Convince me on why I need to exercise



  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    Because I want to live a healthy lifestyle. This includes moving my body every single day. I want to be able to hike, ski, bike and run and feel strong.
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    I exercise so I can do more. I am tired of wanting to garden and having to take a break in 15 min. And this spring am redoing my fence that was badly put in by some yahoos last summer. At 56 and fat and out of shape I am too dang young to be feeling this weak.

    So I will keep lifting and doing my ab work for ME cuz I like the results of being able to do more without being in pain.

    And I am going to run a 5k this summer with a friend. Never run a race in my life, I think its time! I like doing things a little outside my comfort zone now and then, keeps me young.

    Don't exercise if you don't want to. Its your body, but when you get my age don't whine about it that walking 3 miles is killing your knees blah blah blah, just start moving then. Its never too late.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I got over 2 feet of snow. I went out and shovelled us out, took almost 2 hours and I not only don't feel like ****, I feel great. The exercise I've been doing allowed me to be in shape to go take care of the shovelling and not die. Stairs don't kick my *kitten*, I run, a lot and I love it.

    I feel good, not just now, but all the time. At 42 years of age I've never felt this good. Exercise rocks!!!
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I am a swimmer. I do water aerobics and swim laps. Any exercise you choose can do for you what swimming does for me:

    Strengthens and stretches my muscles making all movement more powerful and comfortable (walking down the street, lifting bags of groceries, etc.)
    Increases my metabolism so that I am burning calories even when I'm not exercising.
    Makes me feel strong. When I swim, I can feel my "skinny" body in there working.
    Connects me with other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle.
    Increases my confidence. I like knowing that I am taking care of my body.
    Helps me sleep like a baby.
    Enhances my appearance. I love showing off my "swim shoulders" in strapless dresses all year long!
    Makes me feel sexy.

    So, do whatever you like: walk in the park, dance in your loving room, take a group class. . .and just see what it does for you!

    Good luck. :)
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    If u need to be convinced why u need to workout you're not ready
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am not losing weight so I can see a magic number on a scale. I am losing weight to be healthy. Exercise helps me feel more stable. I get light headed when I have issues with my metabolism, and when I work out on a regular basis, I don't feel like that anymore. I'm sick of being weak and helpless.

    Also, for the ladies, strength training is good for your bones. Who wants to be frail and get osteoporosis later? Not me!
  • Purecity_2113
    Purecity_2113 Posts: 5 Member

    Because its healthy to be active. That is all. If thats not good enough for you, then you're doing it wrong. Lol.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I exercise because I want to be as fit and mobile as I can be for as long as I can. Use it or lose it.

    My 86 year old grandmother - who had a very active early life but got little to no exercise from her 40s onwards has mobility and bone density issues and I would like to be spritely and mobile at her age.

    And exercise always makes me feel good. It is the best form of therapy.
  • thintor
    "exercise gives you endorphins. endorphins make you happy. happy people don't kill their husbands. they just don't"

    i exercise because it makes me feel good.
  • biddy249
    biddy249 Posts: 76 Member
    I agree with this guy, you are not ready! Well said my friend.
  • starvinkevin
    Haha - I know I need to exercise but its really hard for me to get started.... I don't want to but once I force myself to do something I can take it to the extreme (I used to do 8-13 mile runs 3x/week this time last year, then started heavy lifting for 8 months, and eventually stopped a couple months ago) so I'm not a noob to exercise, I'm just really resistant to starting it when the scale is moving along even without it. But yeah I guess my 35lb yo-yo weight really reveals that without exercise it's hard to maintain a healthy weight.
  • usedmemories07
    usedmemories07 Posts: 7 Member
    The more I exercise, the easier long term maintenance will be. Muscle burns more calories than fat, why would I not want to burn more calories?? And while being slim, and toned? Sign me up!
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Here's why *I* exercise:

    Skinny people look good in clothes.
    Fit people look good naked.

    I want to look good naked, lol!
  • starvinkevin
    HAHA - true... I misss abs :(. Maybe I'll just do light cardio and ab junk...
    Here's why *I* exercise:

    Skinny people look good in clothes.
    Fit people look good naked.

    I want to look good naked, lol!
  • sunnylv
    sunnylv Posts: 42 Member
    Two words: cellulite, and belly fat. I don't want either one of these. Strength training, running, bicycling, walking, crossfit.....I do all of these to make myself stronger.

    Think of two people in their 30's. They are about the same height 5'7 and both weigh 150 lbs. The first doesn't lift, doesn't exercise, and doesn't strength train. The second does these things three to five times a week.

    Which one will be stronger? Which one will live longer? Which one will have healthier bones? Which one will have a healthier heart? Which one will have the confidence of mastering their body? Which one will be happier?

    Let's go further....which one will be in a wheel chair sooner? Which one will have trouble with diabetes? Which one will break a hip sooner? Which one will die of a heart attack?

    Just a thought.

    I know which one I want to be.

    How about you?
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I quit smoking so I wouldn't orphan my kids at an early age. I'm exercising so I don't widow my husband at an early age. There are people who live for me, and I for them. I have to keep up my end of it all, and actually live.
  • Fredrigo
    Fredrigo Posts: 134 Member
    I exercise so I can keep doing the things I enjoy doing and I know that as I age my metabolism will continue to slow the more exercise is a part of my routine the easier it will be adjust that routine to compensate (or at least keep me active enough to enjoy life until they develop a cure for aging)
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Because my goal is not just to lose weight, but to be fit. From my profile:
    My ultimate goal is to be healthy, lean and strong and to be able to have an enjoyable, active lifestyle doing whatever strikes my fancy. I want to no longer be limited by my broken down, fat body.

    If I decide I want to play with my kids, run, jump, do hand stands in the yard, climb a tree, surf, water ski, ride a bike, paddle a boat, climb a mountain, go on an adventure trek to Patagonia, hike the Appalachian Trail or any number of other activities/adventures, I want to be able to do so without the limitations imposed on me because I'm fat and out of shape. The number on the scale is not the goal, though it does help me track progress.
  • zumbarock
    zumbarock Posts: 86 Member
    "exercise gives you endorphins. endorphins make you happy. happy people don't kill their husbands. they just don't"

    i exercise because it makes me feel good.

    Husbands I'm sure are also happy we get our endorphins!! Haha love it!!
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    This is a common pitfall in viewing exercise. Exercise is not just for weight loss. People need to exercise for health reasons. Exercise improves your lipid profile, decrease your risk of cardiovascular diseases, decrease your risk of cancer, insulin resistance, and metabolic disorders. It also improves your mood, your posture, your blood flow, your lymphatic flow, your brain function including your memory. People overweight, healthy weight, obese, etc. need to exercise in order to improve the quality of their life and increase their longevity. Its very short sighted to just view exercise as a way of losing weight because it means so much more than that.

    I have the same experience. I lose weight easier without exercise and just plain diet sometimes but my body definitely feels more toned with exercise. I feel stronger and fitter.