Neverending Plateau + Wendie Plan

I've been following Weight Watchers for six years. The first 2 years it worked great. I'm 5'2, 135lbs. I made it to 120, then gained it back and haven't been able to lose it since. I've joined WW about half a dozen times, but each time I never lose and I give up. Nevertheless, I've been tracking my 20 points every single day for years in my own food journals. At most I can lose half a pound a week, then it just comes right back on.

The only thing I have not tried is eating more. I never made a habit of using the Flex points because one of the WW leaders told me some people just can't use them and successfully lose weight. That was really discouraging. But I'm interested in the Wendie plan because I'm wondering if I've just wrecked my metabolism and if I could fix it by eating more.

Has anyone out there had a similar experience? I feel like it should not be this hard for me to lose weight. I'm 27, I eat whole and unprocessed foods. I'm active. What gives?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Why don't you try using the MFP plan for awhile? It is possible that you are eating stuff that the point system doesn't account for. If you are still interested in a reset, try setting MFP to maintenance or a minimal weight loss of .5 lb per week.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I asked in the other thread, but I'll ask here.. are you following old or new points? 20 points sounds WAY too low. Have you tracked your food in MFP to see how many calories that actually is? I'm guessing it would be well under 1000 calories and I would pretty much guarantee that's why you haven't lost any weight - because you aren't eating enough and now your metabolism is screwed up.
    I would suggest increasing your points by like 2.

    I have also tried the Wendie Plan and it absolutely 100% works for jump starting your weight loss again. I was at a plateau for a month and broke it using the Wendie Plan.

    Also, check out the "In place of a roadmap" spreadsheet - you can figure out how many calories you should be eating.
    Then, try to use the WW points plug in for MPF, so you can see your points and calories in your MFP diary.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet to calculate your calories:

    And here is the link to the thread which explains how to install the WW points plug in:
  • karensueo
    karensueo Posts: 7 Member
    I haven't done the Wendie plan but have done several variations of the Weight Watchers plans. I get 26 points on the new Points Plus plan and I weigh 138. 26 is the lowest they want you to go on the new plan, with fruits and veggies being 0 points. What I have found is that even though fruit and veggies are free, I cannot eat unlimited amounts. It's not a problem with veggies because they are lower in carbs and natural sugars, but fruits are higher in both those and calories. I think they are recommending 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day unless you weigh more than 350 lbs in which case you get 9. I had mistakenly thought in the past that because fruit had 0 points I could eat unlimited amounts. Those calories do still count.

    I also did the math for yesterdays food log. I ate 1219 calories and the equated to 26 points. It sounds like you are doing one of the plans from several years back.

    I hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • I asked in the other thread, but I'll ask here.. are you following old or new points? 20 points sounds WAY too low. Have you tracked your food in MFP to see how many calories that actually is? I'm guessing it would be well under 1000 calories and I would pretty much guarantee that's why you haven't lost any weight - because you aren't eating enough and now your metabolism is screwed up.
    I would suggest increasing your points by like 2.

    I have also tried the Wendie Plan and it absolutely 100% works for jump starting your weight loss again. I was at a plateau for a month and broke it using the Wendie Plan.

    Also, check out the "In place of a roadmap" spreadsheet - you can figure out how many calories you should be eating.
    Then, try to use the WW points plug in for MPF, so you can see your points and calories in your MFP diary.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet to calculate your calories:

    And here is the link to the thread which explains how to install the WW points plug in:

    Thank you so much for those links. That's great! I feel like 20 points is probably around or under 1000 cals, but if it's too low, why would the WW plan dictate that I eat that much? Rhetorical question--just something that worries me in upping my calories. I don't want to gain weight.

    Anyway, thanks for your input on the Wendie plan. I'm on day 4 of my first week. Here goes nothing =)

    ETA: I'm following the old points plan.
  • I haven't done the Wendie plan but have done several variations of the Weight Watchers plans. I get 26 points on the new Points Plus plan and I weigh 138. 26 is the lowest they want you to go on the new plan, with fruits and veggies being 0 points. What I have found is that even though fruit and veggies are free, I cannot eat unlimited amounts. It's not a problem with veggies because they are lower in carbs and natural sugars, but fruits are higher in both those and calories. I think they are recommending 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day unless you weigh more than 350 lbs in which case you get 9. I had mistakenly thought in the past that because fruit had 0 points I could eat unlimited amounts. Those calories do still count.

    I also did the math for yesterdays food log. I ate 1219 calories and the equated to 26 points. It sounds like you are doing one of the plans from several years back.

    I hope you find a solution that works for you.

    Yes, I haven't joined WW since they changed their plan, so I'm following the old one. My WW book does list the food, the points value, and then a points value in parentheses which I'm assuming corresponds with the new plan. I'll see how the Wendie Plan goes with the old version. This is so frustrating.
  • how about trying the dash diet solution is easy and one get results phase one resets your metabolisme and phase two is maintaining your life style and still loose weight
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Plateaus happen (IMO) when you eat too few calories for too long. Macros also matter!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Intermittent Fasting - do your research on it first.
  • WW (Weight Watchers) uses 26 points now with 49 flex points. Fruits and veggie do not have any points. Point values went up for carbs. WW want you to get all carbs through fruits and veggies. I am doing WW but wanted to see how many calories are in 26 points, FYI 1000 calories are 26 points. Good luck!
  • Intermittent Fasting - do your research on it first.

    I'm not planning on fasting though.
  • Ruthy420
    Ruthy420 Posts: 41 Member

    Someone adapted the weight watchers plan so that you spread your flex points out across the week with the purpose of eating a high number of points one day and a lower number the next day. This is supposed to keep your metabolism from slowing down as a result of eating the same number of low calories day after day.

    Here's a link, it'll explain it better =)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    I asked in the other thread, but I'll ask here.. are you following old or new points? 20 points sounds WAY too low. Have you tracked your food in MFP to see how many calories that actually is? I'm guessing it would be well under 1000 calories and I would pretty much guarantee that's why you haven't lost any weight - because you aren't eating enough and now your metabolism is screwed up.
    I would suggest increasing your points by like 2.

    I have also tried the Wendie Plan and it absolutely 100% works for jump starting your weight loss again. I was at a plateau for a month and broke it using the Wendie Plan.

    Also, check out the "In place of a roadmap" spreadsheet - you can figure out how many calories you should be eating.
    Then, try to use the WW points plug in for MPF, so you can see your points and calories in your MFP diary.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet to calculate your calories:

    And here is the link to the thread which explains how to install the WW points plug in:

    Thank you so much for those links. That's great! I feel like 20 points is probably around or under 1000 cals, but if it's too low, why would the WW plan dictate that I eat that much? Rhetorical question--just something that worries me in upping my calories. I don't want to gain weight.

    Anyway, thanks for your input on the Wendie plan. I'm on day 4 of my first week. Here goes nothing =)

    ETA: I'm following the old points plan.

    Where did you get the 20 point number from? Did you use a calculator somewhere? You really shouldn't eat that low on a daily basis. I'd suggest no lower than 22 points.
    what are your stats if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm 34 y/o female, 5'2", currently 179, gw is 135, and I get 24 points on the old plan.
    I had hit a plateau at that number, so I increased my points by 1 or 2 every day, and I immediately broke the plateau.

    If you are eating that low, you definitely aren't eating enough, and that's not good.
    Trust me, try increasing your points a little bit at a time until you see a weight loss. You aren't going to gain any permanent weight by increasing them by so little.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    WW (Weight Watchers) uses 26 points now with 49 flex points. Fruits and veggie do not have any points. Point values went up for carbs. WW want you to get all carbs through fruits and veggies. I am doing WW but wanted to see how many calories are in 26 points, FYI 1000 calories are 26 points. Good luck!

    I understand that one WW pro-point equals 40 calories. Therefore 26 pp equals 1040 calories. Sorry, don't mean to be so picky, but don't want to do anybody out of 40 calories, e.g. half a Hob Nob, lol.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I've never heard of the Wendie plan? What is it exactly?...Err..nevermind just read above.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I asked in the other thread, but I'll ask here.. are you following old or new points? 20 points sounds WAY too low. Have you tracked your food in MFP to see how many calories that actually is? I'm guessing it would be well under 1000 calories and I would pretty much guarantee that's why you haven't lost any weight - because you aren't eating enough and now your metabolism is screwed up.
    I would suggest increasing your points by like 2.

    I have also tried the Wendie Plan and it absolutely 100% works for jump starting your weight loss again. I was at a plateau for a month and broke it using the Wendie Plan.

    Also, check out the "In place of a roadmap" spreadsheet - you can figure out how many calories you should be eating.
    Then, try to use the WW points plug in for MPF, so you can see your points and calories in your MFP diary.

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet to calculate your calories:

    And here is the link to the thread which explains how to install the WW points plug in:

    Thank you so much for those links. That's great! I feel like 20 points is probably around or under 1000 cals, but if it's too low, why would the WW plan dictate that I eat that much? Rhetorical question--just something that worries me in upping my calories. I don't want to gain weight.

    Anyway, thanks for your input on the Wendie plan. I'm on day 4 of my first week. Here goes nothing =)

    ETA: I'm following the old points plan.

    Definitely follow what Cindy are definitely eating too little calories from what I've been reading here. I didn't do weight watchers but I started my journey 2 years ago 50lbs heavier. I like you, saw rapid results eating 1200 - 1000 cals a day. But then stopped. No matter how much more I worked out or how much less I ate. I was on a plateu for almost a year!!!! It was really discouraging. After discovering MFP and the road map, I'm now back to loosing weight consistantly and not ever feeling hungry or deprived.

    If you up your calories you will not gain weight. Maybe at first, but then your body will acclamate. I'm 5'7" and just under 200 lbs...and I eat anywhere between 1650 and 2000 calories a day depending on how much I burn in a workout. :) 1650 for days I'm a lazy bum and don't workout and 2000 for days when I workout beast mode! I'm loosing about .5 to 1lb a week which is really good! Slow and steady wins the race.

    Check out the links posted about BMR and TDEE. You want to definitely eat above your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate -- Calories needed to sustain your body if you were in a coma) and under your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure -- calories your typically daily burn cycle from the moment you sleep, wake up and sleep again).

    Check out to check out what your BMR is and goal weight. You'll need a tape measure to get accurate readings. Best of luck!

  • Where did you get the 20 point number from? Did you use a calculator somewhere? You really shouldn't eat that low on a daily basis. I'd suggest no lower than 22 points.
    what are your stats if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm 34 y/o female, 5'2", currently 179, gw is 135, and I get 24 points on the old plan.
    I had hit a plateau at that number, so I increased my points by 1 or 2 every day, and I immediately broke the plateau.

    If you are eating that low, you definitely aren't eating enough, and that's not good.
    Trust me, try increasing your points a little bit at a time until you see a weight loss. You aren't going to gain any permanent weight by increasing them by so little.

    I got the 20 points from weight watchers when I was a member. On the old plan, if you're under 150lbs you get 20 points. The food had lower points values back then and fruits weren't 0. I dunno, I've been increasing my points and my clothes just feel tighter. I hate this.
  • I have the same problem. I lost 35lbs then came to a screeching hault even thought I was working out and running. Then I started putting weight back on. I have been trying since the beginning of January watching what I eat and counting calories. I have only lost 1lb and no inches.. I have a hard time getting my head around the fact that I need to eat more to loose weight.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member

    Where did you get the 20 point number from? Did you use a calculator somewhere? You really shouldn't eat that low on a daily basis. I'd suggest no lower than 22 points.
    what are your stats if you don't mind me asking?
    I'm 34 y/o female, 5'2", currently 179, gw is 135, and I get 24 points on the old plan.
    I had hit a plateau at that number, so I increased my points by 1 or 2 every day, and I immediately broke the plateau.

    If you are eating that low, you definitely aren't eating enough, and that's not good.
    Trust me, try increasing your points a little bit at a time until you see a weight loss. You aren't going to gain any permanent weight by increasing them by so little.

    I got the 20 points from weight watchers when I was a member. On the old plan, if you're under 150lbs you get 20 points. The food had lower points values back then and fruits weren't 0. I dunno, I've been increasing my points and my clothes just feel tighter. I hate this.
    Um, I'm not sure where you got that information, but that is not correct. You don't just get 20 points if you are under 150 lbs.
    You should use a calculator like this one to figure out how many points you should be eating:

    Or, if you'd prefer to use a range, which I personally think is better, you can use this:

    (reminder, this is all for the old points).

    If 20 points isn't working, just increase them.