Is 2 hours too much?



  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I workout 16 to 18 hours a week. I love it. I have lost weight. I am fit and I am getting ripped. I am 58 years old.
  • HollyBmomof3
    HollyBmomof3 Posts: 11 Member
    The human body is meant to work. Our lives are so cooshy today compared to what our grandparents/greatgrandparents did. If I were to ask my grandmother this question she would laugh at me and tell me how her life was a full day work out when she was young. If 2 hours is working for you and you enjoy what your doing than stick with it. I do 2 hours a day 6 days a week and the results are fantasitic.
  • windyday61
    windyday61 Posts: 26 Member
    I try for 1 hour a day 5 to 6 days a week but everyday i try to burn more calories in that hour.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I just try to make things hard to burn more calories. Go faster. Lift more weight.....

    I don't want to be a naysayer or anything, but a couple of years ago I changed jobs. I went from driving to work and sitting in a cube in an office park to taking transit to work, walking 1mi each way to my office. And of course sitting in a cube (but my office had stairs, and all of the good lunch places are about .25 or .5 miles away). So I started adding around 3 miles a day of walking. Up from just a little bit. My food intake changed a tiny bit, my new coworkers were more social, so I added a latte or 2 a week, and 1-2 cocktails a week. So lets call that an extra 1000 calories of food. You'd think the addition of 3 miles of walking a day (i.e. about 400 calories of extra burn) would cause weight loss. Nope, not for me. I gained like 10 pounds after 6 months. Even when increasing the activity. And my food intake hardly changed.

    Hence my focus on intensity, not time. But also maintainable workouts.