30 Day Shred - Old or New???

OK, I've been doing the 30 Day Shred for a couple of days now & have just realised that there are 2 different versions, the one that I'm doing which is 4 routines, different one each week, & the other version that's 3 routines, different one every 10 days.

Anyone know which one is better? Or are they both the same???? I do a couple other JM workouts & they all seem to be based on the same set of exercises, so wandering if it really makes any difference.???



  • VCYoga
    VCYoga Posts: 13 Member
    I think you are talking about the 30 Day Shred and her newer Ripped in 30.
    Very similar, but yes one is newer and in my opinion, harder and a better work out.