Anyone use Herbalife

Hello, my name is Kimberly, and I use Herbalife along with MyFitnessPal and I am looking for friends that use Herbalife. If that is you please shoot me a request. I would also like to hear your personal experience with Herbalife, whether you liked it or hated it and why. It would be nice to have friends that are like minded.


  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Kim! I used Herbalife at the beginning of 2010 and lost about 15 lbs in a matter of two months. I had a good experience with them while I used them. I actually got full from the shakes and they didn't give me a sour stomach the way every other meal replacement I used would. I used the protein supplement they offer along with the meal replacement. It was expensive but I didn't buy all the pills and stuff they push. My opinion is that they just weren't necessary and I could get a good multi for a fraction of the price. I don't have any problem with the effectiveness, taste, or nutritional value. It isn't magic, of course. It's just a good way to regulate calorie consumption. Now, for the bad stuff. It was too expensive to maintain and just not possible to do long term. I started gaining the weight back as soon as I stopped drinking them. I hit my goal weight, went back to my old habits, and gained every single pound back. I thought I would be able to maintain my weight loss, even though everything I read said otherwise. Most people gain the weight back because they never actually learn how to eat correctly. I could have been eating 1200 calories per day of real food, lost the same amount of weight, saved a bunch of money, and taught myself good nutrition. Instead, I teased myself with short term weight loss. So yes, the shakes work. Just be careful that you vigilantly count your calories when you stop drinking them or the weight will pile back on.
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    I am actually waiting on a sample that a Representative is suppose to be sending me. I am very much curious about the products!
  • ohnstadk
    ohnstadk Posts: 143 Member
    imtrinat, Thank you for your reply. I started the shakes about two weeks ago and count calories including them. I got into an argument with some coworkers today about the effectiveness of the shakes as well as the fact that I will gain the weight back. I know that Herbalife suggests that you never quit there shakes (I mean why would they seeing as they make money off of them lol) I did however have the thought that as long as I ate lots of veggies and some fruits, and didn't go back to bad habits that quitting the shakes wouldn't matter as long as I stayed within the healthy caloric limit for my body type. But I was curious if there was anyone that gained weight even maintaining the caloric intake. Just out of curiosity did you work out while on herbalife or just use the shakes?
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    The weight loss was pretty much strictly from the shakes. I did have a pretty active job at the time that required me to climb stairs several times a day and I also walked a mile here and there. It wasn't consistent enough to consider real exercise though. I'm far more active now and I'm not losing weight like that! They most definitely do the trick. I just followed the "2 shakes, 1 sensible meal" plan at 1200 calories and I didn't have any problem getting the weight off.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    Feel free to add me! I keep my diary closed because I'm more honest that way but I do log in consistently. My name is Trina, by the way :)
  • camellia127
    camellia127 Posts: 16 Member
    I just started using Herbalife shakes at the end of December. Yes, I was skeptical, but anything that will help me take off the 90 lbs. I need to lose and also give me something delicious and easy to drink can't be all bad! I find the shakes made with almond milk, vanilla or chocolate shake mix, protein powder, banana and blueberries and/or blackberries are a real treat much like having a shake made with ice cream without the calories! I have a limited amount of exercise that I can do because of a broken leg so I do what the physical therapist has set me up with and carefully plan my meals to get the most nutritional value and food variety while still maintaining a low calorie count. When I finally reach my goal, I will have to be vigilant in watching my calorie count and choosing my diet carefully. I have battled weight my whole life hitting my goal weight 3 earlier times using Atkins, South Beach and an extreme low calorie diet. I am convinced that once you hit your goal you must maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise and a generally less stressful life in order to keep it off. That is where I failed having lost my weight before and hit my goal weight. For some people it may be easier than others. If the cost is not too high for you and you use the Herbalife shakes to augment your nutritious, healthy diet while maintaining regular exercise, I don't see anything wrong with it.
  • ohnstadk
    ohnstadk Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you Trina, I sent you a request :)

    Camellia127 thank you for your experience. I have been overweight my whole life and only now have decided that it is a problem that needs taken care of and I am determined to not only get to my goal weight but also stay there. It is nice to hear of experience where you know where you went wrong before. i have determined that schools and parents should spend more time teaching individuals about potion control. Especially since (at least in the USA) we have several gluttony holidays, that are focused around stuffing our face. As a kid I was always taught to eat what was on my plate, and almost always to encouraged to eat seconds, and if I was up to it desert. I am not blaming my parents, especially because when they went to school lunch may have been the only meal they got to eat all day so of course they stuffed their face as much as possible. Its because of this past however, I know that it will always be possible for me to eat to much if I am not careful, so I always plan on counting my calories, especially if it helps me get to my goal weight. :)
  • stacifahlsing
    stacifahlsing Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't tried the Herbalife ones, but I like the Shaklee ones. I think you are right though... as long as you stay within a healthy calorie intake, you shouldn't gain it back. Good luck. : )
  • I just started using Herbalife yesterday! My boyfriend's friend inspired me to start it after his weight loss and I am glad I did. I started dieting and exercising last week in preparation for the 2 shakes, 1 meal replacement regiment. My first day was very hard, not going to lie! But I made it. It being the 2nd day I felt a difference when I woke up for work. I actually didn't hit the snooze button and woke up feeling energized, happy and ready for the day. I believe it is a mental thing also. I haven't been able to finish the shakes because they are very filling! I also take all the pills/vitamins with the herbal tea after a meal to speed up my metabolism! And a hard 90 minute workout in the evening. I look forward to seeing results!! Good lunck on your venture to loose weight as well :)
  • I started drinking Herbalife shakes about 2 months ago (only 1 a day 2 or 3 times a week because they taste so good). And then I finally went to get my wellness evaluation and started my program and became a distributor 1 week ago. Prior to Herbalife I had lost 15 pounds, and have not lost anymore yet. But my plan is to drink 2 shakes a day and 1 healthy meal. I LOVE the way they taste, so does my boyfriend, and his daughter. I havent tried any of the pills yet, but I am interested in a few of them. I also drink the Mango Aloe and the Herbal Tea Concentrate.
  • I started herbalife shakes a few weeks ago just doing one shake a day for breakfast and trying to watch what I eat the rest of the day. I dropped about 5-6 pounds during that time. I'm getting ready to visit my Marine in California in about 3 weeks and I've decided to get pretty serious and start 2 shakes a day. I'm also going to take the total control and thermobond as well as the tea. I'll let y'all know how it goes! I'm looking for fellow users to help keep focused and motivated. I work two jobs and never make it to the gym so I'm hoping Herbalife is as good as they say it is! Feel free to add me if you'd like!

  • ashmarkstm
    ashmarkstm Posts: 4 Member
    My husband sells Herbalife, and after I did my research I decided to hop on the bandwagon. I just started yesterday, but I can say that from my husband results it's a great way to keep yourself on track. We really don't spend too much more than what we save on groceries by ordering the shakes, bars, and vitamins. Maybe $100 extra dollars a month, since we replace breakfast & lunch.

    I'm a nursing mother, so I won't have as much results as anybody else since I'm restricted as to how into the program I can get until I stop breast feeding, but as far as how filling they are and how they tastes, a+ on both counts in my opinion. In order to maintain my supply I need to consume 1500-1800 depending on how often I nurse during the day, so my plan is a bit more expensive until I stop nursing in a few months.

    Right now, I have a shake for breakfast (Protein drink mix, & Meal Replacement). Since I am nursing, I get hungry a lot quicker in the mornings than most people because I'm burning more calories to produce milk (on average 500 calories a day are burned while nursing) and the shakes actually fill me up. I usually don't eat breakfast until around 11am, though.
    I'm good for two hours on the shake alone, and then I reach for a meal replacement bar or protein bar. I have the cookies'n'cream MRB and the peanut butter PB. I've tried the almond vanilla PB and honestly didn't like it, but it wasn't terrible. I really do like my cookies'n'cream MRB & the peanut butter PB is pretty good as well. One of those fills me up until lunch.
    Around 4 I'll go for my next shake (same as breakfast) and that fills me up until dinner. In between lunch & dinner I'll grab a pack of roasted soy nuts. I like soy nuts, they're just regular ole' soy nuts with some salt on them, roasted. You could probably get them cheaper at the store than on herbalife, but I haven't checked, so if you wan those I would price check, first, and just portion them out so be 100 calories so you're getting the same effect with less cost.
    For dinner, I just eat 4-8oz of lean meat & half of my plate is veggies (not corn-- corn is tasty, but useless lol). Carbs aren't fantastic to have too late in the day, and we eat around 7 so I skip out on the side of brown rice and things like that.
    Yesterday was just my trial of the whole program, and I did it without a problem (well, minus the fact that we went to Texas Roadhouse and I annihilated some cinnamon butter rolls lol). I honestly do not see me having a hard time sticking to two shakes a day, and even losing the snacks in between once I stop nursing. I will say I was pretty darn hungry around dinner time, but again I'm nursing so my appetite is larger than most to make up for the extra 500 calories I burn just sitting on my bum lol.
  • FocusedRev
    FocusedRev Posts: 1 Member
    Hello friends,

    I too started the Herbal Life shakes last week. To be precise, I started on 17th June. I weigh 178 pounds. Thanks to my pregnancy fat & thyroid. I only do the breakfast shakes with the protein powder at 9 am then drink a milk tea at 11 am. I eat lunch at 1pm which is Indian lunch comprising of 2 rotis (flat breads) and a veggie + salads. I aim at finishing 3 ltrs of water at work but end up drinking about 2-2.5 ltrs & I am always running to pee. This seems to be a good sign because my body is not storing the excess water & just is releasing it. So this aids the weight loss. I go home at 615 & eat a light tomato/onion sandwich or puffed rice mixed with tomatoes/onions at 645. I cook dinner & eat at 9/930pm. It is again 2 rotis or rice -1.5 cups & veggies + dal (pulses soup).
    I ensure that I keep the right diet log on fitness pal as it helps me understand which food items are goo & which are not. I also sometimes cheat with a cheese sandwich but it is a low fat cheese slice & brown bread.
    Let us please do this together to keep the motivation up & high.

    I will update on my weight loss tomorrow. I surely feel lighter on my tummy.

    Good luck,