Herbalife Diet

Has anyone ever heard of or has used any herbalife products? I have been using the advanced package for 3 weeks now. It consist of 2 shakes per day along with suppliments 3x/per day. Since I started this diet January 17th. I havent lost a single solid pound. I am so irritated. Im not all about these quick diets so I don't want people to judge. I felt like this diet plan fit me perfectly becuase I am so busy at work that being able to shake up a really healthy shake and have that as an alternative meal was perfect for me. If you look at my food diary, I feel like I am following a pretty healthy diet. Could someone help me please. Its so frustrating to be working so hard at something and you get no results.


  • ashmarkstm
    ashmarkstm Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just going to pick out little tid bits as I go back into your diary in the past days.

    Yesterday, IMO, you did not consume nearly enough calories. Not getting enough food will cause your body to store fat, so the weight your losing is just being stored elsewhere instead of being eliminated from your body. Also, try to add more fruits & veggies into your daily diet.

    Thursday, switch out your white rice for brown rice. Always choose whole grains! Also, try to skip out on cheese when you can. Cheez its, huh? lol Well that's also a no-no. Wasted calories!

    Wednesday, pizza AND twizzlers on that day lol more calories that will aim straight for maintaining and gaining weight. Cup noodles, also not a healthy choice. Remember, just because you're eating within or right near your calorie goals doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want with those calories. What you eat determines if that weight comes off or just moves somewhere else in your body.

    Tuesday, more twizzlers and you added fritos as well.

    From what I can see, you need to add more fruit & vegetables, and stop eating the candy, chips, popcorns, etc... those are counterproductive to what you are trying to accomplish. I realize you're still under your 1500 calorie goal, but choosing those things to get to that goal are going to sabotage you.

    Are you eating those things because you crave gotta have the, because you want the crunch popcorn & chips give you, or just because they're there and easy?

    Crave/gotta have chocolate? Grab almonds instead.
    Just want something sweet? Fruit.
    Crunchy? You can grab nuts to replace that need for something crunchy as well.

    Here is a link that you can check out as well:

    Fill that caloric intake with things that will actually help, not hurt you. Stop buying them if you know you'll eat them if they're around!
  • mrs_maier
    mrs_maier Posts: 9 Member
    I started the full blown program as well and saw absolutely NO RESULTS! I was devestated given the costs. I stopped taking the pills though and just went with the shake mix and the tea whenever I wanted something different and I am starting to see results now. I'm not sure if these exist all over the country, but where I live there are Herbalife Cafe's where you can order over 35 different flavors of shakes, their teas and get an aloe shot for an extremely affordable price per meal. A lot of their receipes for the shakes come with mixing in fruit, PB2 and other supplements like that. Have you tried googling receipes to "bulk up" your shakes? Or are you just drinking them milk+powder? I also stopped using regular milk and replaced it with almond milk. Tastes way better and is WAY healthier for you.

    Good luck, don't lose hope!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    There are no magic pills or shakes.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I used Herbalife and lost about 15 lbs in a month. I didn't use the pills, but I did follow the plan and calorie limits.Actually, everyone I know who followed the diet ended up losing some weight. (We also gained it back once we stopped because none of us changed our eating habits.) I don't think the shakes are your problem because they only regulate your calorie consumption. If you aren't losing, it's most likely because you aren't following the diet correctly or a representative didn't set you up your goals correctly.
  • hungergames324
    hungergames324 Posts: 240 Member
    you aren't eating enough. You also need to eat more protein.