
This past week has been hard on me, and I'm dealing with some depression. I had to make some very difficult choices which I do not regret, but I can say that they took their emotional toll on me. I'm also really missing my baby today and that's not helping matters easy. I started off so great, and then I got on the scale this morning only to find out that I gained 3 pounds!

I just can't seem to stay on the band wagon. One day I do really good and the next few days I do really bad. I can't seem to stop eating no matter how hard I try. I know I need to start exercising too and there is zero motivation for this.

To top it all off, I'm so torn - I want to lose weight to get healthier, but I also want to start trying to have another baby - so I'm not sure what I should do - try to lose or try to maintain? I'm very upset with myself today and in a very sad place. When I look in the mirror I do not like what I see - and I wonder if the person in the mirror will ever look the way I want or am I doomed to live forever in this fat body?


  • Emmalindley
    Emmalindley Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there, I am sorry to hear that you are struggling and about your angel baby. I definately think you should continue on your healthy eating plan and know that anything you can do to be healthier, no matter how small a step it might be, will help towards your future happiness and having another baby. So definately keep on a healthy path whether you decide to try straight away for another baby or not. I have not lost any weight so far but have been trying these past few weeks and I have found that once I make a small change and stick with it for a few days in a row, it becomes so easy to say no and keep going. So maybe try a small step, like giving up one snack that you have on a regular basis or a fizzy drink etc (for me it was Full fat Coke, I have stopped having it and changed to fizzy water instead) and take it from there. One small positive step will give you a boost and motivate you.

    I wish you luck and hope that you are blessed with another baby.

    Emma xxx
  • Not sure of your location but have your Doctor check your Vit D. Mine was at the bottom of acceptable levels so my doc put me on 5000iu. My depression lifted. During the winter I double that amount as I am in the dark or in buildings.

    Beyond that just take it one day at a time and find friends to support you. I have been plateaued for almost a month now so I am reaching out to my support system more than usually to get me through.

    Good luck.
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I am sorry about your loss. I, too, have an angelbaby. I know how that affects your whole being. My word of advice is to try your best to move towards a healthier you, in any way, shape or form. small steps. one day at a time.

    I am sending you a friend request. I would love to help you out.