Im so frustrated with myself.

I havent gone to the gym or worked out since Ive started MFP. Each day its on my "to do" list but every time I make an excuse. I have a gym membership through work but after work, I tell myself Id rather beat traffic home than go to the gym. I want to wake up early and go but I hate waking up early. I would run around my neighborhood, but its so cold. Besides, I hate running. I need some motivation!


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    20minute home workouts each night will do the trick!

    get a DVD or even easier look on youtube for some videos!


    when you see what people do on that show, You'll be amazed at how insipred you'll become

    print a picture of Megan Fox or J.Lo or someone else you admire their body and put it in your fridge or by the biscut tin.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Not much we can do. If you're own health, self image and general happiness aren't enough to get you moving, what is a little rah-rahing from this peanut gallery going to do.

    Motivation has to come from within.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    When I went to join the gym, I purposefully joined the one closest to home, and I still have trouble stopping by to work out. You're right - it is hard to gear up to do that, and I would love to walk the neighborhood, but it's been too cold.

    Try to get it in where ever you can however you can. I try to get up once an hour at work and take a few laps around the office. While you're watching your shows, grab a few cans of soup and do arm curls. Find a reason to move around more. Any movement is good movement.

    Sometimes I'll purposefully put on movies that I've seen enough times to know what's going on, but can have it on while I'm cleaning the rooms for background noise or something.

    Another thing to do would be to set the timer for 15 minutes, and do SOMETHING/Anything that's movement oriented - cleaning, doing laundry....On, she says you can do anything for 15 minutes.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    If the profile pic of you is true, it's not a "I have to lose weight" issue.
    You joined a gym with what intent? To get stronger? Cause if you did it for that reason and you don't utilize it, you are just wasting your money, but hey, it's your money to waste right? And in the same mind set, it's your body to waste...
    Make choices you can be happy with, proud of, not sullen about.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Ask yourself these questions and be honest with you - it'll help align your values....

    - How is not going to the gym serving you? (Because it is in some way that you don't consciously know just yet)
    - What is higher on your values list than going to the gym? (Because there is something, do you want it to be higher?)
    - How is it possible I can want something so badly and not pursue it? What is stopping me? (There is something)

    Get really real with yourself. Everything we do or do not do serves us in some way. Understanding this will help you change it.

    Best of luck hun, you'll get there!
  • Laila221
    Laila221 Posts: 7 Member
    I know how you feel, I WORK at a gym and I still work out at home sometimes because when I workout I feel like I'm actually at WORK. BUT half the battle is just getting there, tell yourself that you're only going for 20 minutes, or put your workout clothes on and say I'm just going to do a ten minute workout video on you tube (Check out Pop Pilates/Blogilates on youtube awesome!) and then once you get going, you may actually just say well what the hell I might as well do a half an hour etc. Don't overwhelm yourself, everyone even the gym rats sometimes have to force themselves to the gym once they get there they feel better and afterwards you won't regret working out. I know, I work at a gym, with people of all sizes and ages and it's all the same, it's hard to get there but once you do you don't regret it. And feel free to be lazy and pop in a video, or go on youtube. Hope that helps somewhat!
  • 1goodgranny
    For two years I tried to motivate myself to workout.
    Last August I started bringing my change of clothes and shoes with me to work. At the end of every day, I changed into the clothes before leaving work. And (almost) every day I went to the little track near my house and walked/jogged. I did this through rain and snow and used the Nike+ Running app on my iPhone to log my miles and listened to music while running.
    I gave myself the goal of of once around the track (1 mile) each day, but always did 2 laps. Once I reached 26.25 miles I posted on Facebook that I had completed a marathon. it took me almost 4 weeks to do it, but it was fun to post that I had completed a marathon.
    But I think that just changing into the clothes before I left work is what did it for me.
    Get the clothes out the night before, while you're feeling good about starting an exercise program, and I think it just might help you.
    Let us know how you do!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    seems harsh to say, but you gotta want it bad enough. if it's that easy to find excuses, which it has been for me in the past, maybe you aren't ready to change.

    dig deep...see what you find
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Not much we can do. If you're own health, self image and general happiness aren't enough to get you moving, what is a little rah-rahing from this peanut gallery going to do.

    Motivation has to come from within.

    I agree with this guy. You can't really create a habit of going to the gym regularly just because some strangers on the internet told you to. You have to want to. Or do it despite not wanting to. Few people love working out but they do it anyway for the results.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Hokey, your profile is private so we know nothing about you, where you live, etc.

    Where I am, it'd be ,much easier to go to the gym while the rush hour traffic subsides, leaving work before it builds up would be about 3.30.

    But you know what works in your part of the galaxy.

    It's very easy to find home workouts on YouTube etc