Craving chocolate

What specifically do you eat when you are craving a chocolate bar?


  • jmadamczyk
    jmadamczyk Posts: 25 Member
    i was just literally about to post this topic myself. I'm craving it, too!! Not just chocolate flavor but the texture of chocolate chips. Man I wish I had a high metabolism. :(
  • Haha! I'm racking my brain on how to satisfy this craving...
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a dark chocolate fan, so I like to have a few dark chocolate bars in the house. I recently bought Whole Foods brand organic dark chocolate bars (regular and one with coconut) and they're really, really good. I also like Endangered Species chocolate and really respect the company.
    When I lived near a Trader Joe's I would buy a pack of mini dark chocolate bars for $1.99. The serving size was one bar and it was immensely satisfying to eat an entire bar of chocolate without consuming a ton of calories.
  • chl823
    chl823 Posts: 48
    I just bought a small bag of sugar free peppermint york patties. Going to try one if I have a chocolate attack, LOL! I've done 3 weeks and haven't gave in to my favorites, snickers and chocolate covers peanuts! It is frustrating that grocery store put all those candy bars right where you check out, I make sure to skip the candy isle and check out and there it is staring me in the face. So far I've WON!
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate does the trick for me. 25 calories per mug.
  • ashmarkstm
    ashmarkstm Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with the poster above me! I would always crave chocolate & I would just grab a packet of Swiss Miss chocolate powder and either make me some hot cocoa or eat the powder by itself (lol!)
    Another great alternative is almonds, if you like them!

    Right now, I'm on Herbalife, so I drink chocolate shakes twice a day anyway--viola! No chocolate cravings because I'm getting 32oz of chocolate shake a day haha!
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate does the trick for me. 25 calories per mug.

    This is a rich, guilt free chocolate drink that tastes as good as any sugared up hot cocoa with more calories.

    Though not everyone on MFP would with agree me...(please clean eaters....don't jump down my throat over this comment.)...I consume a lot of chocolate flavored items in my current food plan. I do include things like chocolate meal replacement shakes, meal replacement bars and some of those low calorie snack packs made by Kellogg's, Slimfast, and others. One of favorites is the Keebler's Rite Bites - Fudge Dipped Pretzels for 100 calories. I like to just suck on one of them for a while to fill my mouth with the chocolate flavor before eating the pretzel.

    Most folks on MFP (especially the clean food folks) would have a fit at that idea, but I'm doing it 'my way' for now. Maybe later, I will get on the no processed food band wagon...but not yet. :wink:

    I have always loved chocolate and don't see why I can't lose weight and still have my favorite flavor. If and when I stop losing weight, I may have to reevaluate my chocolate level...but I am still losing weight.
  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    I will eat a fun size piece of candy. Whatever the serving size piece is. It usually helps
  • I have a low cal snack like a snack a jack or a warburtons thin spread with a teaspoon of chocolate hazelnut spread - just enough to keep me from reaching for more!
  • wisebuys
    wisebuys Posts: 51 Member
    I go for hot chocolate also. Being hot and liquid it kills the craving QUICK! Fudge bars also do the trick when you need something cold (I live in Florida). I also mix a couple dark choc covered acai and almonds and walnuts for a quick pick me up (go easy on this).
    Its good for a quick energy fix, be sure to drink a lot of water with it.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    when I crave chocolate.. I eat chocolate..Making brownies right now..
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I just eat half of any kind of chocolate bar I want because it usually fits into my calorie limit. If I have a craving I give my body what it wants to avoid getting moody and such.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Coffee with 2 small squares dark chocolate or a small choc chip cookie sometimes works for me. Or a handful of coco pops if I want a little more. Or u can have the bar and exercise it off. Even better: exercise first, drink some water and see if u really want it after...

    Of course I'm a male, I'm told by my better half sometimes I don't understand women's cravings (even if I have a sweet tooth myself)
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    What specifically do you eat when you are craving a chocolate bar?

    ....a chocolate bar. Is it a trick question? :wink: Seriously though, if I want chocolate I eat it. Unless I'm craving it 24/7, which I don't. I just buy dark chocolate and eat a square now and then. Also bought some Bluebell mini icecream sandwiches which are 100 cal/ea.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have a Dove Promise dark chocolate caramel with sea salt as the last thing I eat every day.
    I make it last 4 small bites and let it slowly melt on my tongue.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Ps I just checked out your profile: u can afford to eat the bar (I can't) lol
  • When I crave chocolate, there are a number of things I do. If I have time to make something, I'll turn to the blog Chocolate Covered Katie - she has great and healthy dessert and sweets recipes. Otherwise, I purchase high cacao content chocolate squares and eat one or two of those. If you deprive yourself, you wind up splurging and going overboard. So I budget calories in order to get my sweet fix.
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    Besdies all these great ideas, I've discovered Kusmi Tea's "Euphoria", which is a tea (actually maté) flavoured with orange and chocolate. Zero cals and marvelous. You can order it from Amazon.