Hi! Looking For A Buddy:)

Tonight I just feel SUPER frustrated with myself. I keep breaking promises to myself and I have decided that I really need to get serious. I have logged here before but I want to make a CONSISTENT change in my life. I know I can do this!!!

I would really like a buddy that we can just message back and forth and support each other so that I can be accountable to someone and vice versa. I'm 190, 5'7 and 25 but I don't care as long as you want to be buds and talk that would be really cool.


  • hi i can be your dieting buddy....the more friends you have helping you the more accountable you feel....not judgmental but only here to encourage...everyone fells but the key is to get up back on the horse again
  • hidee89
    hidee89 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there! I'm 23, 5'7 and 160 lbs currently (trying to aim for 140), but my highest was 205, so I've been there! I would love to be your buddy! I know how hard it is to make the first step and make the change to a healthier you! I'm still working on it! MFP works and we can do this!!
  • cestano
    cestano Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend!! I log in every day and I love to help motivate! :)
  • It's good to have people to share with. I will add you.
  • YOu can add me!
  • Trista87Marie
    Trista87Marie Posts: 180 Member
    Hello. 25 and have over 150lbs to lose. Def know what its like to let yourself down. Would love to lend encouragement and could use some as well.
  • LisaD7526
    LisaD7526 Posts: 20 Member
    Just started and could use a buddy too. Add me!
  • klmetcalf89
    klmetcalf89 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi im 23 and my current weight is 215 looking to lose 70+ lbs. Would love a buddy as well if anyone is interested. Would love to have someone to keep me accountable and on track. Feel free to add or message me. I am a stay at home mom and in school full time. I do tons of cardio and a little yoga/pilates.
  • You can add me
  • You can add me?
  • My goal is almost done but I need more support, now that I'm so close.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Im here every day if you need help. My advice is to make one promise to yourself. Practice keeping it. It's less defeating. November of 2011 I told myself I couldn't say no to exercise. 76 pounds later it was the best promise I made to myself. Exercising made me want to eat healthier. I never promised myself that. It just came naturally to not wanting to ruin working my *kitten* off in the gym.
  • joss99
    joss99 Posts: 11
    Definitely add me.. I'm in it for the long haul... I could use the extra support myself :)
  • joss99
    joss99 Posts: 11
    Im here every day if you need help. My advice is to make one promise to yourself. Practice keeping it. It's less defeating. November of 2011 I told myself I couldn't say no to exercise. 76 pounds later it was the best promise I made to myself. Exercising made me want to eat healthier. I never promised myself that. It just came naturally to not wanting to ruin working my *kitten* off in the gym.

    That is AWESOME!
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Anyone looking for support and willing to be supportive feel free to add me.

    I'm 27 and 5'5" my last weighs were 210 and 208 my goal is somewhere about 150ish depending on how I look and feel but I'm mostly just trying to get in shape.
  • Hi There! I can be your buddy! I need the support too! Im able to communicate as well through out my day! So what is the frustrations that you have?

    Im as well frusterated when I get cravings or someone is eating something that I like in front of me.
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm here everyday and we can motivate each other. I have 25# to lose by June. Together we can do it!
  • sandybeaches00
    sandybeaches00 Posts: 52 Member
    I definitely know where you are coming from, similar height, similar starting point :) I'm going super hard lately and really tloging in daily, add me :) we can be buddies!
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    All of you feel free to add me! I'm 26 and trying to lose about 50 lbs. I'd love to have some great supportive friends on here! :-)
  • Laila221
    Laila221 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much, you guys are awesome. I'm adding everyone:)

    I feel a lot better. I have tried every diet, and they work if you stick with them (as I have lost weight dieting before) but it's always the same for me, I fall off, or a mistake happens and suddenly I spiral out and give into cravings. I gain some of it back-I feel terrible and I give up and then start over, give up, start over. It's terrible and it's been going on for so long. I mean it's insanity, literally.

    It's always very tempting for me to crash diet because I always have some sort of event coming up where I would like to lose more pounds. For ME, the crash diet is super tempting. So it's something I need to promise to myself, that I won't diet anymore. Because honestly, going on diets is the reason I'm overweight. That sounds crazy, but its true!

    Anyways I added everyone. Thank you!!!! I will be logging everyday! No matter what (the good and the ugly) I made that promise to myself!!!