Coconut Oil Anyone?



  • lyfwithluv
    lyfwithluv Posts: 5 Member
    I started washing my face with it and my face looks amazing! I did have a small break out the first few days but that's because the oil pulls the toxins out of the skin. My routine is twice a day. I slather some extra virgin organic coconut oil on my face then massage with a "buff puff" for about 1.5 minutes or so, then I continue massaging under running water in the shower for about another minute or so just so I'm not totally greasy when I get out of the shower, then pat dry. I don't know, but my pores and dark spots are diminishing and my face is so smooth and so so soft! Coconut oil has so many fantastic uses. I also make a cleaner for my wood and leather furniture out of it (1 part lemon juice to 1 part coconut oil) and if you want more of a furniture oil use less lemon and more coconut oil! I could go on about everything I use it for but this truly is a miracle product for me!
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I've started using it in place of other cooking oils for cooking eggs or stir frys. I haven't noticed any difference in health, but I think it's a good, healthy oil to use. I also rub it on my hands and nails when I scrape the extra off the spoon too :-)
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Every other day I put it in with my smoothies and certain foods I have learned to cook with it. It's also a great moisturizer, but you have to air dry before putting clothes on. It is a healthy fat, like olive oils, avocados and such and we need fat to absorb certain minerals into our bodies, so it's best to use the healthier stuff, in moderation of course :)
  • I love coconut oil and use it for my hair, skin and as a lip balm. I've never used it to cook, but it is a healthy alternative. However, when I used to work at Whole Foods so many people would say they took a spoonful before each meal or a few spoonfuls a day. I don't see how that would help you lose weight or be healthy at all. At the end of the day it's still oil.
  • It is so healthy and tasty...also really good for hair and skin! I love coconut oil!
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 269 Member
    Coconuts are great, coconut oil... not so much.

    I've quit using oil, because oil is too calorie dense. A food cannot be calorie dense and nutrient dense at the same time. Do the math, do the research, it's true. Sadly. Pick any whole plant food, measure the same amount of calories independent of the volume (or by weight), and then see what the nutrient content of that food is compared to any oil, including coconut oil. And then figure out how many calories by volume you would need to eat in order to fill your stomach. Do this with both the oil and the plant base food. Try comparing black beans, rice, even potatoes. A cowboy chili beans with tomatoes, peppers, onions, spices, and beans; but without any meat, cheese, or oil would give you way more nutrients, would make your belly full, and not throw your calorie count through the roof. Incredibly satisfying.

    Watch Dr. Pam Popper at She talks about oils, coconut and otherwise.
  • jhassell67
    jhassell67 Posts: 5 Member
    I use the Refined spectrum coconut oil also (no coconut taste) , it was all the grocery store had but I want to try the unrefined next.(sold out ) I hear to try Costco . I like to use it for med-high temperatures, the only other oil/fat I use is Olive oil for salad and butter. That' s it.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I use it in my bulletproof coffee everyday, and it is great on my low carb lifestyle... its also great on heels and elbows as a moisturizer and on the ends of your hair for split ends
  • bump :)
  • I've been using it as a moisturizer and it has CURED my acne (small surface pimples, but lots of them). Even my prescription did't do as good a job. It started showing big results in 2 days. I don't know if it would work so well on larger pimples, but it's worth a try. I've also been taking about 2 spoonfuls a day but there I haven't really noticed a change there.
  • There are TONS of websites touting the benefits of coconut oil. I put 1 tbsp in my coffee every morning. Google 101 uses for coconut oil and you'll be amazed at how much it can do :-) if you do the refined there are less of the beneficial enzymes but if you really can't stand the coconut taste that's going to have to be the way to go for you.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I just drank half a teaspoon in my tea :)
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I just started eating coconut oil... I am eating a high fat diet so the calories arnt an issue. It's too soon for me to notice any changes, but i have seen other people that have been successful! Just start eating a tablespoon per day, and slowly work to eating more if you dont feel depreived or anything!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I use it when making chocolate covered peppermint patties.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I use it for cooking, mainly because I like the taste. As was said it is the same calories as any other oil. (100% fat).

    I've lost the source but the claims that MCT's are used as energy primarily (like carbs) is true but apparently coconut oil is not all MCT's which I was unaware of. I "think" it was closer to 30% MCT's.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I'm not the sort of person that jumps on the bandwagon with all the newest trends... having said that, i'm going to wait and see what the long term results are for those ingesting coconut oil.

    I'll stick to EVOO until those studies have proven great results, without added fat or cholesterol issues.

    Thanks for the posts and information.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I use it for cooking, mainly because I like the taste. As was said it is the same calories as any other oil. (100% fat).

    I've lost the source but the claims that MCT's are used as energy primarily (like carbs) is true but apparently coconut oil is not all MCT's which I was unaware of. I "think" it was closer to 30% MCT's.
    You are correct. The benefit of MCT's and most importantly how the bodies uses it as a source of energy is still under debate.
  • I started using coconut oil about a month ago after reading all the benefits it provides. I make homemade protein bars (135 calories each) and I have one every evening with a tablespoon of coconut oil spread on the bar. It's a healthy fat and my skin is becoming softer and softer. Even my hair is getting softer. I'm 60 years old and my skin and hair were SO dry before this.
  • i use it for my hair and thats about it lol
  • lika50
    lika50 Posts: 140 Member
    Does wonders for my hair. I just set the tub/container in hot water for five to ten minutes, then slather the oil on my hair and let it sit for about two hours. My hair has never looked so good. (I do this about once a week.) And, if I have the time, I also massage some into my hands, throw some "spa" gloves on, and - whala! - super soft hands.

    I also use a tablespoon in my tea, which - aside from reaping the benefits of the oil itself - acts as a great lip moisturizer.