer to get there.

    think of landing like a negative rep in weight lifting.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I am definitely worried that my form is off now, especially with the squats. I tend to try to go too fast and not worry about form. Maybe I should just slow down a little during the workouts to get my form right.... Thanks!

    I recommend you stop and do some form of exercise that does not bother your knee.

    when its pain free, return to Insanity and do it just as you say above.

    How many times does he say 'form over speed' during the videos? thats because better form builds better muscles and helps prevent injury. hurt my back so bad at one point i had to stop, because of bad form.

    Its still going to be a grueling workout going slower. take power jumps for example. you can tuck your knees to your chest and slam them to the ground as many times as you can as fast as you can and this will raise your HR. Or you can get deeper before you jump, and actively 'recoil the spring' when you come down. going slower through a larger range of motion will make your muscles burn a lot more, it will make the HR go up too but i might take a little longer to get there.

    think of landing like a negative rep in weight lifting.

    I know, I know, lol. Thanks for the tip on the jumps...That really does help.
  • fitcolette
    This is such a common issue with Insanity. I did the program about three years ago, LOVED it, but wasn't able to complete the last week because I couldn't handle the pain in my knee anymore. From that point on, I still have troubles with my knee and have to be so careful with what exercises I do.
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    Are you performing your stretchs correctly? Sometimes knee pain is in fact groin or thigh pain die to tense muscles, for me anyways, i take a looong loong stretch inbetween 30DS and Insanity i do both everyday. I use 30DS to warm my body up before i do Insanity when my muscles are warm i dont feel anything but that sweeet sweeet burn!

    However when im cold everything and i mean EVErYThING aches ten times as much, id suggest doing yoga before or after to stretch those tight muscles out. I had a bit of knee pain a week ago and i started stretching more i havent had pain since.

    Note: feel free to correct my bad punctuation, spelling, or grammer ;D
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    Are you performing your stretchs correctly? Sometimes knee pain is in fact groin or thigh pain die to tense muscles, for me anyways, i take a looong loong stretch inbetween 30DS and Insanity i do both everyday. I use 30DS to warm my body up before i do Insanity when my muscles are warm i dont feel anything but that sweeet sweeet burn!

    However when im cold everything and i mean EVErYThING aches ten times as much, id suggest doing yoga before or after to stretch those tight muscles out. I had a bit of knee pain a week ago and i started stretching more i havent had pain since.

    Note: feel free to correct my bad punctuation, spelling, or grammer ;D

    Actually, that is one thing I do a LOT of. I always do my own stretching after insanity, because I don't feel like the stretches that they do are right for me personally. I do a lot of back stretches and arm stretches also that they don't do on insanity. However, I am not sure if I specifically know of any "knee" stretches to do, lol. I do the hamstring stretches, downward dog, childs pose, and other calf stretches too, but not really sure what would help the knee? Do you have any specific stretches you would recommend? Thanks for the input!!