Standing but still sedentary?

Ok so i have this desktop that can be raised and lowered with a button... I read recently that sitting can be very unhealthy for various reasons, so I decided that I would stand for most of the time I am in front of the computer(which I am pretty much all day x_x)... Anyway it's taken some time getting used to...

Now what Im interested in knowing... If I stand most of the day instead of sitting... can I still be called sedentary? Its not like I move about a lot. I am a computer addict after all :p

So what would the general opinion be on this? Maybe its more like.. half-n-half? :p


  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Still sedentary
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I looked into getting one of those standing desks once. Might be good for posture etc. But I don't think you are going to be burning a heck of a lot more calories by standing all day rather than sitting. If there is a benefit calorie wise, just take it as NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and continue to eat as you should.
  • I looked into getting one of those standing desks once. Might be good for posture etc. But I don't think you are going to be burning a heck of a lot more calories by standing all day rather than sitting. If there is a benefit calorie wise, just take it as NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and continue to eat as you should.

    Well standing -does- burn slightly more calories, thats a given... It's not why I chose to do this though. Sitting too much has been linked to early death and various other ... bad things >_<
    Plus I want to fix my posture as well. Its not natural for humans to sit as much as I do :p ... I thought this was one of the areas I could improve on... Since I have the means to and all.

    But yea... I have no idea. On the activity level on mfp it says that standing most day is light activity. But then again a teacher and salesman moves around. Me, not so much.

    I also noticed that standing fixes my laziness problem a little :) I would definitely recommend one of these desktops. Its gold.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I'm getting mine installed on Tuesday, wahoo!

    If you're wondering what you should set your activity level to, it should be sedentary still
  • I'm getting mine installed on Tuesday, wahoo!

    If you're wondering what you should set your activity level to, it should be sedentary still

    Congrats though ^^ I think it's one of those investments that will last a lifetime in terms of health :)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    My job is installing it and I'm very grateful for it
  • I got mine from my dad's workplace that was going out of business... Instead of hiring people to drive the inventory to the garbage lot, they were giving away stuff for free... Got an extremely good office chair and this table :D
  • penguinkaty
    penguinkaty Posts: 4 Member
    I've been standing for over a year and I preach it like a crazy person to anyone who asks me about it :) So far three people I work with have seen the light and converted.

    I have been searching the forums for suggestions about logging calories relating to standing desks, because I've been doing so based on what I researched when I started standing all day. I think I'm going to stop logging it... by now I'm sure my body is used to it and I'm skewing my log by entering it.

    Good luck with your new set up!
  • This isnt facebook... But I wanna like your post!! XD