6 months and no weight loss!



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Be honest with yourself.
    Weigh your food! My container of oatmeal says that 1/2 cup equals 40 grams. Well, I weighed it and it was over 70 grams, nearly twice the amount of cals I had been logging. Cals add up fast, especially when the numbers aren't accurate.
    Log EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth.
    Don't cut out any certain type of food. Restricting what you can eat just makes you think about dieting and being deprived 24/7! Just try to eat healthy, have less processed food and make room for treats by upping your exercise cals. How would you maintain your weight if you go back to the way you were eating? You'd be on a 'diet' for life. Ugh.
    I too, am 5ft 3, weighed 179 when I started and the above things helped me lose 40lbs.
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    I'm not an expert, but for what I read I think that the problem is that you are not eating enough. You have cut down on sooo many things that your body actually needs (in moderation) that you have put your body on starvation mode

    You are definitely not going into starvation mode at 1800 calories.

    Now that that's out of the way, I'm sorry you're so stressed! I agree with others who have said you need to relax a bit! Sure, you want to lose some weight, but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy life right now! Also, it sounds like you are eating quality foods, but I would try some variation. Eating the same thing for dinner every night gets boring- and unless you are planning on eating the same 3 meals for the rest of your life- you could easily end up putting on all your weight back on after reaching your goal weight.

    It can be slow and frustrating, but you have to make changes you can keep up with for the rest of your life. And these changes should feel good! If I were your husband, I'd probably get frustrated if everything you ever talked about was diet and weight loss! What did you guys talk about before? Also- confidence is sexy, and maybe he's getting frustrated seeing you tear yourself down so much- because I'm sure he loves you regardless!

    Now, I agree with others who said it's possible you're eating a bit too much. Not that you're pigging out or anything, but at 5'3, it's possible that 1800 is much closer to your maintenance level. Like someone else mentioned, maybe bring it down a little and see if that helps (1600 or 1700 or so?)

    Good luck! Try not to get down on your self. Negative self-talk can become a habit quickly- and a habit that will stay with you even after you've reached your goal weight. You are a wonderful and beautiful person! Don't lose sight of that!
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    I agree with what is being said about not eating enough. If you go down to drastic caloric intake... Like 1000 calories, 1200 calories, your metabolism actually slows down to match it. You won't lose weight if you don't eat enough. Me personally, I have been there done that exact same thing and saw zero scale movement. It IS very discouraging. I am now at 1700 Calories a day and since Jan I have dropped 10 pounds, no exercise.

    this isn't true. even if her body went into starvation mode, she'd still lose weight with a calorie deficit. not losing weight in 6 months is something else. besides, her body's metabolism won't slow considerably until she's at or below her ideal weight.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    See a doctor. I notice you see a nutritionist . Has she recommended a doctor? I am seeing an endocrinologist and due to the proper meds I am ok. I am no doctor but 18oo calories seem high to me.
  • allimac96
    I would suggest a different meal plan. If you didn't want to spend money on something like Weight Watchers I would suggest Special K. They offer a variety of meal plans besides eating special k brand foods all the time. Following choosemyplate.gov is also helpful, at least it was to me. This is a good example too. http://www.hudsonhealthplan.org/communities/myplateplanner/

    Hang in there! Keep reaching for your goals you will achieve them!
  • redragtop05
    redragtop05 Posts: 140 Member
    Don't give up!! I've been at it since August 6th and didn't start losing any weight until mid January. I did lose inches so that's what kept me going. I have since lost 10 pounds.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    As others have said, have a bit more carb to give your digestion something to work on - possibly your metabolism has slowed down from shock.

    I'm not a big fan of so-called "breakfast bars" - special K in a bar, rice crispies in a bar - as they have a,lot of sugar and are not really filling. Try porridge instead, or egg on toast - you will feel full longer and its healthy fullness! I'm also not a lover of shakes - rather have some real food.

    Your diet does seem very strict - I couldn't keep to that (And I'm on 1240 calories) - need my exericse to turn into nice treats:wink: Eating needs to be a pleasure, not a pennance. Just not too much of a pleaseure!!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I'm so miserable lately. Dieting is alI I think about. It consumes my day. I even listen to weight loss podcasts in the car on the ride to work. I've been actively dieting for 530 days now. I'm still not losing any weight. Am I just broken??? I cut out all bread, cereal, pasta, and starchy vegetables in january and upped my lean protein. every single meal except breakfast, i'm eating vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans with 3-4oz of chicken or fish. I got protein shakes for the morning and am eating a special k breakfast sandwich. I'm barely eating fruit because of the carb content although I did have an apple last night. i try not to even eat greek yogurt because of the sugar. I don't even know what to eat anymore. i just look at my fridge and pantry and shrug. sometimes i eat 10 almonds for a snack. i'm still counting calories and now i'm tracking my water (since beginning of february). i have the fitbit on everyday and use my HRM during workouts so I know what activity I've been doing. I stopped counting it toward my calorie total because my nutritionist advised that might be why i'm not losing weight. i've been drinking green tea, which i hate because it's been recommended so many times. I have green tea supplements too because i don't like the taste. my dinner every night is a spinach salad with egg whites, 1oz cheese, 1tsp olive oil and 2tsp balsamic vinegar. Alcohol is pretty much gone except for the times where I feel like I'm going to go insane if I don't relax. I cut out chocolate completely. This is week 6 and nothing :(. I'm down 2lbs total which can completely be attributed to water weight associated with cutting carbs. I'm still exercising too, weight training and interval runs 4x's per week. I even started exercising during my lunch breaks for 5 minutes doing crunches, squats, planks, whatever I can fit in in the last few minutes. I don't even know if I'm hungry anymore; I'm just resigned. I don't understand. It was only a couple years ago that I was 25 pounds lighter and now it's like I'm destined to be fat. I don't even know what I can do to work any harder. Even while I'm taking care of my kids, I'm doing resistance training and stretching on the floor, throwing them around, and doing dance parties with them. I don't even know if it's possible to work any harder. I devote hours a day as a full time working mom. My husband doesn't even want me to mention my weight or diet anymore. Last night he told me I need to accept being fat because it's not going to change. I have MFP set to 1800 calories and I'm mostly eating that, some days higher and some lower. I'm 5'3" and 175lbs. I weight everything on a digital scale. Any help?

    step 1: de-complicate things. forget all that baloney about what you can and cannot eat.
    step 2: get a medical checkup and make absolutely certain that there is no medical condition complicating all of this for you.
    step 3: are you 100% certain you are logging all of your calories accurately? this is very important. log everything. make sure you are correct.
    step 4: verify your BMR/TDEE. did you ever yo-yo diet in the past with VLCD diets? this can affect your BMR.

    i compute 1873 as your TDEE without exercise (i.e. sedentary/office worker). you're not going to burn alot of exercise calories doing strength training or short duration cardio. my initial reaction is that you are not losing weight because you are eating at your maintenance level. you are likely burning fewer calories with exercise than you think you are and this is frustrating you. add some easy cardio and perhaps eat at 1650 or 1700 calories for a few weeks and see what happens. an example of easy cardio is a 1 hour walk each day. that should add up to 300-350 of burned calories every time you do it. don't eat those calories back. do this for a few weeks and see if your weight loss starts again at a rate of about 1lb per week.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I dont understand how that is 1800 calories?
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    1800 sounds pretty high to me, i'm 5,6, 190lbs and mfp suggested i eat 1350 a day, on that i'm losing 1.5lb a week. I'm no angel and eat what i want, including carbs if that's what i fancy, i just stick very carefully to the calorie limits. If i were eating 1800/day my weight would be stable as this is pretty much what i was on before i started. maybe go back and check your figures and if you're feeling miserable lighten up on what you eat and just eat a little of what you fancy.

    I am 5 3 and 129lbs and I eat 1800ish everyday and am losing 1lb a week....................

    I'd stop being so restrictive for a month or so, you're saying you're eating/drinking stuff you don't like, why?? Life is too short to be miserable, could you eat like this for the rest of your life?

    edit - the 1800 is my TDEE BTW
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I'm so miserable lately. Dieting is alI I think about. It consumes my day. I even listen to weight loss podcasts in the car on the ride to work. I've been actively dieting for 530 days now. I'm still not losing any weight. Am I just broken??? I cut out all bread, cereal, pasta, and starchy vegetables in january and upped my lean protein. every single meal except breakfast, i'm eating vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans with 3-4oz of chicken or fish. I got protein shakes for the morning and am eating a special k breakfast sandwich. I'm barely eating fruit because of the carb content although I did have an apple last night. i try not to even eat greek yogurt because of the sugar. I don't even know what to eat anymore. i just look at my fridge and pantry and shrug. sometimes i eat 10 almonds for a snack. i'm still counting calories and now i'm tracking my water (since beginning of february). i have the fitbit on everyday and use my HRM during workouts so I know what activity I've been doing. I stopped counting it toward my calorie total because my nutritionist advised that might be why i'm not losing weight. i've been drinking green tea, which i hate because it's been recommended so many times. I have green tea supplements too because i don't like the taste. my dinner every night is a spinach salad with egg whites, 1oz cheese, 1tsp olive oil and 2tsp balsamic vinegar. Alcohol is pretty much gone except for the times where I feel like I'm going to go insane if I don't relax. I cut out chocolate completely. This is week 6 and nothing :(. I'm down 2lbs total which can completely be attributed to water weight associated with cutting carbs. I'm still exercising too, weight training and interval runs 4x's per week. I even started exercising during my lunch breaks for 5 minutes doing crunches, squats, planks, whatever I can fit in in the last few minutes. I don't even know if I'm hungry anymore; I'm just resigned. I don't understand. It was only a couple years ago that I was 25 pounds lighter and now it's like I'm destined to be fat. I don't even know what I can do to work any harder. Even while I'm taking care of my kids, I'm doing resistance training and stretching on the floor, throwing them around, and doing dance parties with them. I don't even know if it's possible to work any harder. I devote hours a day as a full time working mom. My husband doesn't even want me to mention my weight or diet anymore. Last night he told me I need to accept being fat because it's not going to change. I have MFP set to 1800 calories and I'm mostly eating that, some days higher and some lower. I'm 5'3" and 175lbs. I weight everything on a digital scale. Any help?

    step 1: de-complicate things. forget all that baloney about what you can and cannot eat.
    step 2: get a medical checkup and make absolutely certain that there is no medical condition complicating all of this for you.
    step 3: are you 100% certain you are logging all of your calories accurately? this is very important. log everything. make sure you are correct.
    step 4: verify your BMR/TDEE. did you ever yo-yo diet in the past with VLCD diets? this can affect your BMR.

    i compute 1873 as your TDEE without exercise. you're not going to burn alot of exercise calories doing strength training or short duration cardio. my initial reaction is that you are not losing weight because you are eating at your maintenance level. you are likely burning fewer calories with exercise than you think you are and this is frustrating you. add some easy cardio and perhaps eat at 1650 or 1700 calories for a few weeks and see what happens. an example of easy cardio is a 1 hour walk each day. that should add up to 300-350 of burned calories every time you do it. don't eat those calories back. do this for a few weeks and see if your weight loss starts again at a rate of about 1lb per week.

    This. I started doing"just Dance" and it helped me/ I am much older then you so it should definitely help. You can also do it with your kids.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I don't understand why you are cutting so much fruit and other good foods. It may help to expand your diet with other healthy foods.
  • susie234
    Good that you saw dr. Altho my doc said thyroid normal for 2 years I couldn't lose either. Then had him test for anti thyroid antibodies and they were sky high. You might consider asking doc if he did all 4 tests for thyroid, since 1 test might not catch it. Anyway, that's what happened to me.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Cant believe I am saying this but I would cut my goal back to 1500. Do that three weeks and then up to 1600 if you are hungry.
  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    Looking at your food diary, this is what I see:

    1) It looks like you're consistently over by 1000-1400 mg of sodium. Limit processed foods - they're really high in sodium.

    2) Try eating clean - fruits, veggies, lean protein.

    3) Have your doctor check for any food intolerances - gluten, diary, etc.

    Just my two cents.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    step 1: de-complicate things. forget all that baloney about what you can and cannot eat.
    step 2: get a medical checkup and make absolutely certain that there is no medical condition complicating all of this for you.
    step 3: are you 100% certain you are logging all of your calories accurately? this is very important. log everything. make sure you are correct.
    step 4: verify your BMR/TDEE. did you ever yo-yo diet in the past with VLCD diets? this can affect your BMR.

    i compute 1873 as your TDEE without exercise (i.e. sedentary/office worker). you're not going to burn alot of exercise calories doing strength training or short duration cardio. my initial reaction is that you are not losing weight because you are eating at your maintenance level. you are likely burning fewer calories with exercise than you think you are and this is frustrating you. add some easy cardio and perhaps eat at 1650 or 1700 calories for a few weeks and see what happens. an example of easy cardio is a 1 hour walk each day. that should add up to 300-350 of burned calories every time you do it. don't eat those calories back. do this for a few weeks and see if your weight loss starts again at a rate of about 1lb per week.

    Please heed this response.
  • MadMacMom0309
    MadMacMom0309 Posts: 21 Member
    Another vote for thyroid. I have hypothyroidism, being treated with levothyroxine, and weight comes off very, very slowly. I have been eating right (1200 calories/day), exercising like a mad woman since Jan 7th and have only lost 4lbs. Hang in there, get your thryoid checked, and go by measurements and how your clothes feel instead of the scale.
  • abbygrit
    Maybe get checked for PCOS?

    Also, mix it up! You said you eat the same thing every night for dinner? Put some time into adding some variety. Our bodies are masters of efficiency: if you're eating the same things every day, it will learn how to function on that amount of food.

    And maybe you should set your base calorie line at 1200 (no fireballs at me, please!) but then eat ALL of them, plus ALL of the calories you earn from exercise. This will add variety to the amount you consume everyday, keeping your metabolism up.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I have MFP set to 1800 calories and I'm mostly eating that, some days higher and some lower.

    Your calories are set too high. My sister-in-law is almost identical to you and had hers set at 1,500. She lost 17 lbs in 3 months.

    If you were at your goal weight, sure 1,800 would be fine. But you need to get into a calorie deficit consistently in order to lose.
  • mtidman
    mtidman Posts: 2 Member

    You just told my story! I didn't think anyone else had this problem I have been actively working on this for months. I eat less than 1200 cals per day, work out 4-5 times a week, drink water like a fish, watch everything that goes in my mouth, cut out breads and starches completely and an very Type A about my diet. No weight lost! Can't imagine what else we could be doing. I've even tried NutriSystem's metabolic program of vitamins and minerals that are supposed to stimulate a dead metabolism. Have followed it to the letter......nothing. If you get any replys that help I will follow this blog to see if there is anything else that is the key. It sounds like you and I have the same problem....I just wish I knew what could turn this around! Hang in there...at least we are not gaining!....Melanie