What to class as water intake ( a glass etc..?)

Hi, do you log other drinks such as tea/coffee etc as your 9 glasses of water a day or only water? also would you class say a bottle of water as 2 drinks? thanks


  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I don't log anything as water that isn't strictly water but to each there own. Vitawater, homemade smoothies and low sodium V8 are the only other things I drink and I log those under food items... I don't see anything wrong with logging it as water intake, but I choose not to. As it is I get at least 16 cups of plain water per day I don't see it as an issue...
    BTW Anyone is welcome to add me... Down 128 in seven months.
  • JessFromEngland
    JessFromEngland Posts: 30 Member
    I personally don't log smoothies, tea etc as water intake. I only count pure, straight water. I was always told that drinking plain water is the only way to get your recommended daily intake of 8cups. I don't know whether that is true but I think that if I drink 8 cups + some tea, a smoothie, water in oatmeal etc. then i'm just getting more which can't hurt!

    A 'cup' of water is 250ml, meaning a 500ml bottle is 2 cups :) Hope this helps. I measure my intake by filling a 750ml bottle as often as i can, then i log it as 3 cups. Voila! 12 cups a day (3 litres) easily!

    I've also found that the first few weeks of drinking a lot of water I was weeing ALOT, my body is finally used to it and I feel fantastic. More energy, my skin is softer and clearer and I find I eat less regularly. Water is a magic ingredient in weight loss. Think of it at your job to drink as much water as you can!

    Good luck!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Personally - I log water and decaffeinated tea. Anything with caffeine and any other beverages are logged under a "drinks" category. But, everyone has their own opinion on this topic - just what I do :wink:
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    To me, a glass of water is 1 cup or 250 ml. I only count actual water or decaf herbal tea (with nothing in it) as water.
  • shiplizard
    shiplizard Posts: 20 Member
    I count anything with minimal additives-- in my case, that's usually unsweetened tea or a packet of crystal lite-- as water. I'd count zero-cal vitawater as water, too, since that's basically all it is (slightly sweetend water with some negligible soluble vitamins, still mostly water).

    Anything with so much of a nutrient load that I have to log it under food, I don't. Unsweetened tea is 'water' for my purposes, Thai iced tea isn't, a mocha definitely isn't.
  • Hi,

    Each 250ml or about 1/2 pint counts as 1 glass of water:

    For my water intake, I would include plain and sparkling water, I try to stick mainly to water, but on days that plain water just doesn't cut it for me, I also count hot water with fresh lemon juice, plain herbal teas and squash (no added sugar varieties only [but don't forget these contain calories so they need to be included in your food chart as well]).

    All tea, coffee, soda's diet or "full fat" and other drinks don't count towards your water intake in my opinion.

    I've found though that the more you drink just water the more your body craves it and it turns into your drink of choice for the day.
    Hope that helps
  • I personally don't log smoothies, tea etc as water intake. I only count pure, straight water. I was always told that drinking plain water is the only way to get your recommended daily intake of 8cups. I don't know whether that is true but I think that if I drink 8 cups + some tea, a smoothie, water in oatmeal etc. then i'm just getting more which can't hurt!

    A 'cup' of water is 250ml, meaning a 500ml bottle is 2 cups :) Hope this helps. I measure my intake by filling a 750ml bottle as often as i can, then i log it as 3 cups. Voila! 12 cups a day (3 litres) easily!

    I've also found that the first few weeks of drinking a lot of water I was weeing ALOT, my body is finally used to it and I feel fantastic. More energy, my skin is softer and clearer and I find I eat less regularly. Water is a magic ingredient in weight loss. Think of it at your job to drink as much water as you can!

    Good luck!

    Hi. I went from 134.2 on Feb 1 to 129.6 by Feb 5. I was ecstatic! Then on Friday I was suddenly back at 132! I didnt understand it because I had been eating healthy and working out. I went to GNC and the clerk asked me if I was drinking enough water.. I realize that I was not...at least not enough. He then said that women are hormone driven and thusmy body is holding on to all the water since I dont replenish it with more!!!! So...in other words...I need to drink more ....a lot more water...
    But its very hard for me. I have to really force myself to drink it....any suggestions??
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    A cup of water is 8 ounces. So yea, I count one bottle of water that is 16 ounces as two cups.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I don't class any coffee or herbals into my water in take, and I have at least 3 or 4 fruit herbals a day incl green tea

    I always fill up a 1.5 litre bottle and drink that, than I would say I fill it up again and drink half that bottle, so I'm probably drinking over 2 litres a day......incl the herbals.....more....and water in my porridge

    Always using the toilet, but its good as it flushes it all out

    You know when your not drinking enough water if your pee pee is really dark, mine is clear (just thought you would like to know that)
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    I count my unsweet tea but only because it is so watered down that my co-workers call it "colored water".
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    my friend is a nurse. i asked her this and she said that any fluid that isn't a diuretic or laden with sugar can count towards water intake. people should try to drink water because its free, has no chemicals in it, and the body doesn't need to work as hard for it, but your body will draw water from whatever you drink.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The 8 glasses a day thing is an annoying persistent myth. Yes you need to stay hydrated and that will change with your location and activity level. Everything with water in it is hydrating. That includes coffee, tea, soda, juice, your food, and even, up to a certain extent, as Bear Grylls knows, your own urine. :wink: