Vegan struggling with diet.



  • Thank you so much for that excellent advice! I will be sure to buy some tofu tomoorow and try that.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Kale, black beans and quinoa are great.
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    Quinoa and beans. Try a vegan chilli in a crock pot, or make some oats for breakfast with some high protein soy milk?
  • Hi EmiFaux,

    I'm sorry to hear you are struggling but there is hope! Vegans can not only get by but excel as athletes and fitness enthusiasts. I'll recommend some of my personal heroes who have inspired me and whose experience and insight in nutrition have been extremely helpful. First is Brendan Brazier, a former Ironman Triathlete and formulator of the Vega supplement line. He has an excellent book titled Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life. There is also a lot of info available on the Vega website. Next is Robert Cheeke, natural body building champion, author of Vegan Body Building and Fitness, and creator of, an excellent site that not only offers great articles but serves as a hub for vegan athletes of all types. Finally another resource I recently found is a podcast, available on iTunes, called Vegan Body Revolution. Its host, Thomas Tadlock, covers a lot of fitness nutrition basics and also interviews some prominent vegan athletes.

    I hope these leads are helpful. I know from personal experience that we vegans can meet our fitness goals, but we sometimes have to look a little harder to find the guidance and advice we need. Best of luck!
  • JukeboxJess
    JukeboxJess Posts: 3 Member
    I love Isa Chandra Moskowitz! Her website is I also have some great cookbooks from The Book Publishing Company, I would echo all of the things said above. I also like seitan, for protein sources, and try doing different things with your tofu (freeze it, marinate it, etc.)