Trying to lose my nursing school weight

I have been on this journey before! When I was 17 I lost over 60 pounds through hard work and determination. (AND LOTS OF PILATES! ) I told myself I would never, ever let myself get that big again. Now it's been almost ten years since then and I have gained it all back. I started RN school a year and a half ago, and after many sleepless nights spent studying with unhealthy food choices, I have gained weight. I am miserable- my clothes look horrible, my energy is low, and I have to deal with ridicule from certain family members and my husband's ex (they have a child together and she is very immature).

I recently went back to my hometown for a friends wedding, and I felt so embarrassed to have to be seen this size. Mentally, I am still 120 lbs, but physically I am not. I have finally endured enough humiliation and I am ready to make better decisions and change my lifestyle. If anyone wants to, feel free to add me on as a friend. The more people I have encouraging me, the better! We can do this!!

I am already down about 5 pounds from earlier this year. That has given me the motivation to continue to lose weight!


  • Oh, nursing gotta love it! I too, went into nursing school content with where I was at with my weight. A few years before I started nursing school, I had lost about 60lbs, and gained about 15 of it back. After nursing school, I had gained all 60 back. Seriously! It was ridiculous! I have been a nurse now for going on 6 years, and since then, I have found it very hard to lose weight while working night shifts. It's very frustrating. I feel like I do very well on my days off, but then as soon as I work a night shift, I feel like I totally undo what I had just worked so hard for.

    Off the whole weight topic; are you finished with nursing school, and do you know what field you want to go into?

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am hoping people on here can keep me motivated! Good Luck! :)
  • modernartemis
    modernartemis Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks! I know a lot of other students I talk to have gained weight as well! The worst part for me was talking my pre-reqs throughout the year. I took A&P 1 and 2 in an accelerated summer course, and the stress was unbearable! So I turned to food for comfort! And then I ballooned almost 25 pounds in three months! I am going to graduate June of 2013- so the hard work payed off, but it's just difficult to focus on your health and be so bombarded with school!

    I want to work in Neurology, there are a lot of neurological problems which run in my family. Two of my sisters have epilepsy, my youngest sister has Dravet's syndrome, and other family members have parkinsons, strokes, etc. I find the brain the most fascinating part of the human body. However, I would be open to working in a lot of other specialties as well- Cardiac, ER, Trauma, they all sound interesting! I don't know if I could do oncology or nicu, that might be a little hard for me. Whatever I do I know I want it to be different and challenging every day. I sent you a friend request! The more support I get, the better!
  • twseast
    twseast Posts: 3
    Been a nurse for 14 years and I understand ur struggle. Hang in there. Focus on weight loss the same w.ay u focused on nursing school
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Feel free to add me. Nursing school is tough for weight loss as well as adjusting to the 12 hour shifts. I love being a nurse. You can do it. There are alot of great people here on mfp.
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I'll add ya ;)
  • I graduated with a BSN in 1988! Now I'm overweight and old! During nursing school most everyone gained weight or were dismissed from the program with severe anorexia! Nurses are famous for taking care of others and not taking care of themselves. Somehow we have to put ourselves first. If we're not healthy, how can we help others? Sounds good huh? Unfortunately I'm just not wired that way.

    Would love to be friends with fellow nurses! Please add me!
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Nursing school is where my real weight loss problems started. Other life issues added to the weight gain. I am a night shift ICU Rn and do excellent when I work its my days off that I struggle! Now is a great time to start trying to take care of yourself. Good luck!
  • bakingmink
    bakingmink Posts: 13 Member
    I know just what you mean. I know you can do it! I am a cardiac nurse, and would love to have other MFP nurse friends. Please, anyone who wants to, feel free to add me!
  • Jerkis
    Jerkis Posts: 23 Member
    Hi guys!! I started nursing school this september. I gained 40 pounds!!! I cannot seem to get it offf!!! I am still missing a year... I must lose weight!!! help?
  • I know what it feels like to lose the weight and gain it all frustrating!! You did it once before, you can certainly do it again. I try to keep repeating that mantra to myself :)
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    My son just graduated nursing school in August. He is bigger than when he played football! Now he works at a university hospital in ICU. He says he's going to start working out in January. I'm going to help him move into his new apartment tomorrow and will share this site with him. I will send you a friend request. Good luck! :smile:
  • kitri2779
    kitri2779 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in nursing school as well (graduate this may! YAY!!). Initially I lost a good deal of weight with HCG (not a good plan for sustainable weight loss-the weight comes right back) but this semester (my final semester) I have been putting the weight back on. I started nursing school around 211 and lost down to 168 and now I am back up to 190. Completely pissed at myself. I have 4 kids, I work and with nursing school and precepting on top of everything I am not eating right at all. I do great at work but when I am home or school, I eat quick and easy junk. So here I am again trying to loose the weight again. I am hoping to drop 20 before graduation because I do NOT want to be a BIG GIRL when I walk across that stage! Good Luck and hang in there!!!