Protein shakes while losing weight?

Hi, I'm looking for a bit of advice about protein shakes. I am eating a low calorie balanced diet and exercising regularly. My boyfriend takes supplements including protein which he uses to bulk but I'm aware of some women I know taking protein shakes who don't necessarily want to bulk up. I've heard that protein shakes can help your body to burn calories faster and keep u lean but am so wary of ending up with 'guns' haha. Anyway, my main question is - would taking a protein shake benefit me in toning/keeping muscles lean while losing weight or am I better off just sticking to my current routine of healthy diet and exercise? And if so does anyone recommend any? As I say I am eating a low calorie balanced diet and wouldn't be looking use protein shakes as meal replacements, just as a snack if it would benefit.
Thanks :)


  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    If you are lifting weigths (not baby weights) I personally would recommend a protein shake postworkout.
    The more lean mass (muscle) you have, the more calories you burn in a rested state... Now, on a low cal diet with exercise you are most likely in a catabolic state (especially during exercise!). Of course you want to lose fat BUT you also want to keep your lean mass right? BUmping up your protein either by shakes or extra lean proteins from more natural sources helps prevent muscle catabolism while in a deficit.

    Protein shakes are convenient and easy to make/carry with you, so it can really help you with an active lifestyle!
    So fear not :-) Woman profit highly from lifting (heavy) weights. You'll only grow HUGE if you are in a massive caloric surplus (=eating looooads more than you need) + taking drugs. In your case I'd say you're safe ;-)

    Hope this helps a little :flowerforyou:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I do use protein shakes daily. I'm on a supervised VLCD and I only get 800 calories per day. I MUST get in at least 80 grams of protein per day so a 26 gram protein shake for 110 calories is a good way to help me reach that goal. I usually add some chia seeds to mine (70 calories, but it's giving me 5 grams of healthy fat so it's worth it)so I'm sure to be getting some healthy fat with my meal as well..... For me using protein shakes for about a third to half of my total protein consumption helps me keep my calories low so that I can have enough calories left in my day for lots of veggies and some healthy fats.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    definitely protein shakes. I have up to 3 a day. Or you would have to eat so much chicken or fish to get your protein high, LOL. There are protein shakes which don;t have carbs in it and are relatively low on cals if you consider how much protein they have. You have to protect your muscle, esp if you are in deficit, and the only way to do it is to fill it up with protein, otherwise you will start losing it
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    You should aim to get about 1 gram of protein per lb of lean body mass. especially while on a deficit.

    Whether you want to do this through whole foods or supplementation is entirely up to you.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I use protein shakes for two things:

    One, for a quick on-the-go breakfast. I mix a cup of coffee, a cup of milk (skim or 1%), one scoop of chocolate protein powder (two if I know it is going to be a big calorie burn day) , two tbsn sugar-free caramel creamer and 1/4 cup of oats and blend in a blender (so much better than the slim-fast junk). I don't do this one often, only when I am in a big hurry and can't get in an honest breakfast...but this shake keeps me full for HOURS.

    Two...after weight lifting, in which case I do the generic 1 for 1 ratio.

    Oh, and I have been using these two things all month and lost generally a pound a week.
  • damiannikodem
    damiannikodem Posts: 77 Member
    its exactly that, a supplement. if your diet does not have enough protein then you probably should supplement it somehow.

    The benefit that I find is that they tend to have very few calories compared to eating the same amount of other high protein foods which makes it easier to control.

    When loosing weight you will lose muscle and fat both at the same time, the trick is to minimize the loss of muscles while trying to remove fat from your body.
  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    I LOVE my daily shakes. And there are so many great flavors and brands to choose from now. It is also a great way to curve a sweet tooth guilt free :-)
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    I use them after workouts. (I mix PhytoBerry powder and plain unflavoured 100% whey protein isolate.) The rest of the week I don't sweat it; as long as I have half a gram per pound or .75 gram per pound, I don't seem to lose any muscle.

    Sometimes I'll have a Quest protein bar instead, or add a couple of handfuls of trail mix.

    I find that without them, it's very hard to get to 1g/lb of lean body mass on the days I work out, since I'm presently @ 1700 calories a day (heading up to 1800 next month, but still).

  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It is a suppliment. Great to include if your diet is lacking in protein.

    Protein powder itself will not make you gain weight, it will not make you lose weight, it will not make you burn calories faster, and it will not make you bulk (women cannot get bulky without drugs). If you don't get enough protein through real foods add in a protein shake, especially after a heavy lifting workout.

    I use it because I don't get the amounts of protein in a day that I should. I also use it after a heavy workout as I find my muscles don't get as sore.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    protein shakes can help with muscle repair when taken after a workout but they will not make you put on muscle, if only it was so easy!! Guys who take them for this purpose are eating at a calorie surplus, high protein diet with a lot of weight training, it doesnt happen by accident from drinking a few shakes. Gaining or losing weight comes from calorie surplus or deficit regardless of where the calories come from.
    They wont make you burn calories faster - getting enough protein in your diet combined with weight training will help you maintain muscle mass, a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat so essentially you DO burn more calories but this is not just from taking the shake.
    I'm on 150g protein a day and some days I use a shake to make up the difference if I dont get enough from my food, I use them as healthy snacks, good for chocolate cravings, and on weight lifting days I will take one after my workout to help with recovery.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Lifting and drinking protein shakes won't make you bulky on a calorie deficit. I lift and take protein powder, but look at my profile picture, I'm nowhere near as big as I'd like to be (yet). Protein supplements are great for helping you get more protein into your diet without adding too many calories.
  • ZombieBubbles
    ZombieBubbles Posts: 110 Member
    I use special k protein shakes. I love them. They taste really good unlike slim fast stuff.. I usually have one and a yogurt! In the morning. I dont know as much about shakes as others on here but I do find they help with hunger
  • ptewasin
    ptewasin Posts: 15 Member
    No one has mentioned the shakes they are using. Is there a favorite?
  • xMemza89x
    Thanks guys think I might try a couple any recommendations? X
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thanks guys think I might try a couple any recommendations? X

    I use Muscle Maxx (either in the vanilla or chocolate flavours) and love them. I haven't tried a ton of kinds yet.

    Look around and try them out. Ask those at health food stores, call the companies, etc and ask for samples... or just buy the smaller tubs for the time being.

    What you like may be something I hate. What someone on here says they love, you may hate or it may not fit into your budget. Check out a few stores and have a budget set before you go. There are tons of options out there to choose from.