Stupid hormones!

I've regained 20 pounds of the 40 I lost in the last six months despite the fact my diet is mostly unchanged. I'm officially peri menopausal and I'm stressed out at work. My doctors best advice? "HRT will do that. Try cutting back to 1250 calories a day. Oh, and I think you might be hypothyridic."

Well, great! Because weight loss isn't hard enough, right?

I've been on MFP for six months and love it, but I think I could use some more support. So I'm looking for some!

Anyone wanna be friends? :)


  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Do you mean hypothyroid?

    Regardless, I know how you feel. I have hypothyroid caused by Hashimoto's, and I cannot lose a pound. I have literally been the exact same weight since september. I keep track of almost every calorie I eat, I play tennis several times a week, and I do other workouts as well. I am on medication for the thyroid, which has somewhat helped with my energy, but I'm still quite lazy and tired often, and my metabolism is super slow.

    Its so frustrating and upsetting to work so hard and rarely see any results. Especially since it's out of our control :sad:
  • MichiganJen
    MichiganJen Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, hypothyroid. I had a blood panel done and have an ultrasound Monday so I should know something for sure soon.

    It's totally frustrating!!
  • redjch
    redjch Posts: 18
    I can totally relate! Hypothyroid and peri menopausal here too. I am on meds for the thyroid and have been for the past 20 years. Weight loss is slow, but you can do it!! It will stay off if it is lost slowly, as opposed to quickly.
    I have lost and gained back the same 20 lbs over and over, but I'm determined this time to lose it forever! A positive attitude will help as well as the "doing it for myself, not anyone else" idea.
    Good luck! I will add you to my friends, if you'd like.
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    Hang in there! Quitting isn't going to get you anywhere. My mom has thyroid problems and she is always watching her weight - trying to lose.
  • kimbohouser
    kimbohouser Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to be your friend. I am also perimenopausal and don't like where my fat is now being distributed on my body. I have lost about 6 pounds in a month on a 1200 caloried diet but I am afraid the closer I get to my goal the slower the pounds will come off. If anyone has some advice how to keep losing please friend me and let me know. I am taking birth control right now but am thinking about HRT. I would like to know more about it.