newbie 20's needing to lose a lot of weight?

Hey everyone, my name's James, I'm 26 from South Central Illinois, and no by that I don't mean the south suburbs of Chicago LOL. I've decided to start a journey to get myself into shape, because I look at my dad who has some health issues because of his weight and I don't want to end up like him. I have a LONG way to go, but I've already lost around 10 lbs, but could always use more friends to keep me motivated as I'm single and don't have a real good support system in place offline to keep me on track. I go to the gym daily and all but even with that it seems easy to go off track, so anybody who can motivate me, as well as positive reinforcement when I backfire is always welcome :)

Great to meet y'all... God I've been around my friends from Texas too long with that line lol


  • missfroggiexxx
    missfroggiexxx Posts: 9 Member
    Im 20, Looking to lose weight for the same reasons as yourself - Family conditions!

    The fact that you have already lose 10lbs IS AWESOME!!! so congratulations.

    This site is awesome for support and inspiration!!!
  • labellecanuck
    labellecanuck Posts: 105 Member
    I'm in my 20s as well and boy is it a struggle. It seems like every activity revolves around food and drinking. I also go to the gym daily so maybe we can motivate each other and trade routines.
  • hampstenj
    hampstenj Posts: 85 Member
    Yeah it seems like everything revolves food... Most of it diet destroying food at that... I'd love to help motivate you as your in your journey too...
  • hampstenj
    hampstenj Posts: 85 Member
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    feel free to add - the LA fitness in hyde park chicago used to be my home lol
  • hampstenj
    hampstenj Posts: 85 Member
    bump... anyone can add me, the more people who can motivate and help keep me accountable the better
  • gfiorine
    gfiorine Posts: 40 Member
    I'd be glad to help out. I'm new here too and I agree. It's so easy to get derailed with food and get discouraged at the gym.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 19 and don't have much weight to lose but I have tons of tips and love motivating others. :)