I am New!!

I thought I should introduce myself. I have been on the website for about 3 weeks now. I have been trying for years to lose weight with different diets. I recently lost 45 lbs with herbal magic, but have put about 20 back on. I am 38 lbs down from my highest weight.

Back in October I started going to the Wharton Medical Clinic in Hamilton, Ontario. Dr. Wharton is amazing. I have been holding my own since I started, there was a lot to learn. I am also going to a Naturopath that works with Dr. Wharton. I have eliminated a lot of foods from my diet and am now ready to get on the fast track and lose some serious weight.

On Saturday, I met with Dr. Wharton and he diagnosed me with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. :cry: I was expecting this as diabetes runs in my family (both sides) and I had gestational with both my kids. Dr. Wharton has given me a regiment I have to follow. I am working very hard to attain the goals he has set for me. Two days - so far so good. I just need to get the exercise up. He wants me to have 5000-10,000 steps a day. I don't know how many I have throughout the day, but I went for a walk with the family and got almost 3000 in. It's a start.

A little about me. I am almost 45, have two young children (10 & 7) and my husband Steve (and my personal chef!). I work full time as a Safety Specialist and love my job! I am originally from New Brunswick and miss it much!

I absolutely love this website. I am so terrible at keeping a food journal, but this has really helped me. I hope that I can make some friends along the way. Maybe I will meet some people that can help me and some people that I can help. Looking forward to the journey I am about to embark on.



  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Welcome! You have come to the right place. A lot of hard work and you will get to where you want to be. Good LUCK!
  • Joey1982
    Joey1982 Posts: 25
    Hi Cathy!! I see you have been on here awhile now and I hope everything is going well! I was actually wondering if you had any feedback on Herbal Magic? I was actually considering signing up and am going to set up a consultation. Is there anything you can provide me before I go in? Any information will help, it is hard to get an honest opinion on Herbal Magic, alot of people consider it a scam and way over priced(which it is...but.. if itworks, I'm willing to pay)

    If you aren't comfortable that is okay too! Hope all is going wel!!