100+ lbs loosers

For those who lost more than 100 lbs, what is your secret? What knew WOE (way of eating) did you use? Thx for your insights !


  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Ah, if only i had a quarter for everytime someone has asked me this question. I'd be rich! No secret, eat less, move more. I Eat less prepackaged foods, more fruits, veggies and chicken. And lots of water. Yep, no secret, everything you've probably already known. It works.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Yep, not so much a diet as a change in lifestyle! I was 116lbs down in September but then I had surgery from which recovery has been long and slow, but I am proud of myself in that I have only gained 8lbs and I've not given up, I'm gradually getting back into the exercise, and it's proved that diet alone isn't right for me.... I just need to get off my bottom and MOVE!!! :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Eat less, move more.

    I don't worry about macros, gluten, clean eating, avoiding red meat, eating vegan, colon cleansing, intermittent fasting, supplements that spur weight loss (I guess the latest is black coffee extract - why not just drink coffee?), what Dr. Oz has to say, and whatever other fad, trend, voodoo, etc is out there.

    I do try to eat fairly nutritiously... a big salad fills me up and stays with me a lot longer than a candy bar or fries. I usually eat my exercise calories because I find if I don't I will binge after a few days (its like my body is telling me its starving and will go for whatever fast calories are available). I exercise 5 days in a row then take a day off. I do a combination of strength and cardio (I do recommend a personal trainer if you go to the gym.. I see one 2x/month just to get direction, but even once a month to set up a plan helps). I drink a ton of water - never ever have soda, not even diet. I do add Crystal Light , every other bottle. No alcohol - ever.

    Stick with it, it won't happen overnight and there will be a lot of ups & downs. I started in April 2008 and I haven't hit goal weight yet... but I will even if it takes me another 5 years.
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a follow up question. How bad is the loose skin that is left? I have roughly 180-200 to lose, and I am wondering how much of this skin is left, and if anyone has had surgery to remove it?
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member

  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I have a follow up question. How bad is the loose skin that is left? I have roughly 180-200 to lose, and I am wondering how much of this skin is left, and if anyone has had surgery to remove it?

    Mine isnt bad at all. Just a bit on my upper inner thighs. I thought it would be much worse.
  • Sprmc47
    Sprmc47 Posts: 82 Member
    Raise protein level, Reduce sodium level, reduce carb level, do not if at all possible have cheat days. Be consistent. Consistency rules everything. Want it to work in your favor way way more than you want the junk you shouldn't have. Keep it simple. Replicate your meals. Have go to snacks that are good for you. Plan plan plan days a head of time what you will eat. Don't let people sabotage you. Invest in Whey powder, lots of protein. Try to have protein above 100. Log your food consistently!!! After 3 months, start moving (aerobically, walking, etc.) Then introduce weights, but keep it simple. Have motivating statements that you remember in down times or times you want to stop doing it right. Here are mine: "I do today, what most people won't, so that tomorrow I can do what most people can't" ~Jerry Rice. "You can spend 1 hour a day exercising or 24 hours a day resting, while you are dead" (That one is a little harsh, but it makes me get up at 4:30am every day.) "To get the keys to the castle you have to be born into it, marry into it, buy it, or take it by force. I like that 4th option." (kind of a fun one). "It's Just walking, I can do that" ~me. Lastly, "Today is another day to get it right!"

    Every morning I wake up at 4:30a to go to the gym and just think to myself, it's only walking how easy; you could be doing something extremely painful and so I think, I can do this its just walking get up. Once I am up I am all good until I get on the treadmill them I walk for 5 minutes and think damn 55 min to go and I think I only need 30, but then I realize it has been 10 min and I am still going when I thought it was just 5. After every 5 I drink water from my bottle and it becomes more ritual than thirst, 9 drinks to go, if I can just make it to 35 min. Then at 35 I think only 25 more to go 10 more until 15 and who can't do 15, 3 more drinks, then 15 comes and I know I will finish, because the last 5 is the victory lap that goes so fast. Done, last drink, now on to weights, and a setup to a good weigh in this week. Weights, shower and I can already taste the dark roast coffee that awaits me at a local place. Now my morning begins and have my whole day in front of me the last 1.5 hours is now a blur, but I feel good! That is my start!!! I went from not able to walk 5-10 minutes without resting, one year ago to walking 3 miles a day, 7 day's a week. I can't believe that I am doing this sometimes, but I am down 5 pant sizes, 2 shirt sizes, and had a perfect yearly checkup a few weeks ago.

    Believe me it is worth it. BE CONSISTENT! Good Luck!!!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I switched to a whole foods, plant based diet. I eat tons of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, and a little (very litte) grain. I do not eat any animal products or oil.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Oh if I had a nickel for every time this was asked of me. I'm just short of 100 pounds, but I'm almost there. Two secrets: Watching how much you put in your mouth, and making sure you move more.

    I wrote an extended list expanding on those two points and posted it a couple weeks ago, but I'll put it again here for your benefit.

    1. Be patient and kind to yourself. You will make mistakes. That is okay. Keep focused, and keep moving forward. More on this later

    2. Find out, whether it's through MFP's calculations, or another location, what your target calorie range should be, and try your best to stick with it. And if you go over a day, don't beat yourself up. Just keep going. Keep track of EVERYTHING you eat, even if you don't think you should have eaten it. And don't go below the low end of your range. ESPECIALLY don't go below 1200. Your body needs fuel!

    3. Try to replace things like refined grains with whole grains, have less sugar, eat within your macros if possible. But don't put anything off limits. Don't tell yourself, "I can't have brownies now." You CAN have a brownie. Just account for it, and adjust your numbers for the day.

    4. Move! If you're sedentary, try to find an activity to get yourself moving. Even if it's as simple as a walk around the block. That's how I had to start. Then maybe after a few days, you can do two blocks. And maybe then you can add a Walk Away The Pounds aerobics video. But it really is a matter of burning more calories than you take in. If you have limited mobility, there are seated exercise resources online that will help.

    5. Solidarity in numbers: Make friends with others on this journey. We all understand the ups and downs, and support is essential. Whether it's in person (friends, family, places like Overeaters Anonymous or Weight Watchers) or online (MFP, SparkPeople, etc.). Become a regular on the site of your choice. Get to know people, and encourage them on their way, and they will do the same for you.

    6. Celebrate your accomplishments. Reward yourself. You deserve it. It doesn't have to be something major. I just got my ears re-pierced as a reward for my current efforts.

    7. Don't punish yourself for "mistakes." We're human. Mistakes are inevitable. But that doesn't make you a bad person, or a failure. Acknowledge what has happened, make note of it, try to think about how it can be avoided in the future, and just keep focused and moving forward.

    8. Trust yourself and have faith in yourself. If you keep focused, you can and will succeed!
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I am diabetic so I eat accordibng to BG tests of each food or meals I eat.

    Other than that, there is no special secret. I log everything and exercise. I will say the foods I eat are as whole as I can get.
    My skin is not bad so far =)

    Good luck, work hard, and use your tool ** MFP
  • CharT5188
    CharT5188 Posts: 57 Member
    For those who lost more than 100 lbs, what is your secret? What knew WOE (way of eating) did you use? Thx for your insights !

    Thanks for asking this question. I have 105 to lose for my (first) goal.

    All these tips are very helpful. So awesome to see that it can be done!
  • dwoodmanjr
    dwoodmanjr Posts: 89 Member
    Stubborness and perserverance.

    also, gastric band surgery last April. And Weight Watchers since last January.

    I lost 34 pounds from 6/2011 to 1/2012 just making smarter food choices. I lost 38 pounds from 1/2012 to 4/2012 on Weight Watchers alone, and I've lost 96 pounds from 4/2012 to 2/2013 with Weight Watchers and the lap-band surgery
  • lisajuarez
    lisajuarez Posts: 13 Member
    True dedication to account for every single thing in your mouth will make a huge difference. It's hard to get adjusted to eating less and paying attention to what you are actually eating, but once you get the hang of it you are golden! I started using MFP January of last year and have lost a total of 127lbs. I started off just by counting my calories and slowly eased into working out.
  • First, I wanted to share a photo:

    I am still on my journey but I am getting there. 58 more pounds to go and then I'll decide how much to go from there. I didn't change my life drastically like go fully vegan or juice the pounds away, I just started moving for at least a half an hour a day and logging/being accountable for everything I ate. I try to keep it about 45% carb, 35% protein and 20% healthy fats. Does this mean that I haven't sat down and devoured a ben and jerry's pint on a bad day? nope, however, I just made sure to log it and surely enough the bad days have been fewer and fewer since I started.

    I started hydrolic strength training at first for 4x a week with a half hour walk on the off days. It about freaking killed me. My knees hurt, My lungs burned, my legs screamed, and this was just walking. I had to build up to what I am now. It was all about those baby steps. I now ride my bike as my mode of transportation, strength train heavy 4x a week, and an hour of cardio 6 days a week. It all just had to be built up. I started one zumba class a week, Frick it KILLED ME. Now I go to 4 a week.

    you can do it, It just takes hardcore will and determination not to fail yourself.
  • thisisgreatsmile
    thisisgreatsmile Posts: 41 Member
    That is so inspiring!! Thank you for writing that:smile: I will refer to your words as they really conected with me:heart:
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    The secret is to just keep going! Don't stop! I've had bumps and stalls along the way, but I never let it derail me.

    And yes, it really is just all about calories in, calories out - there's no magic to that :)

  • Shekinah2013
    Shekinah2013 Posts: 25 Member
    Thx everyone! It is very encouraging for me who has so much to loose to see that it can be done! I am so gratefull!
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you I am down 35 pounds and have about 65- 70 more to go this really helps.
  • liberella
    liberella Posts: 57 Member
    Some great advice here!
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