Protein Powder "Pudding"

So, long story short, I was given a bag of body by Vi Vanilla stuff to try it out.. and I hate it. And I'm on a never ending quest to figure out how to use it up. Well, today I found a recipe I thought would be awesome.

Just two things.

1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1 Serving protein powder.

And let me just add, that the quality of the powder is directly related to how good the "pudding" is.

The Body by Vi crap.. Was just that, crap. I even tried putting it in the freezer, thinking maybe it would be better if it were like frozen yogurt.. Still crap.

But the Optimum Nutrition Extreme Chocolate was good. Texture was much more tolerable, and it tasted much better.

Those are the only two brands we have in the house at the moment to experiment with. So the sky's the limit, I suppose.


  • BrittKnee_Rae
    BrittKnee_Rae Posts: 111 Member
    Will try this! THANKS :)
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I do this with Body Fortress quite a bit. the Strawberry powder in yogurt with frozen berries is awesome, and the chocolate actually works well with cocoa roasted almonds.
  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    Greek yogurt + protein powder is my go-to post-workout snack! I pop it in the freezer before I start, so it's ready to enjoy when I'm finished :)
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    try the "jay robb" protein powder. it's awesome.
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    Is this whey protein or casein? These two types of protein act very differently. Protein fluff demonstrates it very well. I do have a few nummy ways to use protein.

    If you want something milkshake-like, try half a cup of skim milk, 1 scoop protein, about 5 ice cubes and any flavor and sweetener you like(frozen fruit, coco powder, 1 tbsp peanutbutter etc etc) blend well for a bout 30 sec. This is the only way I could down my Star Nutrition protein without wanting to spit it back out..

    but my most favorite way to down my protein powder would be protein pancakes!
    This is my favorite recipe at the moment:
    - half a cup of liquid egg whites(about 3 egg whites from large eggs?)
    - 2 tbsp coconut flour
    - 2 tbsp pumpkin puree or baked sweet potato
    - 1 tbsp sweetener of choice
    - half a scoop(about 15 g) of whey
    - 2/3 tsp baking powder
    - some vanilla extract

    Blend everything together and let it sit while you prepare the pan and whatever toppings you like. Use medium heat and cook for about 2 min per side, careful not to ocvercook.

    This should land somewhere around 200 kcal and 20-25 g protein. Makes 3-4 medium sized pancakes.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I do this with added frozen fruit (usually blueberries, but anything works). Sometimes I add some almond milk to thin it out, and then I put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Makes a great ice cream consistency.

    protein pancakes are a fave around here too, but I rarely use protein powder for those. cottage cheese and egg whites are enough for me :)