Need motivation and Friends!

To help me get at least a 30 minute to an hour walk in everyday. I have got really lazy sense i play my Wii a lot sometimes not at all. I really want o burn some calories. I well be getting a calorie counter tomorrow or in a few days. If there is anyone in my area that can help me get to walking more everyone i would love it. Plus i really don't have any friends in real life only online and yes i that those are real friends but i really don't get out the house much because if it and well i have gain an 1 1/2 inches on my hips from staying at home so much and sitting after i eat for to long after i eat. I want to get into an active life not still in one that is slowly starting back to a lazy one.

Thank you for Reading



  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Hey there, on this site, you only need friends here to motivate you. In our lives many of us don't have "real" friends to motivate us, but here we are all equal. WE all count here, we are all afeter the same goal, so please friend me. I will help to inspire you if I can
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you so much for being so nice and the kind words :flowerforyou:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    So sorry I am not in your area! But if I can do anything for you on here, you can be my friend! I know it's so hard to get motivated to get out there and exercise. I don't have a Wii but from what I've heard, it can be good exercise. It's good that you have that. Just find ways every day to be more active, even if it's a little at a time. And if you don't feel comfortable going outdoors to walk, there are some good dvds... I like Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. There is a one mile walk for 15 minutes you could do once or twice a day, and there's a two mile walk for 30 minutes that's a little more intense. These are pretty good for beginners, like me! I hope you find a way to make some friends in your area. I don't have a ton of friends, but I have a few close friends I met at church, and it is so important to have some other ladies to talk to! Good luck! You can do this!!!
  • karrenbennett
    Hey! I don't live in your area but i have a Wii also. We can play some of the games together online if you have an internet connection. I've jogged and played with others on the Wii all online. It's a great workout.
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Thank you all for adding me i love to have friends that with me on this journey. Hope you all have a great night i might be heading to bed soon it is 12am here and getting kinda sleepy
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    Hey! I don't live in your area but i have a Wii also. We can play some of the games together online if you have an internet connection. I've jogged and played with others on the Wii all online. It's a great workout.

    yes i have an internet connection i just need to find out how to get you on mine or you get me on yours so we can play together sometime. i only have two games that come with mine right now. What games are there at you can get your friends to come to yours or the other way around?? :wink:
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    You've made the first step - joining MFP. Good for you!

    You sound like how I felt when I started here... I really didn't realize how unmotivated I had become... My decision to lose weight was motivated by health issues, not by a desire to wear a smaller size. I decided to lose 10 pounds, but when I had done that, I realized that it would indeed be possible for me to "go for the impossible dream" of losing 40 pounds, and I'm almost there.

    As I was ironing clothes to wear this weekend (something I haven't done for quite a few years), I noted how much I have improved "emotionally and psychologically" as well as physically. For the last several years I didn't much care how I looked (my kids live far away, I don't get out much, and I'm in a situation that I have little control over), so I now realize that I had actually given up hope of anything ever changing.

    THEN I found MFP, and my life changed. Now I feel SO much better about myself and I'm finding it fun to dress up a little for weekend services. My kids still live far away, I still don't get out to socialize much, and my less than ideal situation still remains the same. So what changed? My health and attitude have both improved tremendously... (Thanks to MFP and the people here.)

    It's hard for me to describe how different I am today than I was last December... I actually like me now, and I feel that I can handle my day to day stresses much better!!!!! Wishing you a successful journey toward your "New You"! It's worth changing eating habits and making time to exercise. Good luck to you.
  • CinthiaF
    CinthiaF Posts: 324 Member
    WOW Thank you so much for the success story amk44. I give me a feeling that if you can do it. I can as well. I love all the Motivation on here it is great. Thank you again
  • leesoolim
    leesoolim Posts: 7
    I have found that you can't get down on yourself! It can increase hormones in your body that can hold on to body fat. tI looks like you are doing well. Everyone has ups and downs! Keep your head up!
  • ThumperWabbt
    ThumperWabbt Posts: 82 Member
    I'm clear across the country...would have been nice to have someone to walk with. My brain wants to melt down right around mile 5...having someone to talk to might stave that off for another mile ;)

    It helps if you find something to work towards--some kind of goal (besides losing least that was never enough for me.) I had mine offered to me in a pretty package, for the most part, when an online friend asked me to join her team walking in the Susan G. Komen 3 day Walk for the Cure. I *have* to train for that, so there's some motivation there. (Ya know, not dying in front of 25000 other people ;) )

    I know it's a YMMV thing, but perhaps if you can find something to work towards?