"New" to my fitness pal!

Hey y'all!
I just started nursing school and realized that sadly ive gained more weight this last month then I ever have!! (pregnancies don't count). Need some friends on here to keep motivated and so we can swap ideas!! Looking to lose about 17 pounds. I used to be 117 before my kids and recently got on the scale at 142. It was a sad reality.... not that 142 is big, but when your used to being 117 and your clothes no longer fit you, it kind of shocks you! I am also trying to quit my HEAVY addiction to caffiene. Any tips?? Thanks and nice to meet everyone! Please add me if you want a friend who will keep updated!! Im in this till the end :)

candjiverson <--- username


  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    invite sent :)
    I would really love a motivating friend to keep me at it, and i will do the same for you
  • candjiverson
    candjiverson Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome! thanks!! Looking forward to bikini season! ;)
  • I am in the EXACT same boat!
  • candjiverson
    candjiverson Posts: 10 Member
    ugh, I feel you! Hopefully we can keep each other motivated and stick with it!
  • stacilynn_1215
    stacilynn_1215 Posts: 52 Member
    i know the feeling. i went from 130 pre-pregnancy to 185 :/ ICK! but now im down to 148 (my goal is 125) and i am just now starting to feel better about myself again. Welcome and it'll be fun to keep each other motivated! :)
  • AmandaDawnRN
    AmandaDawnRN Posts: 29 Member
    I've been a nurse for 13 years. Nursing school is a challenge at times and it will be easy to get off track so congrats on getting support started early. I sent an invite.

    edited to add...just realized my wt loss goal is 17 lbs too, my starting weight is close to yours as is my goal. Guess we have a few things in common..too funny.
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    My clothes shrunk in the closet a couple years ago and I'm determined to get back into them by this summer! Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other.
  • Cheers feel free to add me :)
  • klmetcalf89
    klmetcalf89 Posts: 25 Member
    I am on everyday. The more the merrier !! Anyone Feel free to add me! Love the motivation and support of MFP!