OMG I just binged!



  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I did the same thing today! 800 over and not enough protein. Not a good way to eat every day but I don't. One day will not make any difference. You have stayed on track more than eighty percent of the time and that is better than good enough! Keep going you're going to be so proud of yourself:)
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    What?! You've been doing this for five weeeks and this is the first time you tripped and faltered? Will you fall down and stay down? No. The carlories have reset and you're on Saturday, and the chance to restart is there. If you what you wanted five weeks, just do it again today/tomorrow. Sucess is not measured by how long you can do the right thing... it's about how well you can pick yourself up again when the going gets tough. These last few days have been really tough, but just get up and go in the morning! You can do it. :)
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    You're not perfect. Get over it and tomorrow is a new day :)
  • hampstenj
    hampstenj Posts: 85 Member
    I was the same way Super Bowl Sunday, I knew I was going to splurge and have pizza, to have it come at a certain time during the game, well they tried to bring it 2 hours earlier, I politely said umm I didn't order this for 4:45, I ordered it for 6:15, so they brought one back at 6:15, as well as the other one at no charge. Before I knew it I had eaten not only the first one completely, but most of the 2nd one as well! I felt so sick at myself for doing so, especially when I had worked so hard to get a good headstart at my weight loss, the next morning when I stepped on the scale I knew it was going to be bad, didn't expect it to be as bad as it was... I had gained back a large chunk of what I had lost in that entire week. Thankfully been well on track this entire week and gosh dangit I plan to continue to do so!
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    No biggy! Tomorrow is a new day and you can get right back on track! Don't be too hard on yourself.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Let it go... Just make a plan to work it off over the next week.
  • You're right, don't dwell on it. Wake up to a fresh start tomorrow and all is forgiven. Just make sure to continue the good behavior! Hang in there!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Exhaustion is my trigger for overeating, too. Take care of day in the grand scheme of a lifestyle change won't affect your progress at all. Hope you all feel better tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • Heatherdawnxoxo
    Heatherdawnxoxo Posts: 60 Member
    without struggle there is no progress. slip ups are just part of the journey and something that we all struggle to deal with. some more than others, but it's always there. strive for progress not perfection. keep going
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    Just remember if it was easy you wouldn't need to do it. The real test isn't whether you occasionally have a setback it's whether you keep trying despite the setbacks.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Hey we all fall down sometimes. Don't beat yourself up. We are not perfect or we wouldn't be in this situation. Keep up the hard work 5 weeks is a good start and 800 cals will not cause you a weight gain. So just start up again tomorrow. :)
  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    what is your daily calorie goal?

    also, remember you are in a probably ate close to maintenance for a big deal

    and you were sick...dont be so hard on need to be perfect

    I LOVE this logic!
  • powership00
    powership00 Posts: 20 Member
    I was stuck in an airport last week and the only place open to eat was Friday's. I can work with that menu I thought, but all they were serving was appetizers, and were waiting on lettuce from another location so no salads. I ate like crap and went over big time. I was upset but went back to my normal plan and have lost 5 lbs this week.

    It happens to all of us some way or another, and it will happen again, and it's ok. Good Luck shaking the illness!
  • Going over 800 calories for 1 day is not a big deal; the fact that you are so concerned about it is only a good sign about your motivation to get more fit. I once accidentally ate a crate of Mars Bars and look at me I'm not so bad
  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    First, I hope you and your family feel better soon!. That said, I know it so easy to fall back on old habits, just like I know you will have the talk with yourself tonight and get yourself back on track tomorrow. Just remember that it is ok if you slide once in a while, it is that you get right back on it that matters....
  • Lonasue32
    Lonasue32 Posts: 109 Member
    Journal how you feel, how uncomfortable it is, your thoughts. Get back on track you can wipe the slate clean and start tomorrow and when you feel weak re-read what you wrote and remember why you don't want to do it again. Tell yourself every day that you can do this and believe in yourself. Your mistake does not define you it's not who you are. You messed up I believe that we can do anything with God's help I will pray for you to overcome this terrible feeling to binge so that you aren't controlled by it.
  • Don't give up!! i binge also and don't understand it. It is like food is calling me and I stuff things in my mouth even though I am not hungry. I feel guilt and it takes 2 days to really feel better. I get up the next day, exercise, log my food and keep going. Takes about 4 days to get back to weight prior to binge. I wish I was not a binger but... I have actually stopped myself a few times and was very proud of this.

    Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin!!!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Got talked into going out to lunch yesterday and after a stressful week the choice of a grilled chicken breast, no breads, and a side salad fell to a hamburger and fries. Then after a disappointing evening tennis match I got out the ice cream to sooth my soul with a shake. Annoyed because I KNOW I shouldn't make those choices. I had the same agruements in my head I think we all have, and the stress or whatever lower our determination and fortitude. It happens

    Back on it today.
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member
    It happens. Every second we have the choice to change what we are doing.
  • Everyone is so awesome here...thanks!
    So i went over my daily cals by 915...not the end of the world..but it was the choices I made...chips, pop, choc, cookies! TOTAL crap...that's what was so shocking..that I just didn't stop with one type of bad food.
    My daily cals are 1800 for the day, and I ended up eating 2700. I am also nursing this very sick baby, taking care of our sick 5 year old and myself.
    IT is strange tho, being as sick as we are, that I grabbed the **** food!
    Back in the saddle today!
    Thanks again everyone!