
I'm new to My Fitness Pal, wih the exercising, am I supposed to be eating the additional calories..?


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Katie -

    Look at the Food tab and Your Daily Goal, that's the number you want to hit (or under) If you work out (cardio only) MFP will take that into account and essentially you can eat additional calories.

    So basically you can eat more, but you don't necessarily have to.
  • DebsDoingIT
    My goal now is to continue to exercise and not eat the extra calories!! or store it up for something special instead of just everyday eating!!
  • katiem0816
    MFP has a goal for me set at 1260.
  • Clos210
    thats the number given to you by MFP, but you can mod it to your own.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    that low... are set to lose 1 lb , 1.5lbs or 2 lbs a week.

    if you are new.. shoot to lose 1lb inthe begining. Also eat atleas some of the cals back. if you burn 400.. eat 200 back

    the purpose... MFP has already taken out your deficit to lose per day.

    so I am set at 1590.. if I burn 500, technically Ive eaten 1090 cals for the day. SO I do try to eat back some of those cals.

    Now I only count cal from a true workout. Not cleaning and walking in grocery store. the 500 is from 60 min of zumba and 30 mins weights.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    My calories are set at 1270. I do earn anywhere from 200 - 400 calories from exercise. I generally do not eat those back, mainly because I'm not hungry and I am seeing results. However, if I am hungry at night, I may eat something. Nothing worse than relaxing and hearing my stomach growl for food. But that's just how I have been doing it for just over a month.

    You will figure out what your body needs and will make the necessary adjustments.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    1260 is low - What did you set your goal settings at? Active, sedentary, etc.. what is your weightloss goal for the week?

    If you have set yourself to sedentary, and a 2lb per week loss then 1260 sounds like what theyd give you -
    With that said: If you exercise (delibrate walks, gym time,etc) log those and eat back the estimated calories burned. If you are ever unsure about how to fill in calorie gaps, eat almonds, walnuts, peanut butter, etc..

    If you find your settings aren't working for you, reevaluate your goals, expected weight loss, and tweak it til it works

    I recommend against lower than 1200 calories unless you are on some kind of medically supervised diet, but that is my aversion to eating so little food. I like food.

    Good luck and well wishes :drinker:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    To each their own... I don't eat back my exercise calories... consume around 1500 to 1600 per day and have dropped 128 in seven months. My blood pressure has gone from 145/95 to 122/82. If you are hungry after working out then eat some back. If not, then enjoy the extra weight loss.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I don't think 1260 is to low but dont go less then 1200 for sure. 1260 is a decent amount of food if you are eating real food. If you eat lean cuts of meat, eggs, brown rice, quinoa, salads with homemade dressings (Lemon or lime juice, or vingar and oils), steel cut oats, small amounts of nuts, with fruit and lots of veggies 1200 hundred should be enough for a female. When you exercise I would try and eat at least little bit of the calories back because you'll need the energy for vigerous exercise if not you might feel faint or ill from it. I eat 1200 a day and I am fine. I eat whole foods, not processed. I eat 3 meals a day and one snack. You can view my diary if you'd like. Mind you I do minimal non-vigerous exercise at this point. Ive been eating this way for almost 6 weeks and lost just shy of 15 pounds. I don't have cravings. I don't binge eat. I'm not straving. Proof of this is I haven't cheated on my change of lifestyle. My thing is I don't eat dairy or wheat while staying at 1200 calories but again you should do whats right for you.
    Monitor how you feel with and without eating back the calories. Our bodies have pretty good communication with our brains once we know how to listen to them.
  • lindsienygaard
    lindsienygaard Posts: 72 Member
    Do not eat less than 1200 per day!!! If your body lives on just 1200 calories per day it will start to go into starvation mode and store the fat.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Did you read the instructions on the stickies on the forum on how to use this programme? It states quite clearly that you SHOULD eat back the calories you burn during exercise.

    People should - Follow the MFP method - follow the In Place of a Road Map method or - follow any other method of their choice.

    The forums are full of people who choose to do their own thing of making it up as they go along and that things are not going to plan.

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member