Omg- gained 1.5!

I am so upset- after two weeks of working our and eating well, I gained 1.5 this morning! I am so upset and outraged that I don't know what to do! Feel like I got better results when I cheated every once in a while! Discouraged beyond belief!


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    Are u sure you're eating enough? So many factors to this.
  • cosmic0074
    cosmic0074 Posts: 91 Member
    Put your scale away and invest in a tape measure. I recently gained a pound, but my body fat loss says otherwise.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Don't get upset over small gains. They happen from time to time. No matter what you do, weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you will lose, some you will stay the same and some weeks you will gain. It all depends on your hormones, water retention, sodium intake, digestion, water intake, workouts, etc.

    What you are wearing will impact what the scale says. If you have any food/water/liquids in your system will change what the scale says.
  • MomiTia
    MomiTia Posts: 94 Member
    Could be ur monthy approaching
  • Trice9141
    Trice9141 Posts: 1 Member
    Be sure to check your water intake - perhaps you are not getting enough. if you are a female, see where today falls in your menstrual cycle, also really watch your sodium. I gained 4 lbs one week all because of sodium. good luck
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I gain 1.5 pounds from morning to evening...more even...yesterday morning I weighed in at 159....last night I weighed 162....don't sweat the small is probably weight fluctuation...or water retention...or that time of the month...or sodium...there are a million reasons as to why you had that 1.5 increase.
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    Further to what others have said, the time of day you weight yourself can also make a big difference. Up to 3lb from my own experiences. Also clothes can make a big impact.

    Try and weight yourself at the same time of day. I usually weigh myself in the mornings, just before i step in the shower.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    If you are eating right and exercising, you are on your way, not matter what the scale says. Keep up the good work.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,248 Member
    Body weight can vary as much as 4 pounds throughout the day and day to day just because of things like water retention. If you just started or made a big change to your exercise program that can cause water weight gain.

    Frankly, take the suggestion about the measuring tape, because weight is not really the issue, getting rid of fat is. Read this to see how weight can be more, but a body look smaller
  • picklesuccess2013
    Thank you- I will try to measure this week too. Thanks for the encouragement- trying to stay motivated without success isn't easy :(
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thank you- I will try to measure this week too. Thanks for the encouragement- trying to stay motivated without success isn't easy :(

    Look at weight loss over the long term, not week to week. You will not lose each and every week. It's just not how weight loss happens.

    You still have success. If you had a healthy food intake that's success. If you exercised that's success. The weight on the scale isn't the only way to show if you have succeed or not.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    do you weigh yourself at the same time and under the same conditions when you do your weigh in? Weight is not linear...whether you're talking about losing, maintaining, or's not linear. Nobody weighs exactly xxx Lbs...there are completely natural body weight fluctuations attributable to water retention/release and food in/out...fluid in/out, etc. Here's an example of this last week for me:

    187.4 (last Friday official weigh in
    188 (mon)
    187.7 (tues)
    188.5 (wed...OMG I gained a Lb...NOT)
    188.2 (thurs)
    185.6 (Friday official weigh in..OMG, I lost 2.6 Lbs overnight...NOT)
    188.1 (Sat...OMG I gained 2.5 Lbs of fat overnight...NOT)

    Do you know how I know that I didn't gain 2 Lbs of fat overnight? My maintenance level of calories is 2, gain 2 Lbs overnight I would have had to consume those 2,550 calories plus 7,000 more calories to gain 2 Lbs of fat over night....that would be 9,550 calories, and I can assure you that didn't happen...I didn't even eat 2,300. That is the math...that is the science. 3,500 calories = 1 Lb of fat.

    What I do is plot these numbers on a graph...over time I can see the general trend downward. I am set to lose very slowly, so it's hard to see my weight loss in just a week or even a couple of weeks...if I had to guess, my true weight is probably in the neighborhood of 187.

  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Are you strength training at all? If you are and you weighed yourself the morning after a workout you could just be retaining water in your muscles. I lift pretty heavy and usually gain 1-2lbs after a good lifting session the day before.

    Also my sodium intake can cause me to retain water too. I can wake up 4-6 lbs heavier if I over do it on salt.

    Chances are the 1.5lbs you gained are not fat (unless you ate about 5000 extra calories. Could be water you drank or food in your digestive system. I can gain 1.5lbs right now by eating a meal and having a glass or two of water.

    I only track the lowest number I see if I see it twice. I constantly fluctuate between the same 2-3lbs. Once I lose 1 more then gain 2 back and lose 3 and get back to that number I log it. It's the only way to tell for sure that I'm losing weight. I look for a downward trend overall....not just the scale going down.
  • mkurgan7407
    You shouldn't let a number have so much power over you.

    Muscle weighs more than fat. The more muscle you gain, the faster your metabolism!

    Don't be discouraged by the scale, just worry about how you feel every day when you wake up.

    Stay motivated, you WILL see results! :)
  • picklesuccess2013
    Are you strength training at all? If you are and you weighed yourself the morning after a workout you could just be retaining water in your muscles. I lift pretty heavy and usually gain 1-2lbs after a good lifting session the day before.

    Also my sodium intake can cause me to retain water too. I can wake up 4-6 lbs heavier if I over do it on salt.

    Chances are the 1.5lbs you gained are not fat (unless you ate about 5000 extra calories. Could be water you drank or food in your digestive system. I can gain 1.5lbs right now by eating a meal and having a glass or two of water.

    I only track the lowest number I see if I see it twice. I constantly fluctuate between the same 2-3lbs. Once I lose 1 more then gain 2 back and lose 3 and get back to that number I log it. It's the only way to tell for sure that I'm losing weight. I look for a downward trend overall....not just the scale going down.

    That's a good point- I did and one of the last times too where I gained I did an extensive weight/cardio class the night before- thank you- I appreciate it- prob stopped me from losing my mind more today and eating everything I want -
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi there,

    Are you eating back your excercise calories? Maybe make your food diary public so those who have been on here a long time can possibly give you some ideas?

    Hang in there.
    Feel free to add me as friend, if you would like.
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    If it's only been two weeks, your body is probably in flux. A few days ago I was convinced I hit a plateau. I was up almost 2lbs and feeling not too great. Yesterday I had a double burger with a huge side of Cajun fries and I didn't work out for the first time in a month. Today I went to the gym and I was at a lower weight than I've been since I started. Don't get too discouraged and look to make drastic changes over perceived minor setbacks.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You just joined and started on MFP. Give it more than a week for results. Maybe weight every 3-4 weeks and definitely rely more on measurements to accurately track your progress.
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    My weight would go up or down by more than pound almost every day especially when I started. It's like the stock market what matters is the long term trend.
  • rjobel
    rjobel Posts: 16
    Go easy pal, sometimes that happens. Just keep on focusing on your goal, eventually you´ll reach it.