In need of recipie help

Hello! I need some guidance. My doc has me on what she calls the "5 Finger Diet." No bread, pasta, rice, wheat, corn, potatoes or anything similar to these. I look for recipes online for things I can eat that my picky "meat and potatoes" family will eat. All I can ever find are recipes for stuff with names I've never heard of and call for things my family has never eaten (and never will!) Is there a website, or even a book, that contains what I like to call "normal people" recipes? I love to cook, I do every night, but we do not have the funds to buy all that ritzy and glamored stuff these fancy cooks like to poor all over their food while it's cooking. Any help would be much appreciated!


  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    What was the reasoning for this? It seems like you're going to miss out on a whole lot of food types (and vitamins) avoiding all these things.

    Is she trying to work out the cause of digestive issues by eliminating all these then putting them back in?
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Not sure where you live, but there is great magazine in Ireland called Easy Food - Its great for straightforward receipes with easy to source ingredients
  • Try checking out and look at Rachel Ray's recipes. She's a very basic cook and her meals are done in 30 minutes. I hope this is helpful.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    It would help to know what you can eat and why your needing to do this.
  • tishc1
    tishc1 Posts: 2 Member
    It is a diet for overweight women with very high cholesterol and borderline diabetic. I do not like it but I figured she's the doc so she must know what she's doing, right? I do cheat from time to time and eat potatoes, just limit how much. I don't have a problem cutting out the other stuff. I am just getting tired of the same old chicken/steak, green beans/broccoli/carrot meals. It gets old.
  • This is my blog (I haven't updated for a little while and need too)
    Some of my recipes have things that you are trying to avoid, but you can make substitutions as needed. Same goes with some of the other blogs too. I would try quinoa if I were you (as a starch). It is high in protein and when mixed with other things, tastes great!

    These are some other blogs I follow too:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If your family is very "meat and potatoes", just make the meat, potato and veggie meal but don't eat the potatoes. That's what I did when I was doing Atkins and still do to some extent - just have barely a 1/4 cup of potatoes or rice if any. Pasta dishes can be tough but there are options. Could you maybe use quinoa? (check with your doc) It's not that much different than rice really and is quite good for you. I've also seen recipes for lasagna where you use thinly sliced zucchini instead of pasta or use spaghetti squash instead of real spaghetti.

    Lastly, call your doctor back and talk to him/her about it. If he/she expects you to follow it, they need to help give you some guidance. Are there books you could maybe get at the library or websites you can reference? I really hate when docs send people off with this big idea for changes but don't get into the details!! I mean like eat better and exercise more. Well duh! The problem is how do I do about give me some ideas, reference points, etc. Sorry, pet peeve!
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    You could do the "Whole 30"....they allow sweet potatoes, however none of the other items you mentioned, it is very restrictive but is actually a great way to eat and helps alot of medical conditions....even if you don't follow it, they have lots of recipes associated with the whole 30, the only thing is, it is more restrictive than what your doctor gave you.
  • Families need vegetables too. Make the veggies without the fancy ingredients or substitute. I like to make a casserole of fresh broccoli, cauliflower, carrots peeled and/or cut into bite size pieces, put all into a casserole, put some cheese on top then bake it till the veggies are tender. Sometimes I put crushed saltines on the bottom and the melted cheese will collect there and make a nice coating on the veggies when you stir it up when it's done. You can use other vegetables in there as you like. Sprinkle some basil or other herbs on them before baking also.
    This is a mixed up recipe, I was trying to remember how I do it as I typed along. As for the cheese, I like to use velveeta or american cheese, when they are hot and melty in the oven, they seem to be kind of maybe runny, that's what the crackers on the bottom helps, so its not all drippy when you serve it out of the dish.
    Use your imagination when cooking, you will come up with some great inventions I bet!
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member

    I wish you would have told me, I was in the same boat with high cholesterol and diabetic 2 months ago.

    It's rough to make changes and the healthy foods tend to cost more than the non healthy ones of course. But the key is making substitutions and also eating less which is probably the hardest part. However some changes shouldn't be too costly.

    Multi grain bread over white bread - this is a tough change. Multi grain english muffins or tortilla wraps are just as good also.
    Brown rice over white rice. In some places brown rice is more expensive, not sure how it is by you.
    Butternut Squash or Sweet Potatoes instead of White Potatoes.
    Turkey, Chicken, Fish, instead of regular red meat. Turkey Bacon is awesome instead of regular bacon.

    Try looking up diabetic recipes, there should be plenty of those out there and I believe the ADA has cookbook offers as well. You might also find some small magazines with recipes in your local pharmacy or Walmart or Target. I find a lot all the time when I go to the pharmacy here. Also if you find a recipe with something that has you saying "what the hell is that?" substitute something else. For instance I had a recipe that called for kale. While there is a store near me that sells it, I used spinach instead.

    If you need more help or for me to send you some recipes, you know where to find me!
  • MarieCoreaa1
    MarieCoreaa1 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello! I need some guidance. My doc has me on what she calls the "5 Finger Diet." No bread, pasta, rice, wheat, corn, potatoes or anything similar to these. I look for recipes online for things I can eat that my picky "meat and potatoes" family will eat. All I can ever find are recipes for stuff with names I've never heard of and call for things my family has never eaten (and never will!) Is there a website, or even a book, that contains what I like to call "normal people" recipes? I love to cook, I do every night, but we do not have the funds to buy all that ritzy and glamored stuff these fancy cooks like to poor all over their food while it's cooking. Any help would be much appreciated!

    Betty Crocker has many recipes, for healthy eathing, even diabetic recipe's too. Hope this helps also.