First day of my new lifestyle!!

Hey Everyone,

This is my very first day on MFP. I stumbled upon this site and I'm so happy that I've found it. I'm looking to gain some amazing healthy-lifestyle tips, new recipes, and lose weight in the process. Overall, I'm looking to drop about 40 pounds. It seems very daunting right now, but I am in this for the long-term. I know this won't happen overnight, so I am going to have to be patient!!

I'm super excited to be a part of this website, and I am looking forward to meeting some great people! I am pumped and ready to lose some weight. Who's in??


  • TexasLass
    TexasLass Posts: 16 Member
    That's exactly what I came in for, a lifestyle change. MFP has been great to me so far. It's great that you are coming in with the right mindset that it wont happen instantaneously, it took a long time to gain, it'll take a while to lose too.

    Congratulations on taking the right steps, and Good Luck!
  • Boopa
    Boopa Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome!, I just joined myself tho I technically joined over a year ago I never returned :). I am in for the long haul as well. Good Luck to you and happy losing!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome....this sight is learn something new everday.

    Just be honest with all your entries and workout...and you will see awesome results
